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Crystal Hoo

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Everything posted by Crystal Hoo

  1. What color did u choose for the laminate ? Like the color!
  2. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=939866506024324 Video presentation taken by ID
  3. Hi chilarvet I use peeka for my taobao orders. As u can see , the mini sofa and bench are not as expensive if u were to buy from sg, easy to assemble too
  4. Country glow , the wallpaper is from allure furnishing at trade hub
  5. Sorry for the late reply, the items are all from taobao, the outdoor bench link : http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=10879136374 Mini sofa http://detail.m.tmall.com/item.htm?id=26933732502&id=26933732502 Thanks
  6. Baby's room. Set up his mini sofa for reading, there is a little tv and player to play him the educational vcd
  7. 11. Living room curtain http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=16095204338 12. Master pink lace curtain http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=38871089099
  8. 10. Clock http://detail.m.tmall.com/item.htm?id=20150394438&fm=detail
  9. Some Links to taobao items I purchased: 1.Candle stand: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.283.xDzy5J&id=9699019009 2. Light at master room 过道灯水晶灯LED灯 走廊灯玄关灯吸顶灯卧室灯进门灯阳台灯具筒灯 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a2106.m861.1000384.3042.0wCWdq&id=19065628508&scm=1029.newlist-0.1.51160009&ppath=13381649%3A43759%3B13381649%3A3680380%3B13381649%3A54311380%3B13381649%3A43762%3B13381649%3A8218256&sku=13381649%3A43759%3B13381649%3A3680380%3B13381649%3A54311380%3B13381649%3A43762%3B13381649%3A8218256&ug= 3. Crystal tap 促销包邮龙叶卫浴水晶单把单孔全铜黄铜坐式面盆龙头冷热水龙头 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36798950410&ali_refid=a3_420434_1006:1108003419:6:%CB%AE%BE%A7+%CB%AE%C1%FA%CD%B7:720839654b6d0e68baf20e10903c7a51&ali_trackid=1_720839654b6d0e68baf20e10903c7a51&spm=a230r.1.17.9.StcgCt 4. Sofa cover Lmdec沙发床头靠垫套抱枕套靠枕套 金丝绒镶钻天鹅 特价 http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=12500809014&spm=a220o.1000855.0.0.qdhJmW 5. Sofa cover 汽车用品 冬季烫钻皇冠抱枕 DAD烫钻抱枕 镶钻皇冠抱枕 靠枕 枕靠 http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220m.1000858.0.0.ux5IjP&id=20115345642&is_b=1&cat_id=2&areaId=&q=%B1%A7%D5%ED+%BB%CA%B9%DA 6. Table runner 新款 Lmdec时尚桌旗 天鹅之恋 镶钻桌旗 奢华婚庆高贵床旗可定做 http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.0.0.Tvx2dX&id=21722732708&rn=&acm=03054.1003.1.54951&uuid=G5BoM1D2&abtest=_AB-LR32-PR32&scm=1003.1.03054.ITEM_21722732708_54951&pos=2 32x300cm 72.00 7. Fork 新年特价高级镀银金属水果叉子套装天鹅座 家居酒店用品 特价热卖 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4023-4665608669.15.mCXECb&id=19445770319 swan fork stand 50.00 8. Frame 精品欧式镀银白色相架金属相框 镶钻像框6寸7寸家居饰品高档礼品 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4004-4665608670.2.mCXECb&id=37863414679 6 inch photoframe 50.00 9. Coaster 新年特价新品包邮高档酒店KTV酒吧家居杯垫 欧式多仕架 茶杯垫 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.0.Qrrnc1&scm=1007.10011.531.0&id=15335305899&pvid=e988256c-d61f-4db1-a6c0-f4e557f37304
  10. Songz ur so thoughtful putting that on top of the air con. My Neighbour complain dripping water too, every air con also will drip water when it condenses and weather outside is hot. We called service man to service and change to new set before we shift...
  11. Just get the $2 rod from daiso , they also have curtains from there but I'm using the taobao curtains with beads as the wind here is too strong and keep flying up when closing door
  12. Ken82, I'm staying at blk 523D behind u, my parents are living in your blk! I took keys in July and shifted early sept as I sold my previous flat. Welcome on board Neighbour! Hope to see your blog soon