Hi Junkay, I'm lynn here, aka, milnnyl. I'm really impressed with your design. My favourite is actually the bedroom, especially the raised platform with sliding wooden doors linking to the room. It really gives a more dramatic and grander look. You can say that it's my dream bedroom! We think alike too, no sofa for the living room area, instead, we thought of throwing a few cushions as it looks more cosy. The idea of having a raised carpet platform truly adds coziness to the area. (Hmm ...I'm contemplating now.. should we? Cos in the very first place we wanted to have it at the living area, but due to my dogs, we throw out the idea.) As for the custom made swivel shelf, I'm really in awed by it. I keep reminding myself, carpentry cost alot of money! I hereby sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for the design you've done for us. I truly like it very much.