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Everything posted by pert

  1. Hi, ya, we did box up our study room. hmm.. i am afraid i dont have the pics for the study area. But, we just use bricks to cover up and then paint over.. I wish i could write my own blog, but really dont have the time. And, i dont know how to directly paste the pic over here? so sorry. or who could teach me?? Thanks.. Pert hmm.. i dont quite understand what you referring?? But hor. i tink we already have the outlet for our washing machine from HDB? Aiyoo. i not very sure either. If you all like, i will be at home this Thurs noon. Cos we taking leave to do something, this Sat and Sun both of us not free.. =( So sorry..
  2. Hi, Ya, my kitchen is suspended because we wan to put lighting below.. look nicer.. hmm.. and my kitchen very dark. so we wan to put more lighting.. I think you can put suspended kitchen.. it doesnt matter if its big or small kitchen ba?? i feel my kitchen very small too. think its like that lo.. nowadays flat all very small. hmm. i wont be feel for the next coming weeks, but i try to arrange ba.. confirm again? But what time will you most prob free? Cos me and FH normally go durng night time.. Halo jasch.. hmm.. what do you mean by on the same side?? Mine is a 5-rm flat.. hee.. And thanks.. me and FH also likes our kitchen best..
  3. Hi, as promised, below are the some pics of my renovated flat.. Living Room: http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/5/12/9...79m_8958569.jpg Kitchen door and Bomb shelter feature wall: http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/5/12/9...74m_61ac301.jpg Kitchen: http://img31.picoodle.com/img/img31/5/12/9...57m_159b130.jpg Room Wardrobe: http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/5/12/9...70m_18e4c31.jpg Aircon-Starmex http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/5/12/9...51m_11557ef.jpg Please feel free to comments or ask any questions.. Hee.. !!
  4. Hi Xlan, My flat going to complete soon.. but i am still not fully satisfied yet. So maybe before handover, will have some minor changes ba.. Now too busy.. SO not around, me alone cant do much too. Yup, thats what my ID told me in the first place, but then after that, he said that there is a max length. but since its common, then no choice lo.. i have no time to u/l the pics yet.. prob in early Dec ba.. by then maybe can let u all see.. !!
  5. Hi, i need some advice.. I did a glass backsplash for my kitchen, but there is a join line, which i find it quite obvious. I complain to my ID about it but then was told that there is the max length is only 10ft, whereas for my kitchen, it requires 11ft, therefore have join line. Anyone knows whether its true? Cos i dont know about this stuff?? Can anyone help me?? TIA~!~! !!
  6. hmm.. my ID is Robin..a very experienced one.. But hor, you have to get use to his attitude in working. he is not like those young ID who will draw out schedule for you, then report to you.. he is those who will working according to his pace but at the same time make sure that its still within the schedule.. But he did give us a reasonable price.. =) (that was quoted by someone who went to see our flat.. but we still think its quite ex la..
  7. ya, i am using Baroque also.. and its almot completing.. quite efficient.. but definitely got some changes and emendments here and there lo.. Workmanship is ok. i think most importantly is which Id you work with.. must find those reliable and easy to talk to one.. =)
  8. Hi Yang Guo, I too din find any defects and did not report to HDB. But however, there are actually some defects which i seek my ID advice, and he said that its common lo, something like there are bits and pieces of dents and holes on all doors, then one of my shower spray given in MBR is DENTED!! Dont know what the HDB people checking?? Its super obvious.. bt seen i will be changing so i din complain also la.. waste time. But right now i am in process of reno, then the worker told me that the drain in the MBR is somehow stuck.. So you might want to test the drainage system, taps, the flushing and etc.. Hope this helps..
  9. Hi binzz, My ID also asked me to go along with him to choose only. i also dont know how many lights is require..But my ID did told me that we need to spend at least $800-$1400 leh.. Then he bringing us to Singapore Lighting Mart lo.. I also dont know?? Anyone buying Rinnai hob&hood and stove too??
  10. Hi, anyone knows whether the lighting selling at Singapore Lighting Mart is expensive? Because my ID bringing us to choose lighting tomorrow.. i dont want kana 'chop' by them leh.. Then anyone been to Balestier to choose their floor tiles? Thanks!
  11. Hi Sparey, May i know what kind of defects you are looking for? Because, for my flat, i din find anything major that needs rectify, i am just scare that i might miss out something. As for the windows, main gate and doors, what are the main issues? I only notice that the are crack lines for all my room doors, but think no choice, cos the door is of bad quality. as for the window, just some handle is loose, some is tight. will that pose any problem? Main gate also you find problem ma? Hope you can give me some advice. Thanks!
  12. Hihi Cindy-Monkeybone, I would also like to join in the bulk purchase.. but would like to know how much is the cost? I opt for layout A..
  13. Me also have SUPER tight budget. Now already over budget liao.. but think dont have any choice la.. =( Ya, xlan, i agree that the bedrooms in 5-rm are very small! I went to see the unit and was very disappointed. I dont even know how to design my MBR? So headache now..
  14. Hihi Dorcas, Did you went in to see the 5-rm flat? Did you remember which level is it? I also wish to take a look at the 5-rm unit. Very excited, as i havnt take key yet.. me also 25A...
  15. Anyone knows whether there is any 5-rm unit to view? I am very anxious to see the area for my new flat leh..
  16. Nope, I still havnt go for the 2nd appointment yet, dont say take key lo.. HDB super slow ah!
  17. Hi Green, From this, i think your bf dont understand what is your stand now. Living with his parents and selling away Jalan Membina flat then shift to condo in 5yrs time is totally different story rite? Lets say that you both manage to earn from the sales after 5yrs, then what will happen to his parents after you two sell the flat? Live together with you in the Condo as well or buy another flat for them? This doesnt make sense to me?? I think the problem lies in that, he wants u to stay with his parent?? This is my own interpretation.. No offence ah...
  18. Ya, today me and my FH went up to flat 25A, very anxious to see the flat, then realise that all the units are locked up already!! Then ask one construction worker, they say already submit the keys to HDB liao.. dont know true anot leh?? Wow.. if thats the case, then blk 25A should be getting keys soon ba.. =) Hi Loobhlinda, urs is a 4-rm flat ma? cos i saw your reno package quite cheap..
  19. Wow..Congrats to u!! wondering whether HDB will let us collect the keys first, as we also in blk 25A??
  20. So funny, two days ago, when i checked HDBpage, i can still see the delivery possession date and the estimated completion date.. now when i logged in today, i can only see "Lease Commencement Date 01 Sep 2008" .. how come like this ah? This means i cna only take key next yr? Today, finally my HLE is approved! haha.. now must wait for the letter to arrive liao...
  21. So excited now.. Think my BLk is ready! (me in Blk 25A) dont know when will the HDB ask me to go sign the agreement? Din hear anything from them yet? Status states still processing my HLE.. so slow man! I sent on the 21st June, now still no news.. slow slow slow...
  22. hi, jus wanna know, does the bathroom provides shower kerb n tempered glass screen? Cos my ID say like have leh?? anybody knows? Thanks.