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About sree88

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  1. Yes we wrote in to the bank, since that Tiffanie had been missing all the appointments at the small claims. The banker issued the cheque without our approval. There are many victims stranded cos of them! It's been almost a year and we have still not gotten the money yet and they are totally uncontactable!
  2. After explaining our situation to the bank, they also came forward to help us to retrieve the misappropriated amount. Initially Tiffanie had sent in an agreement to settle the payment under a 2-month installment basis. The deadline to send the agreement was on 13th Nov 2014. After giving excuses after excuses to the bank personnel, the last deadline was set to 14th Nov at 12pm. She only emailed us the agreement on 14th Nov at 12.15pm. Even to send an agreement requested by the bank, we don’t understand why so much of procrastination. Attached below is the vague contract with broken English. No company header, no indication what is the payment for and only interest was to take down this post on renotalk forum. An ambiguous contract whom no one would even bother agreeing too. Ever since September till now no payment has been settled and how can one even have that little bit of confidence in trusting and agreeing to an installment plan? We told the bank we had no confident in trusting her words on installment as we have been played out numerous times of saying she’ll pay and in the end she did not. We had set a deadline through the bank to make the full settlement by 20th Nov 2014. Again she DID NOT fulfill the arrangement set by the bank and we just got informed about this. This person is very daring enough to neglect so much of instructions even that which came from the bank. The bank told us they tried their very best but have failed. Tiffanie even called up my mum-inlaw on 18th Nov 2014 to tell us to remove this post on renotalk forum or we might get into trouble. She couldn't give a reply when my MIL asked her for the money she owe us. Her only intention is to remove this post here and not to return us the balance amount she owes us. Until today she did not even call us or even pass us her new number. We never came across this type of a person who could be so cunning to walk away with other ppl’s hard earn money without even having a single bit of guilt and remorse for all that they have done. This is the most horrible experience one can ever face with a contractor. We just hope justice would be served. Nevertheless, god is watching everything.
  3. sree88


  4. My goodness! Looks like the are the next reno company going around cheating on ppl's money. I think we all have to do something so that justice is served. I thot we are the only ones, hearing a lot more surfacing seems like the are going around swindling alot of ppl's money! Mind sharing what happened? That wld help create more awareness to potential ones.
  5. No i didn't file with CASE yet. Intending too. For now made police report, file with Small Claim and the bank is also trying to help us out after understanding what we are going thru cos of Tiffanie. I have been holding back my pen all this while. After hearing a lot more, I'm feeling very frustrated.
  6. Yes probably another replica of Jover Chew in the form of a woman. She has changed her number. Our is quite a lot of damage plus she damaged my TV and I'm paying the monthly interest to the bank for the amount that she has misused. Its not fair to me. She even msged saying she need to cash to pay her child's hospital bill when we ask for the money! Which part of my renovation loan is subjected to her personal usage, When I am sitting here paying the multiplying interest to the bank. Full of excuses and endless waiting games testing our patience. I did not expect so many to come forth. A very treacherous trap we all have fallen into. I hope justice will be served too. We won't know how many are suffering in silence.
  7. Yes i think you should, i do not know how many more have fell into their trap. She is also doing another project at Upper Changi Road (3 storey). She is holding showflats events with lucky draws and not returning whomever she owes money. Another resident at place cancelled her contract as well. They had to push her to refund back the money and eventually she gave them a cheque which got bounced back the first time! I think we need to gather ppl like you suggests. If not we are not going to get back what we have lost bcos of this Tiffanie and company.
  8. My god this woman seems to be cheating around alot of ppl. There's another person at our place also cheated on the drawers for her walk-in wardrobe by Tiffanie. I suggest you make a police report as she has no rights to retain and not to give you back your access card in the first place. Do whatever you can to retrieve the money, go ahead with small claims. They seems to be going around doing this to so many ppl when its all our hard earn money!
  9. Yes that's their FB Page, the owner very smart, disabled ppl from commenting on their photos or I'm not sure if I'm the one who has been blocked by them. However can still tag the page and share ard.
  10. We never knew it would turn out this ugly. Even when they had delivered so much of poor quality work we did not request them for compensation. We just wanted what they should refund us. Now that they have challenged us to go to court, we hope justice will be served as we are paying the bank with interest on monthly basis. Even the bank isn't being of much help when we reported all the incidents. They can hold various show-flats events with lucky draws and they can't return our money back. It's very clear they have misappropriated our renovation loan for their personal use. Just hope the law teaches this type of people a good lesson. If this going to happen to some who is less literate or even those senior citizens, they'd probably left stranded not knowing what to do.
  11. I would like to share my bad experience with S Illusion Interior also known as S Illusion Design & Build. We had engaged S Illusion Interior to carry out renovation works for our house back in June 2014. Tiffanie Ko and Alvin Kow from S Illusion Interior are the two contractors handling my renovation works. It's a business run by the husband & wife and they claimed that they have a boss and we had just found out there isn't any! This Tiffanie Ko had introduced me a banker who is actually her friend. Once the loan was approved she smartly headed down to the bank before notifying us to collect the cheque from the banker prior to even starting the renovation work. I had asked the banker to separate the loan amt into 2 diff cheques so that I can pass it to the contractor based on the reno schedule. But both the banker and Tiffanie had made separate arrangements and issued the cheque to her even before starting work at my place. As this is our first home and we had no idea how all this bank loan works, we were deceived by them saying this is the usual practice when you take reno bank loan. As she was putting on a very trustable professional image during the early stage, we consoled ourselves that she will do a good job. To our horror, renovation works done were all sub-standard. Incorrect finalized 3D drawings were furnished for carpentry works. This resulted in wrong design, colors and size for carpentry works which involves shoe rack, TV feature wall in living area and TV console. All this caused delay in the renovation schedule leading to another long wait to redo the carpentry works. All appointments set to discuss and finalize on the renovation items after she received the full payment were delayed and most of the times Tiffanie and Alvin did not even turn up for appointments. Upon rectifying the carpentry works, the TV console fixed came down crashing to the floor on 20th August 2014, which is less than 5 days after fixing it up. Because of this my TV also dropped together with the TV Console and its not even working properly now. All the HDMI ports were damaged and the visuals as well. When the crash happened, my 8 month old nephew was just inches away from the TV console! Thank god for that. We had informed them to rectify this on the next day itself as we could see it was giving way.They did not even bother to come down and have a look at the work until the day it fell to the floor. Here are some of the images. Following all the unsatisfactory service received from this company, we asked them to stop their renovation works on that very day itself and to refund the balance amount for all the uncompleted works. The refund amount was supposed to be returned to us on 1st October 2014. Even to get the signature from us, they dragged their own time saying today & tomorrows. After much pressure to settle this matter, Alvin handed me the cheque on 3rd October 2014. We were notified by the bank that the cheque got bounced back after banking in and it was due to insufficient fund in the account. Upon enquiring with S Illusion Interior, they informed me to bank in the cheque again once I get the letter from the bank. The second attempt of banking in the cheque was also unsuccessful and cheque was bounced back the second time. Tiffanie Ko had also failed to pay 3 of the respective vendors whom we engaged for part of the renovation works. I was not aware that the payment to them has not been settled until the vendors started calling me up and demanding for all the overdue payments after being unable to withstand Tiffanie Ko’s excuses. We had to pressure Tiffanie to settle the payment as the vendors were threatening to go up till small claims. They even forwarded us all the smses that were sent by her telling them today and tomorrow and never turned up to pass them the balance payment. Here are some of the msges sent when the works were ongoing and her rude reply when we asked for the refund after the cheque got bounced back. Till today, S Illusion Interior has not refunded us the unused balance loan amount and has challenged us to go to court to claim the amount. Msg replies sent were all rude and she did not even bother to apologize for all that she has caused us. We have made a police report as well as lodged a claim against them under the Small Claims Tribunal. They even failed to attend the first consultation held at the state court. We just want to create awareness to all those who are about to engage any ID / Contractors for your renovation to be very strict and do extensive research before you engage anyone. At all cost, NEVER NEVER PAY THEM IN FULL, even when you have taken a bank loan. They go around creating a very professional image before you engage them and only after starting work, you get to see how unprofessional things could get. What you see is not you get as the end product. This is our first experience handling renovation matters for our new home and it has been a very good lesson to us. We are under so much of stress and inconvenience caused by this company and we do not want anyone else to go through what we have been thru . We do not know if we can recover the loss from them but we hope no one else falls into the trap like us.