Hi zephyr923, If you are unsure of the things beings charged, just email to any other IDs or Carpenters or Contractors and give them the requirement with exact measurements and you will be able to compare the prices. Well at least that was what i did. I mean it may be unethical but hey, we want the best for our houses or rather HOME. So take a lttle bit more effort and to email out more. Advise: Personally, I went to smaller IDs because they will have more focus on you. Bigger IDs are very professional and of course it comes with a price. Just my 2 cents. So at the end of the day, you can either go back to your ID and request for it to be lower, or you can switch ID. As long as you dont sign anything yet, switching IDs is not a problem. Everything through email now. Only meet when you have decided proper. I have chosen my ID based on their promptness and responsiveness. Goodluck to you.