Hi Lauer, Nope, 24 this year. Yes, I think you've brought up a very good point about using the drawings, especially since we have spent 30k on them. It's a good start but we are back to the issue of finding a good and most importantly responsible contractor. Hmm, on the 3rd floor, there is actually water seepage on the floor, which means that water is surfacing or "floating" up to the floor. As the rooms are carpeted, we have no idea how bad the damage is. A contractor mentioned that it is because of leaking water pipes which are inside the walls. We have no idea how true that is and will be getting a second opinion. We are also puzzled as to why this is happening to our house because our neighbours do not face this issue. And from what we have heard, the developer of our estate is rather known for its quality. Understand your point about not sharing the contacts. Agree that owners do play a very important role. Thank you once again! Your reply do make me wonder about the need for rewiring and replumbing.