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Everything posted by vicenzo70

  1. Im of the opinion that Wharfedale's sound is a bit muffled. But if u like what u hear, dont let me stop u. But theyre good for music listening though esp bassy type. cheers
  2. Avoid Jamo. Yes, do check out at Adelphi with your given budget. A lot of bros here are DefTech owners. Cheers
  3. Bro Get a 2nd hand AVR. Its better not to let your speakers idle. I have to sell my DefTech when i was posted overseas even if its only for 1 year. Particles may built up on unused equipment, esp audio devices. cheers
  4. @HET - Youre welcome. Bro frezhman, u havent got a AVR yet? Your OPPO83 sitting alone do what? cheers
  5. Speakers facing towards where you should be seated. At least a 30 degrees tilted. Rear speakers position, whenever possible, to be at least 2-3 feet AWAY from ceiling top. It'll look ugly unless you want to invest in speakers stands. About time you upgrade your AVR, bro. Cheers
  6. Bluray player is just a device to play BR, DVD etc. It has nothing to do with rms. We use WATT (W) to measure power. Until today, no maker of soundbar has ever convincingly tell me how does a soundbar emit audio of a rear speaker. Having a 5.1 system is not messy. There's plenty of ways to conceal cables. But if youre convince soundbar is the way to go for u, all the best. cheers
  7. Got meh? How come I didnt notice mine before? cheers
  8. What book shelf speakers are u getting? Wall mount would be appropriate. Cheers
  9. Get the 508. The 308 doesnt have Dolby PLII, no Audessey processwing & its only 65W. It depends on what speakers are you matching with in the end. Cheers
  10. Yep. If he has a budget of $800 to burn for "got-sound-can-liao" quality, then by all means go for it. Im merely advising him against buying a soundbar.
  11. Well done!!! Another B&W owner. At least get them to commission the system for u. Your receiver may be a bit underpowered. They didnt recommend the Yammy 765? Cheers
  12. I wonder what gave u the idea. If u possess the older B&W DM series or the DefTech CLR series, you'll be surprised what people will pay for it. Sad to say, even Bose has good resale value. Cheers
  13. Why dont u invest in a proper HTS than a soundbar which probably produce low standard audio & has no resale value? Kindly search this forum about Soundbar deficiencies. Ive done a lot of fieldwork on this device. One word - Crap. Cheers
  14. Why dont u go for panasonic's plasma TV? The panel is made in japan. Cheers
  15. If you have $2K to spend, I rather u get a more "updated" HTS. Nakamichi 10 has all the old attributes, AC3, DD, DTS & Pro Logic. I suggest u take a stroll to adelphi & audition a few systems before plunging in. Worst of all, Nakamichi is not upgradeable. Cheers
  16. To answer your queries - - Are their sound being compromised greatly? NO & NEVER - Are they expensive? YES, but not as expensive as BOSE - Which shops in Aldephi is more specialized in such speakers or B&W systems? E77 (next to KEC but has limited range) or visit the B&W hop at Lavender Street (next to Imminent Plaza) - price like? $2K upwards
  17. Yes, HTM62 would be a great match with the M1 fronts. As for B&W sub, only the PV1 stands out, IMHO. Ive a friend who uses a velodyne CHT10R to compliment his B&W M1 set up. Cheers
  18. Bro if youre going to spend $3k upwards on a Morel, i suggest u audition B&W MT25 system before deciding. Cheers
  19. Hi It'll be good if you give a little more details. We're not good at guessing. R708- ? Onkyo NR708? Mirage 5.1 = ? Mx, nano, nanosat, nanosat prestige?????? cheers
  20. Next time check out the prices of electronic items from HDB shops eg Everjoint, Goh ah Bee etc For those looking to buy LED Tvs, their prices are at premium as youre paying for technology clawback costs. And their specs arent that great either. Cheers
  21. Sunnytan hi Lets have your budget & your preference for movies or music? Cheers
  22. RGA/Composite can only upscale DVD to 1080i while HDMI can upscale to 1080p. There is difference but that depends on the chipset of your DVD player. The OPPO983 DVD player uses the VRS video processor & it produces one of the best pix quality using HDMI as compared to using normal RGA/Comp cables. Cheers
  23. Your statement is not true. BD is expensive if u buy it locally. Whereas if you buy from Amazon US or UK, its as cheap as USD9.99. I bought Red Cliff 1 & 2 from Amazon UK for just GBP7.49 (about $16) Postage charges is standard 10-15% of BD prices. Btw, some local websites in Spore have a very active BD reseller forum. Its just cheap as $15 from some of these sellers. Ive dumped my DVD collection for a song. BD is the way to go. Pix & Audio quality is several notches better than DVD. Havent look back since. Cheers