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Everything posted by h4happy

  1. I did not do my homework when sourcing for lights, went straight to Prima Lighting Center @ 691 Geylang Road and purchase my lights. Total damage: 5 room: $2270 4 room: $2070 Then went to another shop (as I want to purchase ceiling fans) and found out that for the same design (lights), they sell $135 while Prima sell $220! Prima claim they got 1 year waranty and they use good quality. When about to go home, Prima salesgirl told me their shop is more expensive than other shop. I really felt cheated and frustrated. What should I do? I called up Prima to ask for cancellation but they told me will call me back. Until now, no call at all! They ask me why want to cancel? I told her your lights are very expensive compare to other shops. I know I am at the loosing end. But any way to cancel off the payment? Please help. HAPPY
  2. Oh yes..I bought one empty oil can from my neighbour who collect tins, paper, to sell. I just gave her 50cents. Then cut 3/4 open the top. Yes burn the incense paper in the middle of the living room just beside the fruits. After 3 days, open the door and you may throw away the fruits and the tins. I did not bring home. Remember the pineapple which row inside? Leave that alone until it is about time to start reno and after the tong tu. Bring the pineapple and leave it beside the door gate. That is what I do....maybe different from other forumers.
  3. Hi LGG Mine is simple. Buy 2 pineapples (1 row to the house) while the other place in the middle. Buy apples, oranges, bananas and wu ku (5 types of beans). When open the door, just say something good good words. Burn jost sticks, red candles and paper incense after sprinkle rice mix with salt all over the house. Say something like: I am the owner, plse leave my unit. I will burn the paper for you. Open all the windows. Wait for a while before burn the incenses paper. Remember do not let any strangers come in. When all done, lock the door for 3 days with window open. That is what I do. Hope you understand. Hmm...I also wear new cloths when open the door.
  4. I also leave my toilet intact. To save cost.
  5. Thks JAZZ....I am going to push them. Anyway rec' a mail from SP again saying pub staff going to investigate. Will call them again and if never rec' any call from main con, I will shoot my complain up to the higher authority. Now my main concern is who is going to pay the bill?
  6. This is what I heard abt stove must have a wall (oppoisite direction) and not face window or toilel door. Wow...guess your tiles work started liao! More pics!!!!
  7. By looking at your living room and bedroom, the woody tiles looks very nice and warm and great!
  8. Once your kitchen cabinet is installed, you may consider frosted glass mount on the wall? Dont need to hack the tiles. My humble suggestion lah.
  9. Is your stove is in line with the opposite wall? That is what any fsm will say. But anyway, it is up to individual prefernces. Waiting for more pics......! !!
  10. Welcome! Btw, how much your reno cost?
  11. Hi EUP Your stove is next to your WM? Nice draw out you have in mind! HAPPY
  12. Day 8.... Finally my flooring is done. Manage to get the tiler name: Ah Seng One man operation...for my entire unit! Now waiting for 'grinding' the wax off and wash. Very happy with the worksmanship, cannot feel any cut leg feeling. Eagerly waiting for their next step (That is kitchen tiles).
  13. This morning was at the office blk27b. After that, rec' a staff call and I went down to blk27a office! Nearly quarrel as the staff seem to be unable to handle my case. Keeps on telling me they will inform their main contractor (China Contrustion) to investiage. I pull out my notebook and ask them their name. They dare not give me. One staff unwillingly tell me she is TAN. She is about 50++. Why they so scare of telling pple their name? Scare I call the higher authority? Rec' mail from SP too. Will ask their man to investigate this matter. Send mail to BBMADMIN@hdb.gov.sg to look into this matter. Actually it is a small matter but where bills are concern, I have no choice but to push them hard. Now, my renovation cannot start liao. I have to wait for their call (I doubt they will call me). If next week Monday never rec' any call from hdb main con, I will shoot to the higher authority. Thanks BO BO GIRL, I got the name and email address.
  14. Your kitchen layout is exactly the same as ours in Jalan Membina units.
  15. Hi YG Where you buy this and is it X? HAPPY
  16. First to Spam chop! Welcome! You go for open concept for your kitchen! More pics!!
  17. I think that is after your renovation is done and all the furnitures are in.
  18. Thks Ms BEAN...yes I gonna ask hbd contractor to pay the 25%! No way I am going to pay 25% for nothing. And no way I will pay for any plumber. Not a single cent.
  19. Hi LING Yes, SP officer told me to engage a plumber to recitfy the cause but I have to pay for the plumber. I am not gg to engage the plumber. As what MS BEAN said, I have send email to SPservices@singaporepower.com.sg, bbmadmin@hdb.gov.sg, bmrc36@eptc.sg regarding my case. Tomorrow will have to go down to blk27b to talk to the hdb contractor! This time, must be firece and pull a black face liao!
  20. Hi Neighbour I have one serious problem. I need your help. I rec' called from SP and they told me my water bill is $200+ since I activated last Feb 08. They asked me to call HDB contractor and I need to engaged a plumber to do the repair. SP then can wavie 75% and I have to pay 25%! What should I do now? Thanks! HAPPY
  21. I have to confirm whether my wife coming or not. I buy curry puff but how many? Can I bring my kids along?
  22. I think those who wanted to do any features wall, just be careful that the wall is ok. Afterall, feature walls not cheap and what if water flow out from the feature walls? Die liao!
  23. Aiyo..that is terrible. Better take a pic for proof. I think you better call your id and at the same time the hdb contractor. See what they say first! Anyway got pic to show us?
  24. Hi NEM Yeah, this morning went down and my unit tiles are completed. Except kitchen tiles. And they need to grind off the wax, grind the gount line to smooth and wash the floor before moving to the next steps. So far, very impress and happy with the tiles work. Fyi...Gina only ask 1 tilers to do my unit and my sister unit where normally there are 2 tilers. I will take post the pic. The 4 room tiles work has began.... HAPPY