Hi! Was looking for discussion on flooring after visiting the expo show. I noticed a lot of people here raising the issue of harmful emissions from vinyl flooring. the Evorich sales person told us that their HERF flooring has passed overseas tests (the product itself is from america, Allure brand), and locally, the govt also approved for it to be installed in the PCF Childcare centres... which means it's also approved locally. the salesguy also did a lot of other sample tests, and i think he was quite honest in his presentation. he tried scratching the floor and showed us that it's not scratch proof if you take a very sharp piece of glass and use force and purposely scratch.. but otherwise, normal things like dragging your chair and all, it really remain scratch free. he also lighted fire using zippo and ask us to touch the flooring after that, it didn't feel very hot even though u think vinyl is plastic will melt.. he said because of the ceramic - dunno what, i forgot, coating. anyway all in all, it was very convincing, even though we didn't buy it because it was our first experience at anything related to flooring. does anyone else have anything to share?