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lovescandi last won the day on May 17 2017

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About lovescandi

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  1. Hey everyone, just wanted to share how it has been after staying here for more than 3 years .... all my carpentry and hinges are in excellent/almost new condition still, nothing has warped nor fell apart all thanks to Contractor J all my furnitures from Taobao are still in excellent condition but the only problem I've had are the water faucets (taps) and the pipes linked to it. Just two weeks ago I had to get a plumber in to change away all the taps in the masterbed room and common room toilet , as well as kitchen tap (not from taobao but this is the 2nd time I'm changing). The ones I bought from Taobao were all rusty and plumber told me the pipes were going to burst, water that was coming out are all rusty because of the horrible quality 'stainless steel' from China. He changed everything for me to an 100% Italian faucet, about $150 each and mentioned I will be able to use them for at least the next 5 years. Moral of the story - you can buy everything for your house from Taobao EXCEPT their so claimed stainless steel faucets or anything that touches water because they are definitely a nightmare Hope my experience will be a valuable one for everyone setting their homes! (I've cleared my inbox by the way!)
  2. Happy New Year everyone!! Hope the feasting and celebrations has been great! Just wanted to share a little about how the quality of Contractor J has been after staying in this house for almost 3 years as I've received several enquiries on durability and quality... Renovation durability : I haven't had a single problem with any carpentry works etc which Contract J has done for me. Everything is working perfectly and infact new condition maybe because I've been taking good care of everything Shoe cabinet, wardrobe, kitchen cabinets are all doing really well and super sturdy. KompacPlus Kitchen Top: This kitchen top is great! Apart from the oil stains at gets on KompacPlus occasionally that's easily cleaned off with a wet cloth, it looks brand new hahaha Taobao loots: My TV console, table, chairs, lightings are in excellent condition. Until today I've only changed my dining light bulbs once lol The only issue I have that was bought from taobao are the toilet faucet taps and bidet spray - the faucet seems to be tougher to maintain and my bidet spray started leaking half a year back but I suspect its just due to daily usage but from this experience, I will never purchase any toilet related faucet, taps or even shower heads etc from taobao because the quality is really bad compared to original brands that can probably last many years. Very thankful for having such a wonderful home because happy home, happy life And anyone who visits my place always compliments how Contractor J did a beautiful job. Recently my colleagues came and they exclaimed as well which makes us very pleased till date. Free free to drop me any messages and I'll try to reply! Cheers to 2017!!!
  3. Hi everyone!! Sorry for not clearing the inbox lately due to work Anyway for those who has been asking, Contractor James is a registered contractor for renovation in HDB and his company is Chun Xiang Renovation. You can find out more about his company from HDB here: https://www20.hdb.gov.sg/bn25/isos118p.nsf/0/B02113CED4E1A0D54825803B0027A207 Have a splendid weekend everyone!!
  4. Hi everyone, just to clarify, my contractor name is Contractor James - I hope this can clarify the confusion with other contractors. I've also just cleared my inbox and responded to all PM-s, thank you all for your kind patience! You can drop me if you any enquiry about my home
  5. Helo djnt, My kompacplus countertop is working great - no issues after almost 2 years. It is indeed waterproof, heat resistant and it can hold slight scratches. There was once I accidentally used a corner of my chopper and it scratched the top. It wasnt very serious luckily and i rubbed it off a little - can't notice it if you don't scrutinize the top thankfully!
  6. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!! Hope everyone is having a fantastic start to the year!!
  7. Happy New Year everyone! Just wanted to share that I've cleared my inbox and I've replied all PMs. Just a quick note to refrain leaving your contact details publicly on this thread as I've heard from other renotalkers that there are other contractors who would contact them to try to sell their renovation packages Please PM me if you need anything
  8. Replied all PMs! Hope everyone had finished decorating their place to get ready to celebrate Christmas! This year, I bought some Christmas LED lights and looped it around my brick wall - looks great at night with the lights on and could be a lovely idea if you are planning to decorate your brickwall!
  9. Cleared my inbox and replied all PMs! Sorry for the late response as I was away ... Hope everyone's reno is going great!
  10. Hello, please PM me if you would like to reach me - sometimes I don't check back the forum as often Anyway I heard Contractor J cannot accept anymore projects until December 2015 as he is too busy for those who are interested to know
  11. It cannot oscillate on its own and the power of the fan is excellent - sufficiently cools the MBR
  12. Hi, The fino fan is version 1 and it costs less than $300 from Malaysia. I suspect its way cheaper now because of the exchange rate. For the craftbricks I purchased it from taobao. I find my craftbrick quality pretty good - after it's fixed when I use my hands to rub over it there is no powder coming off. The only difference I noticed between the one from SG and TB is that the brick could be slightly smaller, like less than 10mm I think so it is insignificant unless you compare it side by side. For my WIW, I didn't hack any wall - will send you photos this weekend when I'm around
  13. Hello zen, The fan speed is great for the ventos fino fan and its almost close to silent for the noise. Almost perfect, can't ask for a better fan for my MBR