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About Warrior88

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  1. Bought 2 at Upper Serangoon, cost $40 + GST each. Soft closing type. Showroom: 730 Upper Serangoon Road #01-02 Yeley Building S'pore 534613 Contact Number:+65 62 858 242
  2. Since Pipe is exposed, why don't lay them on top [not on the floor]
  3. Functions: Grains, dry bean, soaked bean, jam, juice, rice paste, easy washing
  4. Brand new in box, original and new, original $268, selling at $170 SMS 96745933
  5. Hi Everyone, Please see link. http://www.joyoung.com.sg/product_info.aspx?id=10006&cid=1010 Thanks for viewing.
  6. You can buy the spare from PD door directly at $2.00. Also, please buy the door latch spare.
  7. Em.... SC, HSBC, will check with them. Oh bepgof, I thought AUS is 5% for FD ? uob emerging markets bond fund, returns base on performance right ? something like Prudential emerging markets bond fund ? Actually, I can wait 3 years. These are my very spare.
  8. frosted glass mount direct to wall. My layout is toilet bowl, washing basin, shower screen. Only when using the toilet bowl, you might see a dark patch. The Silhouette is very blurr. Can't even make out what is it. My door is never wet, cos there is another shower screen. I have 2 kids in their primary, they use them quite often. They enjoy using my toilet. investment worth
  9. Dear All forumer, Any advise which bank is having promotion rates. Wish to deposit AUS 50,000 . By the way, is this a good time ? Any comments will be appreciated
  10. I change from toilet bi-fold door to frosted glass. Originally want to change to wooden door with frame. But cost the same. Now, I am a happy user, toilet light can luminate your room through the glass.
  11. Statistic report shows that there are 50,000 HDB houses, I would not say homes, out of 1,000,000 HDB. So, 5% are PR HDB owners. How many are on rental, no figures.
  12. Hi bro, Long time didn't see your post liao. By the way, VL=Valuation Limits=is the lower of the purchase price or the value of the property at the time of purchase. Govt worry we may use too much for housing and run out of CPF for retirement so they set AHWL=Available Housing Withdrawal Limit This is a "LIMIT" that one can use, after which, you have to use cash, unless you meet another criteria, the "Minimum Sum" which is for your retirement. This limits do not consider the outstanding loan. It restrict what you can use. If VL=100k, CPF use=70k, Accrued Interest=20k, You have 10k to use before you blow this limits. So, to avoid this, either you pay full, or you stretch you loan. If, you pay upfront 90% with 10% loan stretching 20 years, you acrrued interest will eat into your AHWL. For your case, you had maintain your minimum sum, thus, you can still withdraw after hitting your AHWL Cheers bro, market very volatile, like roller coaster
  13. The AHWL is a moving limit. Using your CPF to make a lumpsum/capital repayment on your housing loan may make you reach the AHWL earlier, but it will reduce the interest charges. CPF informs members three months before the VL is reached and the AHWL becomes applicable.