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Everything posted by zzz123

  1. hi Tim, kindly pm me system 4 prices (3 bedroom and 1 living) and the brands. thanks
  2. Hi Chris, please quote me mit system 4 aircon for my 5 rm flat (3 bedroom and 1 living) mxy-4a28va msy-ge24va x 1 msy-ge10ca x 3 1/2" Armaflex Insulation G22 Copper Coil 16mm drainage with Armaflex Insulation or if there are other suitable brands, please quote me too.
  3. Hi Aron, please quote me mit system 4 aircon for my 5 rm flat (3 bedroom and 1 living) mxy-4a28va msy-ge24va x 1 msy-ge10ca x 3 1/2" Armaflex Insulation G22 Copper Coil 16mm drainage with Armaflex Insulation or if there are other suitable brands, please quote me too.
  4. Hi sunshine5388, mind to pm me Beng Hui's contact? thinking of getting him to quote for my hm reno. thank you.
  5. Hi Aron, can you pm me prices for a single split air con for living room? mine is 5 room flat. thanks
  6. hi singasamurai, do you mind pm me the list of IDs in your post? especially contact for HS Lim? thank you very much.....