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Everything posted by singamas

  1. Curtain in master , blinds in the other 2 rooms and balcony
  2. The kitchen My huge Hitachi fridge Master bedroom wardrobe The dinning area And the most hated TV feature wall
  3. My reno has completed except some minor touch up here and ther. So, I will just let the pictures do the talking. The hall The common bathroom The master bathroom after the basin installed
  4. Sorry sentinel, have been super busy. Not able to update the progress. Yes, He did give me the original copy of PE minus the receipt. I have no idea how much the PE charge.
  5. I paid $90 for this and the original price was $2xx, can't recall exactly.
  6. He get his aircon guy to replace the whole stretch of pipe and sent me a picture. I guess I have to keep my finger cross and pray hard
  7. He told me it will be within $800 - $1500 and the final quote is he found one who charge $920 . I did ask around people who engage PE, most of them pay between $400- $600. My condo management won't allow any hacking to start unless the PE and hacker's certification are ready. The whole thing was delay by almost a week.
  8. And bought all my LED T5 ,LEd strip and downlight at AVARIC
  9. And not forgetting the Hansgrohe warehouse sale today....
  10. Today did quite a bit of shopping, Howard at Millenia Walk is closing down, everything must go at 40% less Bought the hook hangers the Ruckzuck Airer for the yard two wall mount swing arm mirror to install in the bathroom and the vacuum tidy
  11. The kitchen flooring has completed and the yard half way through My common bathroom
  12. Thanks for your advise. We did try to drop by our place and check on the work progress. His contractor are very professional and efficient. They did complain to me that he was always late, did not tell they the work details, like what tiles are for which area, did not order enough tiles that they have to finish job earlier etc.I finally found out the reason he only show his face around 10am at my place -------to avoid paying erp charges since my place is very near CBD area
  13. The person who hack my bathroom wall and floor tiles accidentally damaged my aircon outlet pipe which is conceal inside the bathroom. My ID said he will get his aircon guy to replace the pipe, quote me $130 (.......yes I was told I have to pay.... ).......In the first place, he is trying to ask me to get my aircon contractor to come down to replace which I totally disagree. Finally, he said he will pay for the damage. I was told they are only responsible for other water inlet/outlet pipe in the bathroom which is including in the quotation.............so ridiculous ..... and unbelievable MY ID is doing such a GREAT job,,,,everything is in smooth flow, hacking,wiring,plumbing,,,,,,,,,so smooth that he never keep us inform,,,,,,no update,,,,,,,,,take long time to answer your msg./ whatapp whatever.............and told you he will inform you two days ahead before the wiring guy come............And only called me 1& 1/2 hour before the wiring guy came to do the wiring job. So efficient.........We didn't even talk about any wiring issue beforehand. Maybe that is the consequences I have to bear since I get most of the stuff by myself that he has very little 油水, maybe that is what he means by give and take...
  14. This is my plumber 杰作 Does anyone know why you need to wrap a pipe up like this ? Not sure why the drainage pipe from my basin has to run such a long distance to find it way home
  15. My kitchen and bathroom tiles have arrived at the same time
  16. The hacking job had completed, next step is the wiring and plumbing job. The electrician use by my ID doesn't look cheap.Charging $46 for light point, $91 for 1x13 amp point, $104 for 2x13 amp point, $156 for SCV point $120 for heater,hob,hood switch,,,,etc. Total damage came close to $3k my dinning area mirror cum fixture wall lighting Part of my living room L box and the kitchen
  17. why everything so expensive huh?
  18. After so many delay, finally 开工大吉 Hacking of this wall require PE approval, so unbelievable .....cost me close to 1K
  19. Not all have to wait that long, some are pretty fast if they have the ready stock
  20. beautiful view from balcony We both like the big window in th master
  21. some pictures before the hacking tomorro the kitchen the common bath The master bathroom vanity will be replace and the marble wall and floor to be polish Might need to replace the shower screen All the bedrooms are basically empty , need to revanish the parquet flooring before the built in wardrobe came in and the living room marble flooring too
  22. The sofa $2300. The sink come with a mixer as a package $578
  23. A Hitachi side by side fridge .....finally.....one that is big enough to keep all the junk food.... And a blanco metra 9 sink, still thinking whether to do a undermount or top mount ??
  24. Some of the kitchen staff we bought: Tecno slim hood Tecno induction hob