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About blueturtle

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    Silver Member

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  • Renovator Engaged
    Ideal House
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  1. yah... those leaflets are really irritating. i closed the front flaps on my letterbox so that they have no way to put these leaflets into my letterbox. but ****... the stuff it at my door! so every night i get home, i see at least 2 such leaflets, printed, handwritten whatever trapped at my door. still thinking of a way to overcome this. even considered hanging a note on my door to ask these people to get lost. haha...
  2. i use an electrolux (6.5kg) with stacking kit above my washer too. cost ard $600 from harvey norman. like applefreak, i also dump almost everything into the dryer after washing. see my mood on that day. so far, all my clothes are ok too. i stay on a very low floor, seldom at home, no one at home, but i like the sun-dry smell so i chose the dryer. i definitely do not need to have my washed clothes out in the rain when i am at work, or some inconsiderate people who don't spin dry their clothes and water dripping onto mine, or some even more deadly things landing on my clean clothes.
  3. haha... i saw this pc of paper stuck at the lift lobby, apparently the houses in this area can sell for above $400K! oooo... anyway... the new Sembawang Shopping Centre... is gonna have a DAISO! yippppeeeeee... i love the $2 things that they sell... hahaha...
  4. haha... so it's you. i was thinking who was spongebobmama and knows me. hehe... me wasn't in singapore on the 4th oct so didn't go. so far all the events that the RC or whoever organises falls on dates when i am out of town. anyone has any idea what will be put in place of the NTUC homemart that was at the MRT station? Are they going to build many small shops like what they do @ the other MRT stations?
  5. colonial house? where? at the admiralty hills? huh? they have chalets up there also leh. now open for membership application. don't talk about public pool in sembawang lar. i thought supposed to have some stadium near the CC. but until now i only see green green green green grass. anyone tried the food at the "food court" @ sembawang mrt huh? is the food nice? if i can have a wish list for sembawang... 1. more buses to civilization aka town areas 2. upgrade sun plaza 3. swimming pool 4. shoot down all the bicycles 5. sheltered walkways everywhere. it's very very very sunny and hot in 38wang...
  6. i don't mind the wives party... but cycling... no thanks... i can't cycle... haha... running... ehhh... i hate running... =P anyway... i think the neighbour staying above me just moved in... or moving in... heard a lot of knocking over the last weekend, and saw a lot of things at the lift lobby on the ground floor too! there goes my noisy Wii and mahjong parties... =P
  7. i use a 5.5KG electrolux dryer wall hung upside down. no problems with the quilts, bedsheets and stuff in 1 load. tried to dry a lot of stuffed toys in all shapes and sizes also ok... the biggest is around 50cm tall... and all came out "alive", dry and clean... 2 towels and 2 pairs of jeans and some clothes go in at the same time also ok... but might need to rearrange halfway to ensure thorough drying.
  8. this is the oven that i bought... cos don't have space to house both and oven and microwave. plus i wasn't sure if i will make use of the oven or microwave often cos most of the time eat out, nothing much to heat up. yet, i don't want to have to curse and swear when i really need to use and i never buy... so got this hybrid since it's cheap... below $500 i think... so that won't waste money too. http://www.sharp.com.sg/SharpProducts/prod....asp?prodID=162 it works as convection oven, grill, microwave. so far had managed to bake cake, muffins, cookies out of it... simple to use. the convection oven comes with preset temperatures. 230, 220, 200, 180, 160, etc (degrees Celsius). The same temperature for the preheat oven function.
  9. i did my new executive hdb for around 30K. so really depends on the design and what you want. mine was quite simply done up and i didn't do anything to 2 of my bedrooms.
  10. i hope it's good lar... i nv went to the old ones before but when i saw the site a couple of weeks ago, like very small leh. i'm getting sick of Sun Plaza. Nothing there one. I hope they extend Sun Plaza too! Nearer! =P and ehh... maybe... do something about the HDB Branch office? the big place only has a few shops on the 1st floor. Like a bit waste of space right?
  11. yes yes... wives go for tea... husbands go kopitiam la kopi... hahaha... =)
  12. does the bin come with a lid? i dun like lidless bins leh... later got smell... i got some "butterfly" bins from ikea... but hor... irritating... not good for kitchen... hmm... u think the kitchen cabinet door will spoil easily if need to open the door to use the bin often?
  13. buahahaha... that's funny... "abandoned wives" chamber... i hope i dun get abandoned for long periods... haha... anyway... out of curiosity... have everyone staying ard here met up before or something? the only person i have met so far is karen... =P
  14. reno electrician by my ID. but they never do anything to the circuit board. it's in the condition hdb gave. the 24hr electrician listed in the emergency number list that hdb gave is the same electrician the firemen called for us. electrician came and tell us to find our own electrician to fix the prob... cos it's not his prob... *duh... what kind of crap is that???* circuit board burnt cases story... told to me by my id's electrician who kindly came down to fix the problem for us yes. we stay in sembawang.