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About MrKangTeo

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  1. Very interesting you mentioned this, but is this occurrence common with only marble tiles or most other tiles as well?
  2. What you seem to be describing is something like a cornice correct? If yes then it is possible to be done
  3. I would agree with this as it seems that whatever was spilled on the tile was left there for a long time which is a no-no
  4. Correct, polishing should be fine but not grinding for ceramic as the ceramic tiles will be scratched
  5. Its rather common most hardware shops should have it
  6. I think those non abrasive polishing is meant for those tiles that are glossy or marble like
  7. Sealing not only protects the stone but also helps it to remain clean much longer
  8. How about those artificial wood? Has the wood look/feel also but easier to maintaiin
  9. Maybe she meant she kindly reminded the contractor
  10. Correct maintenance is always an issue for wooden decks
  11. I think he means a couple of layers of wax polish
  12. You bring up a very good point especially knowing that tiles can have very sharp edges
  13. Most trophies are electroplated from what i know, so be careful when using any polish
  14. You can try the sungei kadut area, there are many woodwork places there that can probably help you out in this area