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Everything posted by vicenzo70

  1. You have to be patient & wait for another MO. If not, just buy direct from Monoprice. Its quite safe. Cheers
  2. Normally yes but dont bet on the shop giving you the better quality HDMI cables. You might as well get it yourself. There's a MO for MONOPRICE HDMI cables at www.xtremeplace.com Its made in US, its cheap (around S$15 for a 3m HDMI cable) & its top end. Cheers
  3. Tannoy Arena is a very chio speakers with good reviews but theyre pretty expensive. Def Tech without saying, is very good for fast pack action movies watching. And Mythos is one system Ive pre-owned previously. To match the Mythos, Im suggesting you upgrade your superb Velodyne sub to the Velodyne 12Q or get the Minivee altogether. As for the receiver, ditch it. It'll be really underpower for your speakers choices #1 & #2. May I suggest the Yamaha 1065 or the Onkyo 807/707. Lastly, you can consider the B&W M1 speakers which IMHO, on par with the Tannoy Arena but slightly cheaper. Cheers
  4. I stand corrected. MOST property agents are dubious & scheming. I'll tell u guys a story. We were looking for a unit around AMK 3 years ago & found what we wanted. High floor, good surroundings & the COV met our requirements, which was $45K above valuation. Was about to sign the S&P agreement the next day when the agent suddenly called & said someone has offered $60K & asked whether we want to top up. Mind you, we dont have an agent representing us. The agent (for the seller) beforehand, assured us then that anyone meeting the sellers' asking price will get it. We asked for confirmation & evidence that such offer do exist & apparently so, it does. We decline the offer as $60K was too much to pay for. Here comes the twist : Met the seller 2 months after that quite by chance & asked have they moved out. They told me that the agent played them out as well. The $60K offer was from one of the agent's friend to jack up the prices in hoping I would buy at a higher price. In the end, the 60K offer was pulled out & the owner appointed another agent & sold it for $32K above value. Its a loss loss situation for the seller & the would be buyer (myself) Now, if property agents can resort to these sneaky tactics I do wonder what kind of upbringing their family background is. If they want to make a profit, do it honestly. Cheers
  5. 2.1 = 2 speakers (usually L & R)+ 1 subwoofer 3.1 = 2 L&R speakers + 1 centre speaker (70% importance) + 1 subwoofer. Hope this clears the jargon. You still require a receiver though. What i can suggest get a 2nd hand receiver (no more than $300) & that will leave u with $500 to procure new speakers. Cheers
  6. Hi Cant think of any. maybe the Klipsch CS-500 2.1 But i do question the wisdom of having a 2.1 instead of a 3.1. Cheers
  7. If youre going down to The Experts (B&W showroom, next to Imminient Plaza), do look for kenny. And ask him to audition you the 600 series speakers. IMHO, theyre much much better than Bose. Cheers
  8. hahahah. i find your uncle funny. If KEF is small, then Bose is a big speaker? people who buys Bose, sorry to say, are from old school. They have money to pay for reliable, over-rated, jurassic technology equipment but dont dare to venture further. If you are dead set on Denon, get the 2310 if youre getting the KEF3005. They compliment one another. Cheers
  9. Hi I have both Onkyo & yamaha receivers side by side & for comparison (rather than hearsay) Yamaha sound brighter while Onkyo sounds warmer. There you have it. Btw, who is batpig? I think his advise is ill-advised. Firstly its not about features though the Denon 2310 has the hi bit video conversion (whatever that it) which the 1610 dont possess. Onkyo uses the superb Faroudja chipset while Yamaha uses the Burr-Brown DAC chipset which is quite good for music. Lastly, its all about power. KEF3005 needs at least 100W power handling so you need a comparable receiver for that which in this case, the Denon2310. But before you plonk into Denon, do audition with the Onkyos 707/807 or Yamaha 1065. Then if you tell me Denon2310 is better I have nothing else to say. Cheers
  10. Hi Kindly check with your uncle which brand of HTS systems is not kiddy looking? KEF looks futuristic but BOSE (Buy Other Sound System) design looks antique. Also do check with your uncle would you want to pay $3.5K for a system that dont support HD format? (HD master audio & Tru HD) A simple set of DefTech Pro800 + a receiver cost less than $3K & supports the latest HD audio. And personally, Bluray is leading the way. I see more & more people are dumping their Region 1 DVDs at rock bottom prices & start collecting Blurays. If you have $3.5K to burn, ask your uncle to visit the B&W shop at lavender street. Then you ask him to make comparison with Bose. He loves Denon is because......? Cheers
  11. Hi Marantz 6004 is a superb receiver. Thums up to you. Very good if youre into music listening. Do ensure you have a good dedicated CD player. Cheers
  12. Hi The Denon2310 will have the sufficient power to drive your KEF3005. Your speakers placement are ok & make sure the centre speaker is below the superb Panny plasma instead of above it. I would like to comment why havent anyone been reading my postings? I wouldnt recommend Denon (messy manual & its a 6 ohm receiver) for your KEF as I believe the KEF3005 is a 8ohm impedance speakers. Relative speaking, its takes a lot of power from the receiver to drive the speaker. Why dont you go with my recommendation & audition the ONKYO or YAMAHA receiver? Both are 8 Ohm certified receivers. Cheers
  13. Bro Take your pick. there's the R45HD & the R90HD. Both are 8ohms speakers though the R90 can handle double the power of the R45 which makes it very suitable for the living room. As for the sub, get the SVS or Velodyne. You wont regret it & im even willing to stake my name on it. The receivers Ive mentioned are above S$1k (since Dec2009). prices may have dropped a bit so do check with the shops. Cheers
  14. Bro Ive auditioned Morel MT-1 & 2 & at these prices theyre selling, you might as well go for the cheaper yamaha nsp speakers which is about $900. Btw, Morel MT-1 & 2 are 6 ohm impedance. The good thing is, you dont need a powerful receiver to power it. For me, I like it dynamic, heavy & detailed audio,so i would go for 8ohm speakers that can handle more power. Again,iif Morel has the chio factor & you liked the sound & agree with the price, dont let me stop you. Im just expressing an opinion here. Cheers
  15. Hi If space is a premium, get a satelitte speakers system. U need to audition them. Plenty of shops at Adelphi. As for soundbars, I'm very bias against their technology. There you go. Cheers
  16. If you want for music, get Monitor Radius HD or MS genie. Both are good for music, especially MA (Monitor Audio) KEC do sell Marantz amp but do audition this combination. As for your KEF3005, try to audition with both Onkyo 707/807 or yamaha 1065 & decide from there. Cheers
  17. Bro If your room is smallish, i would not recommend a full 5.1 system. The sub placement is important as the best place to feel its effect is in front of you, NOT by the side. For room, i would only suggest a 3.1 system. KHT5005, IMHO, is an overkill, unless your room is big enough, say as big as a living room of a 4room HDB. Have u considered Deftech pro60 for your bedroom? Its value for money & one of the best system Ive ever owned. It'll give u more budget to invest for your living room HTS. Marantz receiver is good for for music lovers. Very mellow. Onkyo & yamaha amps are tight & punchy, extremely good for movie watching. Take your choice. Hope this info helps. Cheers
  18. Hi Are you looking for KEF KHT5005.2 or 5002.2? If its 5005.2, where in the world are you placing your sub & your receiver in the bedroom? Your centre speaker should be placed under your display unit instead of above to reach optimum enjoyment. KHT3005SE is a good buy & i would suggest an Onkyo with at least 100W upwards power handling. Cant remember any model off hand. How much are they quoting for the 3005SE? Forget morel. way too expensive. But if you have cash to burn, go for B&W. Cheers
  19. 100HZ & 200HZ has significant visual difference is watched in High definition format. But if 100HZ is good enough for you, then so be it. The Z4500 specs is quite tops & with the Motionflow 200Hz feature, you can guarantee the best display on fast moving action without the jitters. cheers
  20. You left out yamaha which Im of the opinion is slightly below the Onkyo receivers. Denon is good is you can master their manuals which to me, is a nightmare. Cheers
  21. Go HDMI. Less mess & super quality audio & video. Cheers
  22. Highly doubt KEC will participate in any events as their business is always by referrals. Plus KEC's exclusive products are considered as high end & not your usual Samsungs, Sonys or LGs. Cheers
  23. Individual preferences but for optimum CD music listening, its better to be on stereo. (2 speakers) What about back surround sound? Sorry, im still confused until today as to how a soundbar can replicate a proper back speaker sound output. Cheers
  24. Hi Most AV shops in adelphi sells cables & they do sell in any required length. Kindly pop over & ask for the pricing & brands. Sufficiently, you just need to get some entry level cables for surround speakers. We're talking only about $80-$100 for the length you required. Cheers
  25. Go try out the few shops in Adelphi to audition. Not sure which shop carries Energy speakers anymore but the Encore series is solid. I would say $2-2.5K will suffice for your HTS hunt. Cheers