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About intonewlife

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  1. The contractor that hired by my id also didnt lay protective sheet on the floor. In e end there was damages on the floor. Despite e fact the id asked someone to polish the flooring but there were still scratches and dents that couldn't remove. They are forever there. E id asked me to manage expectation. I was very furious with him. If measures have taken to protect the flooring when installing carpentry work, such things will not happen. I had to check the defects and rectification all by myself. e id even ask me to stand in his shoes to think. Excuse me I pay him to talk to me in this manner. I signed with this id was because he is strongly recommended by one of the renotalk forum member. But it turns out to be a huge disappointment
  2. http://renotalk.com/forum/uploads/tn_gallery_64112_8_320539.png above are the paints bought by id. In the contract , it states that nippon is used. But I dun get to see nippiom containers for walls except for the ceiling (refer to red can). Feel cheated by the id. Reno has been completed and I withheld final payment. how ??
  3. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/gallery/image/10117-screenshot-2015-05-27-11-13-18/ so it is ok not to install back the steel plate? The ventilation I have at home is covered by carpentery work. Due to some ciricumstance, the steel plate couldnt install back.
  4. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/gallery/image/10117-screenshot-2015-05-27-11-13-18/ i... just completed my home renovation. I have asked the id to hide the bomb shelter door and ventilation using carpentery work. As you can see from the pic, I couldn't put back the metal to the ventilation hole as there is blocking in front of it. I am concerned if it is ok to leave it like that. In future, if I were to sell this unit, would it be a concern?
  5. Yes id has rectified it by sending marble contractor to rectify it. I made my complain to him 1 day about overall renovation process. He sided the contractor that they did lay the protective sheet but when the area needed to do carpentry work, e protective sheet was removed. He added scratches are part n parcel of the renovation. Some owners understand this n forget it. I was 'r u sure that owner forget abt thoses scratches' Really tired of listening to his old grandma story
  6. I pose this qns and the id replied that $400 include transport carpentry work from jb to my hm and moving them to myunit and removing those remaining carpentry from the unit." My renovation indeed carpentry work, mirror, painting and no hacking of anything. Anyway, I found his story about ridiculous and full of qns. I did told him shouldn't that be included in carpentry work why split transportation cost. Of coz he continue old grandma story which I dun buy it.
  7. One more question why some id do not check the defects rectified by contractors and let the owner check?
  8. There is a uploading of goods / debris removal fee of 400 + gst.in my quotation. My renovation only consist of carpentry work, painting etc. No tiles hacking. The id refuse to waive off the sum. I saw e id clearing the rubbish eg boxes from my unit to the basement for 1 time. How do I get him to.waive that sum?
  9. I like the way protective sheets r being used. My carpenter didn't use the protective sheet n damaged my floor. The id also didnt lay it. ((( wondering why I buy protective sheet for if they dun use n damage my floor
  10. During the renovation process, carpenters damage my flooring causing chips on the floor as they didnt lay protective sheets while working. I highlighted to my id abt it and quickly he sent e marble polish contractor to rectify it. However, the marble.contractor missed out 3-4 chips. She.only filled.up those.chips with special cement that I highlighted. The problem now is should I highlight.to e id.again that 3-4.chips were.missed out and should send the contractor to rectify it?
  11. I like those pic u have uploaded in this t blog. Really like your concept. It sounds awesome. Unfortunately my hse has completed reno. Not able to change any at all
  12. I feel u... I had painful experience to get the defects before and after reno (( there were times my leave was wasted as the contractors didnt turn up for the appointments. It didn't happen only once..it was at least 3 times. Pretty upset. No use complaining to the facilities officer in charge.