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Everything posted by jazznpop

  1. Happy, cool down lah... aiyoooo... tat time my hse oso got problem, seems like HDB ppl oso push here n there. Sometime its better to spent a little money to get stuff done lor unless u dun mind the time n energy spent to chase them lor.. sometime i feel so sian to chase HDB or china con ppl... they all the same kind like to push stuff ard.
  2. thanx siimpleboi, i dun tink will get detergent for the time being. Heehee use water first Happy, do u feel its very dusty?? Due to living near by the main road??? After i mop the floor, abt 2-3days its gets dusty and sandy liao. or izzit i open my window too big and always open the door when we are inside
  3. haahaa fertilizer os good to steal meh??? Ah gong's fertilizer better than wat we can get at those flower nursery? anyone feel tat the main road veri noisy??? was awaken by the bus at earli in the morning like 6am...
  4. Hi hi, wow mop every day.~~ heehee i dun tink i got energy to do tat Anyway after i clean all the window (which was sooo dusty after reno) and mop the floor second time then manage to get the clean feeling Anyway dare not use any type of detergent to wash only use water!!~~ and so far seems and feel clean to step on. not sure how long it can last heehee Tink got to mop again b4 furniture comes in
  5. Hi happy, Like to check wif u how u maintain ur floor huh?? wat detergent to use for granite or can juz use plain water to mop??? Coz i tink there is limited detergent for granite. can use bleach to mop? my ID uses it to mop the floor before. :S heehee first timer so heehee need to ask ask ard abit
  6. Hi Ms bean, so these are the signs arh.. hm.... i haf build a cement support there so i dun tink i can feel it :/ So Ms bean how is ur nego with HDB??? i am sure its not ur reno fault lor. The pipe inside who can actuali broke it?
  7. hahaha actual i meant tat heehee... tat level tingy lah. mine one repair the top part, bottom part spolit hahaha...
  8. serious they change the whole thing??? hm.... but i heard those hinges spolit easily woh
  9. Apa: u welcome better gif him a ring coz tat time when he weld my gate he told hubby that he is going to toa payoh area liao coz here more or less he has finished. Quite worried about the whole ms bean mention. hm..... sure most ppl seal it up if they going to build cabinet there mah. hm....
  10. Hi are u looking for the man to weld the gate? the unlce name is Mr Kor hp nos:91541869
  11. I oso cannot find the small hole at the bottom. :S
  12. wow the hse soo many defects arh.. Ms bean how come ur kitchen there got a small whole at the tiles there??? I dun haf tat hole in my kitchen. Can tat hole be seal up??? coz i haf made the base oreadi. hm.... so jiat the hse here and yet we pay soo much. Not another break in today? The bsc ppl work very slow woh.... tat tme my window in one of the room chips. and it chip from the outside and not inside. Obvious its not we the one who did it mah. ask them to change and they took one full month plus one wk to change. Never chase them, they never do anything. Chase them then they change it within a week's time. Tink many of us got problem with the gate hinges problem. As for toilet bowl prob i havn't encounter. maybe never do big business at new plc so cannot determine
  13. wow tat is scarli sia... i tink no amount of insurance, alarm does help lor. If thief wanna to stuck it will be lor. Tink dun leave any valuable in the hse . Valuables such as jewellery, big amount of cash etc.. haiz.... i wonder will town council help lor. Coz tat time i call HDB, seems like the main con have not trf it to TC. Dunno y we pay for the conservatives charges when the blk is not washed n tidy up.
  14. yang guo, so haf u gotten the clock??? wanted to know which one u gotten heehee
  15. Hi Vacis, can check since u got the alarm system up, they still manage to get in?? Actuali quite true lah "Far relative is no better than close neighbours!!!" we must help to keep a look out. Maybe electrical appliances difficult to carry out ba tat y they left it alone. But those stay near the link way to carpark got to be careful lor coz never know those buglers will use trolley to wheel the electrical appliances all the way to their lorry or van. As there are some unit still under renovation.
  16. wow soo scary sai... like tat was considering wan to deliver my tv to the unit or not. argh... wif alarm system oso can break in..scary scary..
  17. The hinges got prob lah.. those type they use spolit easily one. Mine one repair the top one, bottom spolit, repair the right side, left side spolit. Think if my fridge come how to squeeze in if cannot open fully
  18. The centre at 27B is still there arh... Hubby juz went there on wed to report more defects... the metal gates hinges spolit.
  19. if i am not wrong tat time they got promotion, like buy mattress top up liao dunno is 60 or 600 to get the bed frame leh. We saw it at courts b4 GSS. Its worth it lor but we saw the model is like 5k type of out of budget so didn't buy
  20. icic... HDB ask u to shift over by 7 July?? Tat is fast ya... I tink most of ur neighbour has shifted over oreadi rite. Btw which sch ur kids goes? Is it the one nxt to our hse one? If is tat one then ur kid no need to wake up too earli heehe.. can let them sleep longer Oh btw how u activate the telephone line ?? Coz i now dunno to take starhub or singtel line. Mine one going to complete soon. the cabinet n wardrobe are all up.... I guess next week my contractor can hand over to me. Now pending my kitchen sliding glass door. HOpe they do it nicely as the kitchen bottom cabinet they did wrongly and i very angwee Guess after hand over need to do another round of cleaning before furniture deliver over ?
  21. My AD is after urs... on 28 sept. i guess abit short of time to prepare coz whole mth of aug cannot do aniting. Oso my hse reno yet to hand over haik haik, tink later part going to rush like siao liao hm..... can share ur wedding pix.. like to c ppl wedding pix coz it the most X part of the wedding excluding the dinner
  22. be careful woh, while wife pack, she will nag nag nag... tat wat i did when i pack my hubby's room haahaa maybe different ppl react differently lah hor....
  23. haahaa who will b the leader to led first??? aiya i soo blur its today they coming to my blk to check .....blurzzzzz.....
  24. thank yang guo.. will go there n c .. maybe will buy some decal to stick my kitchen Yozz how is ur preps for ur wedding??? gotten ur pre-wed album?
  25. hey jasch wat type of sofa u looking for. i been to tis living story, their half leather sofa not bad and not too x its at genting lane there. the full add i post again coz invoice not wif me