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Everything posted by Simpleboi

  1. Yup welcome, have PM u.. can check Hi, Think depends on the quality also.. anyway they havent installed yet.. will be installing next Sat.. after which will see how it looks etc
  2. I need internet too So happy u can move in liao.. I have to wait till next Sat for final touch up
  3. I just met my next door neighbour last Sat.. they are en bloc one.. middle age.. so we feel young there haha..
  4. For MBR, it just run above one side of the wall.. nearer to the door to the air con ledge etc.. Yup, will take photos and post pic of it Hi, It includes the 2-time installation and the upsize 1/2 inch insulation for the 3 fan coil
  5. Hi, Wow nice pics.... Yet another to be beautiful flat Hope to see more soon
  6. Is there an RTM 3? If I not wrong, only got RTM 1 and 2. Then there is TV3 which is Malaysia one
  7. Hopefully the ceiling fan wont spoil so fast then Anyway it is not strong enough so that if u r beside it, you will not feel anything Here are photos of my room with the paints: Living Room Bedroom 2 Master Bedroom View from Living Room
  8. Mine is quite low already.. which we dun really like.. coz both of us around same height.. so actually may need to bend down when chopping stuffs or something.. However the ID advised us to take lower so.. oh well.. !!
  9. For the bottom kitchen cabinet, my ID gave us 2.5 ft i think.. coz he also tell me 3 ft too high.. although we dun find it so.. he say normal is 2 ft one.. Also dunno wats real wats not..
  10. Hehe, no prob.. Didnt know got another unit also using same design of grilles as me Welcome, waiting for ur invitation to see ur place too Hi, Thanks, actually quite simple and low-cost basic reno.. definitely not comparable to others, neighbours etc Yup, my fan is from Amasco.. the light seems ok.. never tested it at night yet.. coz left my house around evening time when the sun is still setting The casting taken off? Not sure what this means but its easy to remove and put in the bulb etc.. easy to clean too coz its just strips etc Yup will tell my ID on the grilles.. dunno why they miss out.. and yup.. we chose the grille pattern from different patterns.. we chose this coz the hole bigger.. can easily put the hand out to open/close windows etc
  11. My grille was put up just this past week.. not sure if u saw mine or not Thanks, it's quite windy also.. the wind keep blowing on Sat when I was at my unit.. and I actually installed a ceiling fan and air con for living room
  12. Hi Zlia, Hmm.. the 700 is 2 layers for the living room, and 1 layer for each of the 3 bedrooms Hi Elaine, The company is KlinEra Interior Furnishing, actually got to know from my wife's fren If interested can pm u the contact etc
  13. I just confirmed my curtains yesterday.. whole house curtain close to $700.. find it quite an ok price.. as got another quote from the uncle downstairs 1k.. Yup blinds more ex.. wanted to do blinds but the charge was around 1k plus so decided to use curtains which is cheaper.. of coz have to take down to wash etc
  14. Glad that ur service is gd.. u have found a great ID Mine like to give excuses for different things etc.. Oh well My ID's painter also very bad.. they cant even paint the edge straight.. all quite badly done.. think prob doing some slipshod work Will ask them to repaint etc..
  15. Here are the photos for my air-con as well as my windows grilles...they forgot to put the grilles for the kitchen.... My aircon is Mitsubishi Starmex Inverter System 4 Living Room Unit (22k BTU) Bedroom 1 Unit MBR Unit Bedroom 2 Grilles MBR Grilles Living Room Grilles
  16. Yup, think we are the couple Icic no prob, next time then keke.. plenty of chances Your carpenter and ID so good! So happy for u
  17. Yup, now the tiles are already there.. dunno want holes or not.. Think prob shld be ok.. coz also dun want the tiles to crack.. and then further delay etc.. Btw anybody checked their doors for missing screws? My master bedroom doors have 2 missing screws.. will tell my ID to check it out.. maybe lost it during the tiling... meaning it could possibly be under the tiles.....
  18. Hi all, Finally updating coz the last time didnt take photos.. The air-con and lighting came on Saturday.. and the painting and windows grille already done so will put some photos of them h4happy, Yup will share my pics.. forgot to take the bathroom tiles again Start off with my lights My ceiling fan and light in the living room My other spotlight in the living room More lightings here... My foyer lighting When it's off Ceiling Fan off Spotlight off Lighting in bathroom Lighting off (same for my kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms)
  19. Hi elaine, The wedding was greatttt.. Everything went smoothly Nope didnt go coz now busy with the house lor.. and also budget etc.. Maybe when we settle down etc
  20. Hi binzz, Hehe, went to your unit yesterday around to take a look, but couldn't see.. guess u all were busy inside But from outside it looks nice nice Hope to be able to take a look soon
  21. Icic oh.. but will it be loose coz the gate will shake and shake if no hole haha... So now dunno whether to put or not.. My ID agreed to put hole if we want.. Still undecided haha.. Yup that's what I think.. thats why want to have hole.. hmm.. Oh.. thx keke.. will the gate be loose?
  22. Yup Haha, but too bad cannot scream, otherwise he anyhow do the remaining stuffs.. coz still got stuffs not done yet Hi all, Realised that the main door at my house the bottom, there re no holes drilled for the latching at the bottom part.. I asked my ID, he told me, that nowadays no holes at bottom cos collect dust! And also tiles will crack if drill holes now.. Would like to check with u all.. is it true? Are your houses able to latch at the bottom? Thanks
  23. Hi YG, Yup, if it is dirty will tell them to touch up.. he told me that coz the air con pple make dirty shld be their job to touch up the paint.... but will still tell them.. Hi makemefly, Yup, will not pay until they handover in good condition.. It seems that they do the work so fast also.. and spend a lot of time doing nothing.. Also I cannot tell if they really put 3 coats of paint or just trying to fake.. by 1 or 2 coatings. Anybody know how to tell?
  24. Oh... thanks xiao_xiin It seems that everybody have different coats of painting at different times and a final one at the end.. only mine is all together before the carpentry and chemical wash.. I asked my ID.. but he say its like dat one.. hmm.. Thanks sparey That's what I think also, that it will affect the painting.. I told my ID.. he just tell me to be careful.. and they will not do any touch up.. if affect then too bad lor.. got like dat one ah... I do not have false ceilings, so not sure if the lightings will affect or not.. have to pray lor.. Also hopefully got the final cleaning too.. my ID didnt say anything bout it yet.. and yup... the air con is after the trunking.. but the final coat of painting done lor.. so worried worried..