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About limpbiskut

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  1. Hi, we just moved in last Saturday and nearly done with unpacking our boxes. So far so good. New place New neighbourhood.
  2. hi, he is able to offer practical suggestions for your reno. As ours is our own design n concept, he will fufill your demands and design. He will not hard sell things to you. Work within your budget. Cheers.
  3. Hi this is the link for the lights. LED ceiling lights for the common bedrooms, toilet, entrance and bomb shelter (6 in total from the same seller) The ones for the bedrooms come with remote control.Go tp the first page to clink on the blue hightlighted words to go to tb. There is no issues for my lights and it is working perfectly fine. It can be use for Our voltage in singapore 220-240v. The watts for the lights i have forgotten. So sorry. Basically i bought one each for my bedrooms(3) and one for common toilet and one for bomb shelter. Hope this helps.
  4. The quality is quite good, but the base for the storage is abit thin. The hydraulic system is easy to lift and go down. Good value for money.
  5. Been packing like crazy the past few weeks and we're moving in this weekend!! Totally not looking forward to unpack these boxes though. hahaha There're still a few more things to do before #nnloft is complete: 1) Get quotations for curtains and get them up before the festive season 2) Buy kitchen appliances and coffeetable 3) Hang up frames and photos 4) HOUSEWARMING I think this will be the last entry till we have wifi @ nnloft.
  6. Our home looks pretty boring with all the neutral colours so the wife decided to grab a few accessories to decorate the hall and dining area. So glad we hacked the wall partition cos it definitely makes our kitchen more spacious and able to fit my 2-door fridge (even when the wife was against it previously). GSS is here!! More sale = empty pockets!
  7. Wow, it has been a very busy week! Furniture and electronic appliances were delivered on 23 May but we didn't have time to upload the pictures earlier. Storage bed for the master bedroom: Our cozy living room and dining area: Samsung fridge and washer, Electrolux dryer. (The guys from Samsung will be coming tomorrow to mount the dryer to the wall with additional charge):