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Everything posted by mmoh

  1. For those who likes hidden furniture: https://www.facebook.com/surfacemag/videos/10152345646848261/
  2. Welcome ahjack! Dont worry, definitely you will get your keys earlier. Plan 6 months ahead so should be around 1Q 2017.
  3. lol! it is not sleazy lah, just old... there are tuition centers, music schools and clinics in the building.
  4. wow! you must be tall! If there is no bed frame, just 2 mattresses side by side should be fine, unless the mattress moves. Note that you have to get your bed sheets only from Ikea if you are buying ikea mattress.
  5. HDB BTO 2Room.180B,BOON LAY DR.HWB-SuperSingle+Wardrobe+Vanity+Storage.EC,DBSS-Wallbed,Hiddenbed,BEDhttps://youtu.be/JFbvmSw-UNs btw, how to embed the youtube video here har?
  6. me not too. #14. dont need. Now that my nieces and nephews all grown up liao, i push my room grill to 1 side... looks brighter.
  7. I like high floors! minimum 7th! my current is 10th and my future will be 14th!
  8. I like this layout better although the living room looks smaller. but the bathroom setting seems more logical and the HH door opens into the kitchen. Coolbunny, I have verified this video, you can watch and wont feel giddy.
  9. LOL! didnt expect the overwhelming response... guess I am lucky, my mum... yes, nagging, which mum dont? if in future u become a parent i guess u will start nagging too. i nag my nieces and nephews too :x and my bto is abt 20 mins walking distance. no direct bus though for privacy, i find it still ok, my mum dont bother me that much. she is 69 this year and body is not very well. so ya, thats why i dont feel like moving out at all. i buy this bto is more for future planning and maybe or hopefully, investment?
  10. I see. Guess I am in a different situation as u n kyooko. I dont want to move in. lol 1. my bro all married and moved out so left my parents and me 2. hence better to be available for my parents as and when needed, 24 hrs on call 3. i am close to my parents 4. new house location worst off than my parents home hence, i got no hurry at all. even though collecting keys soon, i dont plan to renovate so soon cos will be starting to accumulate the dust while neighbour doing their reno. maybe after cny 2016? lol.
  11. you are currently staying with your parents? why do you need to set a timeline to move in?
  12. haha, I not so keen on the pull out wardrobe part but generally impressed with the space utilisation idea. and dont think that pull out wardrobe can contain all my clothes either :x
  13. I think the WIW will need much more space that what you have agar in the drawing. It will probably take up > half of your room with 2 rows of cabinet + walking space. Assuming wardrobe width is 450 x 2 and you need 900 walking space, adds up already 1800.
  14. For this type of layout where the living room and bedroom are along the same wall, you can hack the wall in between to have an open concept. Just need to take note on the Aircon consumption. However, my floor plan is different form this so I would not consider hacking the wall.
  15. You can find MsBunny's DIY on the windows here: http://keepcalmandmeow.blogspot.sg/ Troublemaker's is a 3-room resale unit.
  16. I plan to get the fan + light one. shd be fine depends on how many watt is the bulb. ya, online shop. read others review 1st. >$200 = free shipping
  17. just finish reading your t-blog, very information but lack of Pictures! lol! How r u staying in your new home for 1 yr now? Those interested can read here: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/64578-bachelorette-on-budget/ I tried buying a shoe rack from fortytwo for my parents' home few months back and is satisfied with their service and quality so far.
  18. wahahaha! not that low lah, the ceiling. standard HDB flat is abt 2.6m leh. i am also abt same height as u :x and why shrinking?
  19. Nice planning! I also dont intend to have feature wall, tv console and coffee table. may not have sofa even if my platform bay window is possible. andotang, what is your reno budget?
  20. ceiling fan ok lah, but not ceiling fan + false ceiling. I plan to install ceiling fan in living room cos ceiling fan seriously has better air circulation function than standing fan. initially planning to install ceiling fan in bedroom also but read some post said bad for fengshui as it sucks the qi from body. so probably will settle with a wall fan in bedroom.
  21. talking abt aircon, need to check with u guys. I need a unit for bedroom definitely, but not so sure abt living room. so is there system 1? varying and msbunny install aircon in both bedroom n living room?
  22. Welcome oktopussy! ya, seems almost everyone of us gonna seal 1 door. hahahaha!