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Everything posted by duomaxwell

  1. Errm.. Sorry but i don't have the exact breakup of the cost as the quote provided to me was together with TV feature wall (the borders surrounding the craft bricks) as illustrated in the photo below
  2. As the car got 3 Singaporeans, we can enjoy S$450 (S$150 x 3) GST tax relief (http://www.customs.gov.sg/leftNav/trav/Duty-free+Concession+and+GST+Relief.html). As such, we will only need to declare GST for goods worth S$72 (~S$522-S$450) which works out to be S$5.04 (S$72 x 7%).
  3. Since Missy wanted a Scandinavian theme for our theme and recently there is a craze to do up brick walls in the living room, we played around with this idea as well. But was taken back after knowing the cost of craft bricks in singapore. One box cost about S$85 (1 box is 1m2 and if HDB ceiling height is 2.8m, will need 3 boxes for every 1m) Initially thought of using wallpaper with brick design from taobao (http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.1.aBnbyx&id=42584311909&ns=1&abbucket=5to get the "look" but Missy did not prefer it as wallpaper does not have the "feel" Luckily, we came across a few thread which home owners went across the causeway to purchase craftbricks as it is cheaper (Cost RM110 per box). Managed to get the telephone no of Craftstone Malaysia @ http://www.craftstone.com.sg/contact-us/. Call them on a Sunday and realised that they are not open on Sundays, as a result need to arrange a weekday or Sat drive into Johor to purchase the craft bricks. Based on our calculation, we will need to fixed up craft bricks for a length of ~3m (which will require 3 boxes x 3 metres = 9 boxes). We got 3 more boxes as spare / wastage (In total we decided to get 12 boxes) As we made our purchase after the implementation of GST (6%) in Malaysia, We got to pay RM110 x 12 = RM 1320 + 6% = RM 1399.20 (~S$522 [Rate 2.68 as of 3rd April 2015]), an addition of RM79.20 (~S$29.55) for 6% GST. But it is still cheaper than if we are going to purchase from Singapore as 12 boxes will cost S$85 x 12 = S$1020. So we save about S$1020 - S$522 = $498. We drove in and met the sales personnel at a row of shop house after Kulai toll as she mention that we will get lost if we are going to meet her at their office/factory. Her colleague help us load the 12 boxes of craft bricks onto our car from a pickup truck. Since each box weighted about 21kg, we got to distribute the weight evenly throughout the car as the rear suspension of the car sunk as we loaded 4 boxes into the boot. So the distribution is as follow: 1) 4 x boxes in the boot 2) 5 x boxes in the rear passenger seat 3) 3 x boxes in the front passenger seat 4) 2 x adult (female) in the rear passenger seat 5) 1 x adult in the driver seat We had a difficult time carrying all the 12 boxes from the car (parked) at the void deck to Missy's house as each box weight about 21kg. Missy and her sister at one time can only carry 1 box while i carried 2 boxes. Luckily we thought of using the trolley which we obtain from the purchase of printer from IT show after the 1st trip and the trolley helped us lessen our burden. It was a great workout to move 12 boxes of craft bricks from the car to Missy's house. Since we got our own craftbricks, our ID will only be charging us labour for the "sticking" of craftbricks in the living room So people, do prepare trolley if there is an intend to purchase craft bricks from Malaysia (or alternative, i understand from other threads that delivery of craftbricks to your doorstep from Malaysia can be arranged with transportation charges)
  4. Next purchase for the house (Kitchen in specific) will be from Grohe again, but this time round, we brought it from Insani24.de instead of locally as the price difference is too huge. Locally Interior Affairs is selling the Grohe Eurodisc Cosmopolitan Kitchen Mixer @ $488 after 25% discount (usual is $649). But Insani24.de is selling it at €138.66 (~S$206.60) [Rate 1.49 on 29 Mar 2015] http://www.insani24.de/Grohe-Eurodisc-Cosmopolitan-Einhand-Spueltisch-Armatur-herausziehbar-hoher-Auslauf-chrom_1?lang=eng. So i can save $488-$206.60 = $281.40. Plus, insani24.de is selling Grohe Soap Dispenser at €37.82 (~S$56.35) [Rate 1.49 on 29 Mar 2015] http://www.insani24.de/Grohe-Spuelmittelspender-Cosmopolitan-04l-chrom_1?lang=eng (We couldn't find any place selling Grohe soap dispenser locally, so no means to compare the prices but we believe it is a steal at this price) All in all, the Grohe Eurodisc Cosmopolitan Kitchen Mixer + Grohe Soap Dispenser + Parcel Service (€45) + Paypal fee (5%) (€8.82) = €230.29 (~S$343.13) [Rate 1.49 on 29 Mar 2015]. We did not source from Amazon as we understand that the size of the piping is different for Grohe products sold in US and SG/Europe. On top of this, the price offered by insani24.de is more attractive than what we saw on Amazon.
  5. Saw on Straits Time that Bathroom Warehouse having promotion for Grohe 40 344 000 Toilet accessories @ $161 last year (2014) Dec. As we were at IMM on one fine Sunday and Grohe is having 30% discount that weekend, we dropped by Asia Excel at IMM to enquire on the price for Grohe 40 344 000 Toilet and was shocked to discover that they are selling at $322 (before less 30% and is selling at $225.40 after 30% discount) . Showed the sales personnel the newspaper article which i took and the sales personnel was able to offer the same price which Bathroom Warehouse advertised after checking with the store manager. Further more, Asia Excel allowed us to change one of the soap dish complete set (Soap Dish & Holder) to Glass Tumbler & Holder (Since the soap dish & Glass Tumbler costed the same) So brought 2 sets of Grohe 40 344 000 Toilet accessories @ $322 on 21 Dec 2014 (One set for Master Bedroom Toilet, the other for Common Toilet) Felt that we got a good deal since Amazon (http://amzn.com/B001TVBETU) is selling the same kit at US$120.45 (~S$157 [Rate 1.31]) and insani24.de (http://www.insani24.de/Accessiores-Set-Grohe-Essentials_1) is selling it at €170 (~S$272 [Rate 1.60]). Rates is based on 21 Dec 2014.
  6. Like some of the bloggers here, we purchase some of our furnitures from Taobao as well. Started buying from taobao since Feb 2015 (Currently all the purchases are stored in Missy's place while waiting for collection of keys for our new place) 1) 4 x Dining Chairs (RMB 193 each ~ S$42.88 [Rate = S$1 to RMB$4.5]) - http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=42570446873&spm=a1z09.2.9.136.KDcBiA&_u=826mtgf0e447 Brought a total of 4 dining chairs (Each different colour, Red, White, Blue, Yellow 2) Green Swivel Chair (RMB 295 ~ S$65.55 [Rate = S$1 to RMB$4.5]) - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.288.KDcBiA&id=40314925673&_u=826mtgf0e119 For Bedroom 3 3) Chair with strips (RMB 164 ~ S$36.44 [Rate = S$1 to RMB$4.5])- http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.102.KDcBiA&id=39513798750&_u=826mtgf0fa59 4) Stool for walk in wardrobe (RMB 97 ~ S$21.55 [Rate = S$1 to RMB$4.5]) - http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=23785224195&spm=a1z09.2.9.210.KDcBiA&_u=826mtgf0ca59&skuId=28025458710 5) 2x Bar Stool (RMB 214 each ~ S$47.55 [Rate = S$1 to RMB$4.5]) - http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=18856226223&spm=a1z09.2.9.222.KDcBiA&_u=826mtgf09b9a&skuId=34582797999
  7. Since there are changes to the theme of the house and the design of the house, there will be requirement to make amendments to the contract and the changes are as follow: A Living/Dining/Maids Room 1 To design & construct false ceiling w/ cove lighting effect 2 To design & construct est. L 12.5ft full ht partition wall using gypsum board 3 To supply & install normal wooden door frame 4 To design & construct est L 9ft full ht display / shoe cabinet using solid-ply laminate 5 To design & construct est L 8.5ft full ht Tv feature wall using solid-ply laminate 6 To design & construct est L 8.5ft suspended Tv console using solid-ply laimate c/w internal polyester 7 To design & construct est L 9.5ft full ht mirror featured wall using solid-ply laminate & mirror c/w pivot door 8 To design & construct est L 6.5ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 9 To supply & install semi solid veneer door w/lever handle & hinges A Living & Dining Area 1 To design & construct est L 4ft full ht display cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w glass door (max 10pcs glass shelving) 2 To design & construct est L 5ft full ht cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w partial open shelve 3 To design & construct est L 5ft full ht partition wall using gypsum board c/w open shelve (Depth 100mm +/-) 4 To design & construct est L 5.5f settee bench w/storage using solid-ply laminate 5 To design & construct est L 5.5f half ht backing using solid-ply laminate (Ht 750mm) 6 To design & construct est L 5.5ft craftstone on top settee backing c/w chalkboard paint (labour to lay craftstone only) 7 To design & construct L 8.5ft full ht Tv feature wall using solid-ply laminate boarder (labour to lay craftstone only) B Kitchen / Service Yard 1 To supply labour to hack est L 8 ft half ht existing wall (Subject to HDB Approval) 2 To supply labour to make good damaged area 3 To design & construct kitchen cabinet base, fridge base, washing machine base w/tiles finishing 4 To design & construct est L 19 ft top & 15.5ft btm kitchen cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w: I Anti slam drawers II Anti slam hinges III Stainless Steel Dish rack IV To install cooker & cooker hood V Internal polyester 5 To design & construct est L 4 ft ht cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 6 To supply & install est L 15.5 ft quartz top for kitchen work top c/w back splash (caesarstone) 7 To supply & install est L 15.5 ft tempered spray painted glass in between top & bottom kitchen cabinet 8 To supply & install est L 8 ft divider using 10mm thick tempered clear glass (1500mm ht) 9 To supply & install est L 3.5 ft swing door using 10mm thick tempered clear glass w/handle B Kitchen / Service Yard 1 To supply labour to hack est L 8ft full ht existing wall (Subject to HDB Approval) 2 To supply labour to dismantle existing folding door, window & hack est L 4ft half ht existing wall 3 To supply labour to make good damaged area 4 To supply &construct kitchen cabinet base, fridge base & washing machine base 5 To design & construct est L 11ft top & 13.5ft btm kitchen cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w: (As per original contract) 6 To design & construct est L 6ft full ht cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 7 To supply & install est L 13.5ft kompacplus work top on top of kitchen cabinet 8 To supply & install est L 7.5ft kompacplus backing in between top & btm kitchen cabinet 9 To supply & install est L 5.5ft kompacplus backing on top of kitchen cabinet (est H 1700mm) 10 To supply & install est L 4ft half ht fixed clear glass panel using 10mm thick tempered glass 11 To supply & install bifold tempered glass door c/w partial sand plaster design 12 To design & construct est L 8ft bar counter using solid-ply laminate (Ht 1000mm) (2sided finishing) 13 To Supply & install est L 8ft kompacplus work top on top of bar counter C Master Bedroom 1 To design & construct false ceiling w/cover lighting effect 2 To design & construct est L 12 ft full ht wardrobe suing solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 3 To supply & install est L 6 ft full ht partition w/ sliding door using 10mm thick tempered tinted glass 4 To design & construct est L 6 ft suspended Tv feature wall using soild-ply laminate (1200m ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2ft full ht clear mirror (FOC) C Master Bedroom 1 To design & construct est L 2.5ft full ht partition wall using gypsum board 2 To design & construct est L 2ft Tv console using solid-ply laminate (Ht 1200mm) 3 To extend clear mirror to 3ft full ht (FOC) D Bedroom 2 1 To design & construct est L 5.5 ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 2 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended dressing / study table w/ drawers using solid-ply laminate E Bedroom 3 1 To design & construct est L 6 ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 2 To design & construct est L 7.5 ft suspended Tv feature wall using soild-ply laminate (1200m ht) 3 To design & construct est L 2 ft suspended TV console using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 4 To design & construct est L 2 ft dresser table using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 5 To design & construct est L 3.5 ft full ht partition using gypsum board F Master Bathroom 1 To supply labour to dismantle existing bathroom accessories (FOC) 2 To design & construct bathtub base w/tiles finishing (Max $3.40 psf) 3 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended vanity cabinet using acrylic 4 To design & construct est L 4.5 ft suspended mirror cabinets using solid-ply laminate w/ mirror (1200mm ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2.5 ft solid surface c/w back splash on top of vanity cabinet 6 To supply & install fixed panel using 10mm thick tempered clear glass F Master Bathroom 1 To supply & overlay homogeneous wall tiles (max $3.40 psf) 2 To supply & overlay homogeneous floor tiles (max $3.40 psf) 3 To design & construct est L 5 ft suspended vanity cabinet using acrylic 4 To supply & install est L 5.5 ft kompacplus on top of vanity cabinet 5 To design & construct est L 5.5 ft suspended mirror cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w mirror (1200mm ht) 6 To supply & install ventilation fan G Common Bathroom 1 To supply labour to dismantle existing bathroom accessories (FOC) 2 To design & construct shower curb w/ tiles finishing 3 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended vanity cabinet using acrylic 4 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended mirror cabinet using solid-ply laminate w / mirror (1200mm ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2.5 ft solid surface c/w back splash on top on vanity cabinet 6 To supply & install shower screen using 10mm thick tempered clear glasss (L-Shape) G Common Bathroom 1 To supply & overlay homogeneous wall tiles (max $3.40 psf) 2 To supply & overlay homogeneous floor tiles (max $3.40 psf) 3 To supply & install est L 2.5 ft kompacplus on top of vanity cabinet 4 To supply & install ventilation fan H Miscellaneous works 1 To paint whole unit interior wall using NIPPON / ICI paint (no limit of colour) 2 To lay cardboard protection for working areas 3 To chemical wash the whole unit 4 To clear & discard debris I Professional Services 1 Design Consolation 2 Space planning 3 3D perspective & detail drawings 4 Material & colour proposal 5 Site Management / Project management To provide internal polyester or high rated PVC for all carpentry internal storage To provide blum soft closing runner track for all drawers To provide soft closing hinges & AA track for all the carpentry Legend: Red & strike thru item are removed from contract Green are new items added
  8. Next up, 3D drawing of our dining area and kitchen entrance Dining Area - same as living room, the 1st draft was too "dark" for our liking. The colour scheme for 2nd draft is much better but we asked for a 3rd draft as Missy wanted a corner to be painted with Chalkboard Paint, as such the display cabinet above the settee (shown on 2nd draft) is replaced with chalkboard paint. Kitchen Entrance - with the change of theme, we also decided to take this chance to integrate a "dry" & "wet" kitchen concept to our new flat. As a result, there will be a bar counter and our Fridge, Oven, Microwave will be situated in the "dry" kitchen area. There is a 2nd draft to correct some errors in the 1st draft and also to include the bar stool which we brought from Tao Bao.
  9. As mention previously, we did not have any preference for the theme for our house thus we just stick to the Modern Contemporary previously, however at the beginning of this year (2015), Missy suddenly declared that she would prefer Scandinavian style. As a result, we got to inform our ID and revisit the 3D drawing proposed to us previously. The following as the 3D drawing proposed: Living Room - As the first draft was too "Dark" for our liking, we requested to redo the 3D drawing for living thus there is a 2nd draft Master Bedroom - we requested for a 2nd draft as we did not like the colour scheme on the 1st draft, further more, we were being advised by our friend that from Feng Shui perspective, it is not recommended to have a fan on top of the bed as it will "suck" the soul from your body when you are sleeping. As a result, there will not be any ceiling fan in any of the bedrooms. We requested for a 3rd draft after coming to a decision that a tv console is a much better choice than having 3 ledges on the tv feature wall. Bedroom 2 - there were 3 drafts as we did not like the wardrobe laminates proposed by the ID for the 1st draft, thus the re-proposal of wardrobe laminate by ID shown on the 2nd Draft. Lastly the 3rd draft was required as Missy's Sister chose her own preferred wardrobe laminate colour and ID was kind enough to draw in the dressing table chair design according to what we purchased from Tao Bao (Shall share our purchases from Tao Bao in subsequent posts) and propose some design to the wardrobe Bedroom 3 - We decided not to construct suspended TV feature wall and console for this bedroom as we exceeded our budget after amendment of the list of items to be done after changing our theme to Scandinavian (will list down the amendments in subsequent post), as a result 2nd draft is required. Again, our ID is kind enough to include the 3D of the chair we brought from Tao Bao for this bedroom and proposed another wardrobe design different from Bedroom 2 for the 3rd Draft.
  10. Our next few Bosch Electrical Appliances (Cooker Hob, Hood, Oven, Microwave) We brought the following from Parisilk Bosch Warehouse sales on 13 Dec 2014 Bosch Cooker Hob (PBD9331SG) & Chimney Hood (DWB097E50) @ $1450 Bosch Oven (HBG23B550J) & Microwave (HMT84G651) @ $1799 {FOC Bosch System Steam Cooker (HEZ24D300) worth RRP $599} We feel we got a good deal when we refer to the following advertisment We save about $1648 - $1450 = $198 We save about $1999 - $1799 = $200. Total savings = $198 + $200 = $398 Did not purchase from Harvey Norman previously when we purchase the Bosch Fridge previously as Harvey Norman did not have stock for the FOC steam cooker, was lucky that Parisilk still has stock as we went to a few places (e.g. Courts, Best Denki) but the FOC steam cooker was out of stock as well. As a reason we did not hesitate much when the Bosch Retail Operations Team Leader stationed at the Parisilk Warehouse Sale told us Parisilk still have stock for the FOC steam cooker.
  11. The next few post will be dedicated to some of the electrical appliances which we purchase way before collection of keys. Firstly will be the one which i feel is a must have for every house, Fridge. As Missy wanted to standardised the brand for all electrical appliances for the kitchen and have strong preference for Bosch, I brought her Harvey Norman Flagship Store @ Millenia Walk to take a look at Bosch kitchen appliances as i recall that there is a cooking concept store. Missy did not except me to immediately purchase a Bosch fridge on that day itself as the focus of the day was to know more about Bosch Cooker Hob & Hood and the pros and cons compared to other brands. But I was immediately sold when the sales person mention that Harvey Norman is currently having promotion for Bosch fridge and the price sounds so attractive. I feel that the deal was too good to be missed, further more the sales person told us not to worry about delivery date even though we told him that our flat might only be ready in Aug 2015. As such, we paid $1499 for Bosch Fridge KAN62V40 on 08 Dec 2014. Bosch Fridge (KAN62V40) Following are some of the photos which i started taking off Straits Time advertisement (& other sources) since end 2013 and used it to convince Missy that it's a good buy for price offered.
  12. Wow. What a coincident. Ya. Think we got no choice. That's my worst nightmare coming true. All the logistics and planning. Killer.
  13. Sharing a interesting Straits Time article http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/more-lifestyle-stories/story/slugging-it-out-over-home-renovations-20150601 Slugging it out over home renovations Buying a house is easier than renovating it, but how happy one is in it is more important than how it looks PUBLISHED ON JUN 1, 2015 9:09 AM BY FIONA CHAN We were only five minutes into the discussion, but it was already going badly. "And what type of sofa do you want?" our prospective interior designer asked, pen artistically poised over a floor plan of the home we had just bought. "L-shaped," I said instantly, picturing myself stretched out lazily like a couch french fry, watching TV without having to find a footstool or turn my head. My husband shot me a look. "An L-shaped sofa will take up more space," was all he said, but I could tell he wasn't happy that this unilateral decision was now being enshrined in ink on our floor plan. But I wasn't the only one who didn't see the need for consultation. "What about your dining table?" inquired the designer, clearly intent on driving a wedge in our marriage. Without hesitation, my husband whipped out his iPhone and showed the designer a photo of the exact dining table he wanted. "Where is that table from?" I asked - quite courteously, I thought, considering he had never mentioned it before. "I found it online," my husband replied blithely. "It's... oval," I said, raising my eyebrows eloquently to convey the warning that the designer would charge more if he had to source for unusual furniture. Unfortunately, my husband didn't speak Eloquent Eyebrow. "Yes, it would be safer for our kids next time than a table with sharp corners," he said, a self-righteous future dad. I wouldn't have expected it, but imagining our dream home was turning into a nightmare. In many ways, buying a home is considerably easier than trying to renovate it. Home purchases, after all, can be distilled into a fairly universal equation: location - taking into account distance from the city centre, an MRT station, schools, restaurants, shops and other amenities - plus the condition of the property plus the tenure of the land plus the size of the home plus any other personally desired factor. Renovations, on the other hand, are more of an art than a science. Everyone sort of has an idea of what he wants his house to look like, but no one knows exactly how to achieve it - or even whether it will look as good in real life as in his mind. For our previous apartment, for instance, our contractor had talked my husband and me into installing a wall-hung mirrored display case that he said would add "oomph" to our dining room. But its awkward position meant that it kept getting in the way of our dining chairs and I was the one who ended up saying "oomph" every time I walked into it. Yet most home owners would agree that renovations are as important as the property purchase itself - they can turn a cookie-cutter flat, apartment or house into a personalised home. Of course, the problems arise when you have more than one person living in a home. Having been married for six complacent years, my husband and I thought we had a similar vision of what we wanted our home to look like. We were both sold on the idea of a minimalist, functional, Zen-like style, filled with air and light and pale wood furniture straight out of a Muji catalogue. Together, we leafed through decor magazines, bookmarked our favourite designs and nodded approvingly at each other's choices. But when we sat down to discuss our renovation with a bunch of interior designers last weekend, we realised we hadn't thought through all the details. For one thing, neither of us has a particular talent for minimalism. My husband collects transforming toys - two of each, so he can display one in car mode and one in robot mode. I, on the other hand, could probably dress all 17 seasons of Project Runway using just my summer wardrobe. To store all our junk, my husband was keen on building enough floor-to-ceiling cupboards to rival a warehouse. But I wanted to keep our common spaces and clean white walls as uncluttered as possible, so as to allow more air and light into our home. "Fine," my husband said. "Then I'll turn part of the bedroom into a boys' den." "What on earth is a boys' den?" I asked incredulously. "You know," he replied. "For me to put my Transformer toys and PlayStation and other boys' things." "Why can't you just put them in the living room?" was my response. "Because a boys' den is cooler," he insisted. I couldn't argue with that because I couldn't really understand it. For some couples, disagreements can help improve their relationships. For us, arguing over renovation works improved our relationships with the interior designers and contractors we were auditioning - just that we never liked the same ones. One suggested converting our unusually high ceiling into an attic for storage, a proposal I had qualms about but that my husband immediately loved. Another recommended keeping the ugly but sturdy dark parquet flooring, which I thought was a great idea but which my husband flat out rejected as "not sufficiently Muji-like". And on it went. Like marriage counsellors, the designers gently but unerringly exposed our underlying differences and poked at our relationship sore spots. But, as with marriage counselling, my husband and I soon found that exhaustively talking over about our differences led to better mutual understanding. He explained that the mysterious "boys' den" would allow him to invite his friends over so he could spend more time at home, while the attic could let him keep his toy collection neatly without obstructing the air and light flow I was obsessed about. And after I clarified that I only wanted to keep the ugly floors so he could save the money for his attic and den, we were on good terms once again. The sad truth is that - based on past experiences - no matter what renovation plans we agree on, they will probably fall short of our expectations and somehow still exceed our budget. What is key to remember, and what we almost forgot, is that it's not how good a place looks that makes it a home but how happy you are in it. We still have a long way to go in our renovation process, but with any luck we'll both get what we want: a home that our spouse loves.
  14. Pardon my grumbling, but i really need to get this off my chest as this has been bothering me since the start of this year (2015) and it is the collection of keys for our new flat. As mention in the previous post, I had tried to write in to HDB appealing on the possibility for early key collection but was rejected by HDB. The following is the schedule/timeline which i attached as supporting evidence on the reason behind the need for early key collection Coincidently, my cousin's new flat is in waterway banks and her blk is facing our blk and we took the following pictures from her living room yesterday during her House Warming. Now i can really understand why HDB could not accept our appealing as there are so many constructions ongoing. So some lessons learnt: 1) Cannot assume collection of keys to all HDB BTO projects can be earlier than the PCD provided by HDB. 2) Don't book the banquet dinner/lunch date with hotels with a optimistic key collection date & renovation timeline/schedule. - As we booked our banquet dinner based on the assumption (from friends experience) that collection of keys are usually 6 months before PCD (PCD is 3rd quarter 2015 (July/Aug/Sep) and 6 months before will be Jan/Feb/Mar. Worst scenario collection of keys in Mar 2015, if i allocate 2 months of defect rectification and 3 months of renovation, the house will be ready by Aug 2015). - This turned out to be a bad move as till today (31st May 2015, we have yet to hear from HDB on the possible dates for collection of keys) but who can we blame, If we don't book our banquet dinner date with our preferred hotels, we might not be able to hold our banquet at our preferred 1st choice hotel as some Singaporeans book their banquets one year, some two years, and heard got some even three or four years (without knowing the rates of per table) - If the collection of keys does not happen in June, we might be forced to make separate arrangement for Chinese pre-wedding customs (e.g. installation of the bridal bed (安床), tea ceremony) as the initial plan was for all this to take place in our new flat - a huge dilemma of whether should we proceed on with renovation during Chinese Seventh Month (14th Aug to 12th Sep 2015) if collection of key happen in July or Aug, we might be able to get our flat ready if we fully utilised the one month period (Chinese 7th Month) doing renovation. However, based on all the feedback from both side of parents, we rather play safe than sorry. Would rather forgo the idea of getting our flat ready before our big day than take the risk of performing renovation during Chinese 7th Month. - will need to forgo the chance of seeking advice from Feng Shui Master for our new flat as we understand from our ID that usually the advice from Feng Shui Master will conflict with the designs we want and time will be required to factor in advice from Feng Shui Master and "redesign" the layout of the house. Since time is not on our side. We decided to give up the idea of seeking advice from Feng Shui master.
  15. As we did not have any design theme in mind during 2013, we left it to our designer to propose a theme for our house. As you can see from the previous 3D drawing posted, the theme is mainly Modern Contemporary. We didn't had any preferences that time (2013) thus we just sticked to the proposed Modern Contemporary theme. The following is the proposed layout which we got from our ID in Sep 2013. Just some quick illustration on the proposed layout: 1) We decided to change the suggested study area into a small room which can fit one single size bed (Guest/Maid room) 2) The Master Bedroom will have a walk in wardrobe 3) The Master Bedroom toilet will have a bathtub (Missy wanted a "Hotel feel" to our master bedroom toilet thus the intention to have a bathtub) 4) Bedroom 2 will have a full height wardrobe and a dressing table (As Missy family members will be staying with us, this room will be occupied by her younger sister) 5) Bedroom 3 will have a full height wardrobe, a dressing table and a tv feature wall (Missy's parents will be occupying this room, thus there will be a queen size bed in this room) 6) Half of the kitchen wall will be hacked and replace by glass partition
  16. Hi future neighbour, hope all of us can have a great experience in renovating our new flat.
  17. The following are the 3D drawings which we got during in Oct 2013. (All are changed due to design changes and concept changes as time passes from Oct 2013 to present) Living Room Kitchen Dining Area Master Bedroom
  18. The following are the extracts of the items which we will be performing for the renovation of our flat (P.S. the following list are done in Sep 2013, don't be shocked as we will be making quite a fair bit of changes to the list as our thinking and experience changes along the way since Sep 2013 till today. Now i understand what the senior staff at Ch** Interior Design meant when he say it's too early for both us. Haha.) A Living/Dining/Maids Room 1 To design & construct false ceiling w/ cove lighting effect 2 To design & construct est. L 12.5ft full ht partition wall using gypsum board 3 To supply & install normal wooden door frame 4 To design & construct est L 9ft full ht display / shoe cabinet using solid-ply laminate 5 To design & construct est L 8.5ft full ht Tv feature wall using solid-ply laminate 6 To design & construct est L 8.5ft suspended Tv console using solid-ply laimate c/w internal polyester 7 To design & construct est L 9.5ft full ht mirror featured wall using solid-ply laminate & mirror c/w pivot door 8 To design & construct est L 6.5ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 9 To supply & install semi solid veneer door w/lever handle & hinges B Kitchen / Service Yard 1 To supply labour to hack est L 8 ft half ht existing wall (Subject to HDB Approval) 2 To supply labour to make good damaged area 3 To design & construct kitchen cabinet base, fridge base, washing machine base w/tiles finishing 4 To design & construct est L 19 ft top & 15.5ft btm kitchen cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w: I Anti slam drawers II Anti slam hinges III Stainless Steel Dish rack IV To install cooker & cooker hood V Internal polyester 5 To design & construct est L 4 ft ht cabinet using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 6 To supply & install est L 15.5 ft quartz top for kitchen work top c/w back splash (caesarstone) 7 To supply & install est L 15.5 ft tempered spray painted glass in between top & bottom kitchen cabinet 8 To supply & install est L 8 ft divider using 10mm thick tempered clear glass (1500mm ht) 9 To supply & install est L 3.5 ft swing door using 10mm thick tempered clear glass w/handle C Master Bedroom 1 To design & construct false ceiling w/cover lighting effect 2 To design & construct est L 12 ft full ht wardrobe suing solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 3 To supply & install est L 6 ft full ht partition w/ sliding door using 10mm thick tempered tinted glass 4 To design & construct est L 6 ft suspended Tv feature wall using soild-ply laminate (1200m ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2ft full ht clear mirror D Bedroom 2 1 To design & construct est L 5.5 ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 2 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended dressing / study table w/ drawers using solid-ply laminate E Bedroom 3 1 To design & construct est L 6 ft full ht wardrobe using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 2 To design & construct est L 7.5 ft suspended Tv feature wall using soild-ply laminate (1200m ht) 3 To design & construct est L 2 ft suspended TV console using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 4 To design & construct est L 2 ft dresser table using solid-ply laminate c/w internal polyester 5 To design & construct est L 3.5 ft full ht partition using gypsum board F Master Bathroom 1 To supply labour to dismantle existing bathroom accessories 2 To design & construct bathtub base w/tiles finishing (Max $3.40 psf) 3 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended vanity cabinet using acrylic 4 To design & construct est L 4.5 ft suspended mirror cabinets using solid-ply laminate w/ mirror (1200mm ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2.5 ft solid surface c/w back splash on top of vanity cabinet 6 To supply & install fixed panel using 10mm thick tempered clear glass G Common Bathroom 1 To supply labour to dismantle existing bathroom accessories 2 To design & construct shower curb w/ tiles finishing 3 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended vanity cabinet using acrylic 4 To design & construct est L 2.5 ft suspended mirror cabinet using solid-ply laminate w / mirror (1200mm ht) 5 To supply & install est L 2.5 ft solid surface c/w back splash on top on vanity cabinet 6 To supply & install shower screen using 10mm thick tempered clear glasss (L-Shape) H Miscellaneous works 1 To paint whole unit interior wall using NIPPON / ICI paint (no limit of colour) 2 To lay cardboard protection for working areas 3 To chemical wash the whole unit 4 To clear & discard debris I Professional Services 1 Design Consolation 2 Space planning 3 3D perspective & detail drawings 4 Material & colour proposal 5 Site Management / Project management To provide internal polyester or high rated PVC for all carpentry internal storage To provide blum soft closing runner track for all drawers To provide soft closing hinges & AA track for all the carpentry
  19. The reason why i started to create this thread at this timing is because some of the brookers have started to collect keys for their new flats (Hope we can collect the keys for our new house asap, in time to get our new house ready before our Big Day on 11th Oct 2015). So thought this might be a good time to list down and contribute back to the forum after learning so much stuffs from other who had put in effort and created their own thread. Wrote in to HDB recently and got a reply stating that HDB is unable to accede to our request for key collection in Mid June 2015 as our flat is not ready for key collection yet (Probable Completion Date (PCD) is 3rd Quarter 2015). Nevertheless, HDB have taken note of our request for early key collection and will include us in the first few batches to collect keys after the flat is ready for key collection. Had started searching for ID during Mid 2013 as my wishful thinking that maybe our project (Waterway Brooks) can be ready in Mid 2014. (Also partly due to the fact that friends around me are collecting keys to their flats one year before their PCD, so the Kaisu element in me kicked in and there goes the search for ID). The following are the few ID which we approach: 1) Ch** Interior Design - walked into their showroom at The Furniture Mall during Mid 2013 and was told by a senior staff (forgotten his name) that it's too early and told us to come back next year (2014) 2) Dar*** Interior Design - walked into their main showroom at Bendemeer Road during Mid 2013, got a bad impression on their workmanship as there were "creaking" sound when wardrobes are open (Thought that even their showroom which is build to show to potential customers are of poor quality, wouldn't the projects done by them be worst off?). So we walked out without talking to any of the staffs in the showroom. 3) No***W*** Interior Design - walked into their showroom at Macpherson during 3rd Quarter 2013, sat down with Vincent for an hour as he showed interest to talk to us even though he knew the PDC for our flat is 3rd Quarter 2015. He did some quick intro of materials used for table tops and the chemistry was not bad. Took his name card and told him that we will call/msg him to arrange for a 2nd meetup for further discussion. 4) Im*** Cre***** De**** Pte Ltd - stopped by their booth in expo exhibition hall and was offered to sit down with one of their interior designers (forgotten his name). As we were not prepared and did not bring our floorplan, discussion was done by using my iPad (displaying our floorplan). Chemistry was good, he showcased some of the projects handled by him and was impressed by sketches drawn by him on the spot for illustrations. But was turned off after we discovered that we will need to pay a fee (forgotten about the amount, not sure if it was $1K or $2K) if we are interested to have another session with him. He mention that the fee paid can be part of the renovation cost but i was thinking if i really pay the fee, i must choose him as our ID if not our hard earned money will be wasted, go down the drain. 4) Re** & Re*** - stopped by their booth in expo exhibition hall and was being guided by a staff (T***) showing casing a mock up kitchen cabinets. Sat down with him and he offered to help us print out our flat layout (was impressed by the fact that they had a printer standby to help customers like me to print out flat layout). Didn't not have a good impression of the staff (T***) as he feels and sounded like a newbie (after we gain some experience talking to other different designers from different ID firms). Nevertheless, we fixed a appointment with him on the spot as he wanted to propose the layout of furniture, concept of design to us based on our preferences provided to him. Time flies and the date of the appointment came (about one week later), we were a bit taken back when we saw that there was going to be an staff (Xav***) talking to us, Xav*** introduced himself as a senior designer and he will be presenting the proposal together with T*** as this is what they usually do (tag team consisting of a senior designer and a newbie which just joined). Anyway, the rest are all history and i shall not bored you all with all the details, We had chose Re** & Re*** as the ID for our new flat after paying a 20% deposit during the appointment. P.S. If we are able to go back to the past, maybe I should not be "sales talked" into paying the 20% deposit during the appointment (tempted by the discount given and only valid for the day) and done more comparison of quotes by different IDs as we did not get the chance to compare quotes by other IDs (Quotation by Re** & Re*** was the only quote which we got). But all that is history and i can only cross my finger and pray i made the right choice. Luckily all my prayers sort of come true as all the experiences which we had from all the appointments we got since Sep 2013 were not too bad (not perfect as there are still rooms for improvement). All the show flats, open house which we visited are done with good workmanship. However, the final verdict will only come when they start to perform the "magical transformation" for our new flat.
  20. We applied for our BTO flat in Sep 2011, during that time, we were able to choose between Punggol Waterway Brooks and Waterway Woodcress. After some discussion with Missy, we have come to a conclusion, a 5-room Waterway Brooks flat will be our new house after our marriage. (One of the reason is because Waterway Brooks is closer to a LRT station in terms of walking distance and Sheng Siong is within walking distance)