honestly.. I got friend work in the ID industry in SG.. ( not from this company ) according to my understand .. some of the ID not even graduated from Interior Design.. and my friend not even graduated from diploma... what my friend told me is... basically.. he just need to propose the design from the previous project.. and add some design from other project to the customer.. and most of the time.. the customer will agree on that.. The reason why they quote high.. is actually because the ID actually not pay by month wage.. their paid is actually equal to 50% or 40% of (Quotation amount - project cost ( which include the labor and material cost ) ) .. the remaining amount (50% or 60%) will be back to company revenue... depends on how many % that indicate in the agreement btw the company and the ID.. It is like the sales and marketing profit sharing payment scheme... I currently plan to renovate my own house in KL.. what I do is.. i grab the image from internet and some reno magazine , then find the contractors by myself.. and compare the price with each of them...Some of the contractors even will share their designs in other projects.. and their idea is practical and good to me.. once the project start .. my house reno will give to few different contractors .. such like air con , electrical, cabinet, grill door.... etc... By not involve ID.. I think the reno price will be under my control ..