hi , i heard the modern versions (by fs masters even) ... some say change new bedsheets can already, some say change new mattress can already... i guess if not 100% possible to follow everything strictly then do what we can ... most importantly we must feel at peace in the heart... maybe that's what some of you meant by "faith"... i got interested in the religious talk... and have a little comment that is not directed at anyone or any other comment made.... i guess "religions" is a term, a cultural-specific term, a time-history bound term ... the various sages and saints may (it's a speculation only.. therefore "may") never have intended for the religions that now carry their names to be born (diff from their wishes to spread their teachings) .. their disciples, followers, believers created religions, not them... as long as we are all here with the heart to build heaven on earths, that's good enough a reason for us to respect all religions... heee... sorry if i'm not making sense...but that's my faith...