Hi All, we have just collected our keys in January 2015 after a good 3.5 years wait. Our search for a suitable contractor/ID started only after keys collection since we are currently staying with our in-laws and had no urgency to move. Also, we did not feel comfortable committing ourselves to any reno contracts prior to viewing the real thing as house planning/designs are subjected to frequent changes that may affect the end quotation. We came up with an initial home layout plan (below) which focuses alot on functionality, easy maintenance and something to suit the flow of our daily lifestyle. Given that we will not be engaging any part/full time helpers in the meantime and thus the weekly cleaning/maintenance/chores is left entirely up to the both of us, we came up with a few things that we agreed on to have and not to have so to lighten our cleaning workload: "Ban" List1) No cove lights (reduce the chances of having lizards/insects making their home in there)2) No track lights ( Hate looking up and seeing cobwebs shone forming along the track)3) No Curtains4) Not having too many display shelves = lesser cleaning Needs:1) Darker Coloured tiles(My previous place uses light-coloured reflective homogenous tiles which made hairfall and dirt all so visible. Even with shoulder length hair, I still had to sweep the floor every 2 days if not, strands of long, short and whetever kindda hair can be seen everywhere. Very sore to the eyes. Mopping is also another problem especially when mop is not wringed sufficiently and watermarks are left to dry on its own. An entire trail of white dots can be seen reflected back at me. **** sian when the floor looks even dirtier after mopping. 2) Sufficient Kitchen WorkspaceLearnt this from a fellow renotalker. I figured it will make good sense to have sufficient tablespace, especially beside the sink, for my electric waterflask which have to be replenished daily, my rice cooker and blender and still have some space left for food preparation. Which explains why we chose to have our hob and hood on the other side of our kitchen instead of side by side. 3) Sink DrainerAwesome invention for wetworks during meal prep and air-drying of large pots without having water dripping onto kitchen top. 4) Toilet Vanity Cabinets for extra storage space of toiletress thus "free-ing" the space in the bomb shelter for other stuff. 5) Blinds. Easier to maintain and it reduce the chances of having lizards hiding behind all those cloth and cleaning up lizard **** too. ( By now, it should be pretty obvious I have zero tolerance for insects and pesky lizards =D) 6) Big Shoe Cabinet /More Storage Compartments 7) Full Solid Room DoorsWe decided to go for full solid doors instead of opting in for HDB semi solid doors. A full solid door feels sturdier and most importantly, given that I am a light sleeper, a full solid helps to greatly reduce any outside noise when closed. That said, it also help to block out any conversations we have in the room when we have visitors or kids in the future.