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About doublet

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  1. Haha, I can guaranteed you, you did not know Fengshui at all. (No offend). I just bring my point and experience to discuss, not come here for fight and make enemy. I met at least 2 FSM capable doing this and there is a lot more, which call real FSM. Fengshui is not magic, is just calculation but you need to be expert, which is the hardest part. If FSM can not point incident happen inside the house, can you trust he/she to modify your house? Like you go to see doctor, if doctor did not know what is the root cause of your illness, you trust he/she give you the right medicine?
  2. Oh, OK. Because without your house direction, I really dun dare to advice which position is suitable. Thank you.
  3. Need to know your door direction! Please provide degree instead North, South, East, ...
  4. Yeah, FSM can point out incident then only can talk about modification/positioning. Is like you see the doctor, if doctor dun know what happen to patient how he/she able to write down the medicine. This same as FSM.
  5. my personal opinion, your question below do it after move it. (1) inviting friends to play mahjong (2) inviting friends to hang out there (3) inviting friends for dinner (4) us just hanging out there (5) cooking? is it allowed? i.e. can we use the stove, and if cannot, if we do steamboat and stuff without using the stove but using an electric pot, is that fine? Better find good day to move in. Need Sifu to purify house? i think is about religion not about Fengshui.
  6. For me, Basic requirements: FSM should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family (in this case is you). Then FSM should able to advise you to position important furniture in your house, how the design should be. FSM should able advise you what will happen to your house, after move in. Real FSM should not advise buy items that selling from its own shop.
  7. Basic requirements: FSM should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family (in this case is you). Then FSM should able to advise you to position important furniture in your house, how to the design should be. FSM should able advise you what will happen to your house, after change. Real FSM should not advise buy items that selling from its own shop.
  8. Basic requirements: FSM should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family (in this case is you). Then FSM should able to advise you to position important furniture in your house, how to the design should be. FSM should able advise you what will happen to your house, after move in. Real FSM should not advise buy items that selling from its own shop.
  9. FSM price is very different one from each others. You need to know what is your expectation when you hire FSM. Basic requirements: FSM should able to "point out" few incident (at least 3) happen to house owner/family (in this case is you). Then FSM should able to advise you to position important furniture in your house, how to the design should be. FSM should able advise you what will happen to your house, after move in. Real FSM should not advise buy items that selling from its own shop.