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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Living room 3D deserves a post all on its own.... so much headache, backwards/forwards over the design of the custom shelves / feature wall... Version 1: On the right: Wooden feature wall that we will DIY! ambitious, but we really felt that the quotes we received were too high! Left : shelves as designed by the ID: too much white for our liking... Background: new kitchen half wall, with black framed windows Version 2: Shelves re-arranged Version 3: Something closer to what we want, but the final is just a little different Version 4: Instead of black framed windows, we thought about going for WHITE ones, to achieve a more Scandinavian feel.... although once again the #voiceofreason said black is easier to clean.. my reply was ... if it gets dirty.. i can keep over ? hahaha .... does black or white frame look nicer?
  2. Also the 3D images provided by Buzz, our ID: Master Bedroom: since we are not planning to have TV/ Study desk in the bedroom, decided to do a L shape wardrobe to make use of the void space in the room... This is not the final components of the wardrobe- incorporating more hanging space and less shelves... also, decided to go for DOORS. since various #voiceofreason said its really #notpractical if i go for open concept only downside is its kinda of awkward for the person sleeping on the inside to get to bed =x but seems that several Renotalkers also have a similar layout for their bedrooms, so I'm not too worried... anything goes as long there a LARGER wardrobe #womenwoes Common Bedroom: as well as storeroom, study room, guest bedroom spending a fair chunk of $$ to achieve the 'multi-purposes-ness', keeping our fingers cross that it will look nice as well as meet our needs!
  3. took a long break- but I didn't forget about this: Here's the new layout :
  4. Sharing some pictures that inspired us: Living room: I would really like to have wooden floors to have a truly Scandinavian theme but I really cannot get over the fact that laminates/tiles will look like wood, but wouldn't feel anything like the real thing... so we improvised (hem. compromised).... and accommodate the wood on the wall (behind our sofa) instead..... real wood - pine most probably.. I totally love the Muuto stacking shelves (bottom right picture) but our ID says its not stable/safe... I have a similar system in my current bedroom which is 3 'levels' high, made of plywood so it wasnt strong enough to support more levels - so we'll be getting a whole wall's worth of shelves customised... Plus the Muuto shelves are like 200-300bucks per box .. Kitchen/Dining Since we are knocking down the existing kitchen wall to extend it, the new wall will only be constructed to half height - going for the glass with frame - only thing we are unsure if we should go for a black frame cause its leaning towards industrial... or white frame to be more give a more scandinavian feel... Balcony- still undecided. Initially I thought I would find the plain gray tiles in the balcony super boring, but after visiting Hafary/ Soon Bee Huat, there wasn't any other option I liked better.. so 80% leaning towards leaving the balcony as it is ... Common Bedroom Since we have no utility room, no extra bedroom... this has to be our multi-purpose-do-everything room Ideally, we will have a loft bed for any guests we may have or for D when we fight.... underneath would be the 'utility room'.. and we will need a desk to accommodate our computer... Master bedroom - no inspiration whatsoever. Not sure if we are neglecting such an important space... but we are planning to only have wardrobe & bed. haha- no idea how special it can get =x Think we can pull off a Scandinavian look? keeping my fingers crossed!
  5. Oops, took a break for a bit cause I was travelling! a few more pictures of the 2 bedroom side of the unit Long balcony - side story regarding the balcony doors - one of the glass had a long (>15cm) scratch, and this 'helpful' guy was polishing the glass to get rid of the scratch... Alas, either the scratch was super deep or the he was too enthusiastic and when looking through the touched up glass, the view was warped =( imagine funny mirrors at science centre ... they replaced the whole glass after the fiasco Kitchen.. omg so small?!?! only cabinets and counter top on one side.... for someone like me who loves to cook and bake #nightmare ... running joke that the architect who designed this only dapao his meals and has never cooked in a kitchen or something .... so kitchen expansion/remodel will be taking up a good chunk of reno budget for us Common bed room - also small, but we are planning to use it as a storeroom/study/spare bedroom... #ambitious much! Wardrobe - white and possibly impossible to maintain Curved windows of master bedroom - love it sometimes .. hate it most times.... have no idea how can we install blinds cause curtains are so not our thing #lazy Last but not least... tiny (again!) bathroom.. sink is to the left of the WC.. not sure why I didn't take a landscape photo .. oops Thats our #danchelhouse as it came...... hopefully we can transform it into something we'll be happy to come home to =D
  6. Hi Aspialle, it is in Tampines (opposite Temasek Poly) I think Dec 2015 was the latest possible... the info board during the construction period indicated July 2014. Hi Family Guy72, According to my ID and the others whom we didn't select in the end... the workmanship is pretty good compared to some condos they've seen recently... In my opinion, I think the defects aren't very major, but really depends on your luck, some of my neighbours have worse/better workmanship in their units... and the main contractor seems to fix them pretty quickly... some stuff they will never replace - like doors, my scratched balcony door glass, manufacturing flaws in my sinks... some design flaws in my neighbours unit also cannot change.... so gotta live with it where abouts is your new place??
  7. Some pictures of the house, all original fixtures Studio side: First thing upon entering main door; the kitchen with induction hob Living room Bedroom (the room with the nicest view amongst all the rooms) Sliding door that separates bedroom and living room The wall area suggested for TV placement is the tiny wall between the doors and the balcony, have to mount the TV on a pole?! Considered replacing the door with a smaller one, so the walls for living room and bedroom can be longer and TV can be mounted.. But D likes existing door so we are keeping it
  8. Hi, cch93624... was I that obvious? Virtual cookie for guessing correctly! Hi Lydia, so did you guys shortlist him in the end after seeing his quotation? (If his quote was just a little lower, we might have gone with him..)
  9. We already had a firm idea on how to utilize the space in our house ... Style wise we only knew not #modern/contemporary Thus our ID hunt began in July this year at an expo fair .. which apparently, is a BIT too late to start .. Luckily it wasn't as scary as wedding fair #hardsellmax #ID 1 Rupert@Living Gaia Saw the display at their booth and we like their feature cabinet .. So we sat and discussed our requirements with Rupert(young-ish guy) for more than an hour! He told us an estimated sum, and said he will show us 2D and quote the next time we meet. Dan(D) went to visit Rupert to double confirm our requirements and pass him our floor plan .. 3rd meeting to get quote and floor plan... He was slightly late and he totally forgot what we discussed the prior 2 meetings... 2D was nothing like what we wanted ( very generic) and quote was maybe 10% relevant.. .We spent another 1.5 hours retelling him our requirements.. #givechance sad to say we didn't meet him again though cause #noconfidence in him anymore #ID2 Buzz@Inzz Studio Because we have #storagewoes, we decided that the common bedroom will have a platform/loft bed and the bottom area will be used for storage .. spotted a platform/loft bedroom designed by Buzz in a magazine and called him up to make an appointment on Sat and he met us on Sun #ontheball . Amongst all the IDs, he had the most experience, 7 years! (But.. he also said.. when ID tell you no. of years normally its inflated by 2 years found that super funny!) . We loved his office design (industrial) too! He is #verypractical (you really don't want to hack the wall between your toilets.. Too expensive..) thus has the vote of D +1. :x only ID with design fee -1? Some items on his quote was a bit ex, but he was amenable to negotiation ... Buzz had previously signed up another 2 clients at my development.. So higher chance he will supervise on site often +1 ? 1 place 3 projects so #convenient .. Can give group discount ? Haha #ID 3 @3DConceptwerke This company was always at the back of my mind as their office design was attractive! Saw a couple of blogs on RT renovated by them, looks good too... Had a 30mins discussion and she said she will revert with possible design and quote... BUT NO Reply after 3weeks .. #turnoff #rudemax #ID 4 Butterpaperstudios Chanced upon their blog ... Omg .. Totally love their designs! But #bobian they are too busy to take up any new jobs.. Thanks for replying promptly, no chance for me to raise my hopes up... #ID 5 Cadmus @ Revamp Their office space is at my neighbourhood central.. Done up in industrial style.. cement screed floor +1 edison bulbs +1, enticed D in for a chat.. He is creative and had several good ideas .. Also #practical.. He was a bit reluctant to give a quote which didn't give us a good impression .... when we did see the quote.. It was the lowest +1 ... Another +1 is that I actually found some good comments on RT about Cadmus at his previous company (only ID with review) Only downside he goes like 'this? Okay one lah, no worries.. That? No problem, trust me ' a bit too chin chye/boastful .. #givesmedoubts #ID 6 JY @ 9 Creations Their office is close to my parents's workplace .. easier to follow up (chase :x) if we need anything ... JY is a nice guy and is able to meet our requirements.. Said he will go to our place to open door for workers everyday +1.. Only thing is he hasn't done any Scandinavian /industrial design... - 1 ... Also his quote for our required platform bed is #astronomical -1 Actually during the ID hunt.. D had already created his own 3D design and we almost wanted to go the contractor route and forego any ID. So.... Contractor 1 I wasn't at the meeting.. But D told the contractor what we required.. Quote came a few days later .. Price similar to the quotes from ID ... #nopoint No more #energy to hunt for more ID ... between Buzz/Cadmus/ JY... We found it easy to communicate with all of them and they each have their + & -..... Lesson : there is no perfect ID ... (or maybe it should be: look harder if you want a perfect ID) Result: Dilemma ..... Guess who we chose in the end?
  10. Hi Jane- we love it too! Can bluff ourselves that we have a big house when we planning to stay mostly in the 2BR side Hi Panda & Songz, its and Executive Condo, Arc @ Tampines (opposite Temasek Poly) - which/where is yours?
  11. Totally loving the patterned tiles in your corridor! brightens up a usually neglected space! Thinking of using those tiles on my balcony, but am still undecided
  12. Hello, Been stalking this forum for about two weeks or so (not very long admittedly) and the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared (gosh. i foresee a head/heartache filled months ahead) have inspired me to start my own! Back story: Dan (then Fiancé, now husband since #danchelwedding happened in Oct '13) and we put down the money (hem, thanks parents, for the loan) for our future home in November 2011... Still remember we went to the show room on Thursday.. and went back the next day to get our desired unit... impulsive much?! But no regrets anyway.... We initially wanted to get a 2 Bedroom unit, cause it suited our poor-young-unmarried-couple's budget.. but my dad (the frugal sort) said this dual key unit is quite interesting.. and my mom (the EVEN more frugal type) was okay with lending us extra $$ for the down-payment...(very good foresight this pair of parents.. their future home settled.. live with the daughter) So we ended up with a 2 Bedroom+ studio dual key unit and here's our unit layout Back to the present: We started our ID hunt in late July kind of late considering we got the keys to our place in mid- August (so exciting! )... Now the pineapple has been rolled and salt/rice/tea scattered .... we are looking forward to transforming our #danchelhouse into #danchelhome ... next post getting an ID... ps: in my stalking, I didn't manage to spot any dual-key t-blog.. is there one but I've totally missed it?
  13. Rachel

