Hi, i was quite set on getting a toshiba system 4 inverter aircon, and juz called up an aircon store asking for a quote. Was quoted $3650, including installation and delivery, warranty standard, but also with 1 year warranty on workmanship. Then the shop told me that there's a PCB (some electronic board???) in the compressor for inverter aircons, and the chances of this board breaking down is very high????! Plus, to change this board from Toshiba, it'll cost $1.2k??? It's "cheaper" to change this board if you have a Daikin/Mitsubishi inverter aircon, coz it costs about $2-300. But if it konks out so easily, then why do people still bother going for inverter aircons? This board is also not covered under the 5-yr-compressor warranty wor.... The person i spoke to kept recommending me the non-invert aircons..... Now i'm lost... can anyone help pls?