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nextstep last won the day on November 16 2015

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  1. Been such a long time I didn't log in here. After stay in for 1 year plus, the ID team finally manage to take the photo of my cave. So here is the result. So far the ID still very helpful and will help whenever I need some advice in term of design or deco, also some minor fix they still will help as much as they can. btw feeling so proud and happy that my messy cave get featured in the current issue of LookBox Living
  2. Your house also very nice lor, be frank didn't change anything since I move in, all I can say is getting more and more messy hahaha.
  3. My ID is ArtistRoom this is this webpage http://www.artistroom.com.sg/#/home
  4. pipsqueak, thanks for the compliment. I am so sorry I lots all my sample during the moves from the previous house, but if I am not wrong the brand is formica. You might want to check it out
  5. Don't jelly, feel free to come visit with your hubby lah. My house really empty but somehow I think I might keep it this way, easy to clean hahaha!!! (Lazy me) but again still got lots of thing to get to fill up some space.
  6. The carpet is from iRUG.com.sg hope you can find something you like there.
  7. Thanks huiamos, it's from SCENE SHANG, you can find their item from TANGS orchard as well.
  8. Hi all, so sorry I been missing for such a long time, after move in lots of party and with a super busy work situation not much have change since the day I move in. Been trying to find some art for the wall, but noting catch my eye, finally found a photo I like but after checking the price I decided to find some other source, hope my wall will deco with something real soon, very empty lolz. Finally took some photos, here is the update after 3 months in the house and this is how it look like.
  9. Thank you very much. Thanks!! coming coming!! Uploading it to photobucket now.
  10. So sorry I gone missing for such a long time, with a new boss I kinda stop doing anything for the house. So not much change but I finally took some pic will upload in a while ya. Kara, finally I am back, after reply u guys I will upload photo liao.
  11. Thank you very much Sapphire89 for your compliment. The carpet I got it a irug.com, you can go check it out.
  12. Hi hi I am so sorry for the late reply, I get my sofa customised at Blåfink (You can find their info at Facebook) Overall I am happy with the sofa, you can't compare with the original, as the original will cost about 10K but the look is almost 90% similar, but the original one is soon comfy, but this one not that bad as well, as I like my sofa a bit hard.
  13. So sorry for the late reply, I am back!!! Been MIA for a long time hahaha Man's cave mah so need to be man lor!! lolz!! Hope no smelly man smell here Thank you very much, I am glad you like what you see. Will try to take more pic soon. As of now still not final complete the look I want to achieve haha!! Need a floor lamp, a nice painting/ photo to hang on my wall, room also can be messy at times. I still keep buying things here and there. SUper chill hor, as I plan to move in before CNY that is why super chill, But it took me about 1 months to confirm my ID and took nearly 3-4 weeks for finalise the design and ding dong between HDB. That is why it drag till last month lor PMed! Hi Spidy this is the model I got myself CSG656RS1, yes is a series 8. The one I got is a smaller model, they do have a standard size model but is more costly. Loving it so far, been using it to prep meal.