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Everything posted by smiley2014

  1. Hi, He mentioned things like the house is not suitable for my partner and thus suggested that we put some ancient coins and some wooden gourd at the main door as a "remedy". There are trees infront of the flat, so he said to put baguas at the balcony and window to "dang". Other than that, to shift the divider from the door by additional 1m (which I'm ok although it eats up quite a bit of space considering the size), stove to switch to the other side. I'm ok to follow for the furniture/ stove placement but not comfortable with the religious portion... just checking what are the suggestions which classical fs will provide in this case since classical fs is non-religious... thinking of getting 2nd opinion from a non-religious fsm. sigh.
  2. Hi all, I recently engaged a FSM whom my friend recommended. He said the house is not suitable for my partner and to 'hua' the thing, he say to put some 5 di coins and a wooden gourd at the door and to 'dang' the trees infront of my place, to place bagua at the window to block. The stove to move to the shorter side of the kitchen else it will be on the wealth position?? (which is not the "supposed" suggested area suggested by HDB). I'm quite resistant to putting up these things at the doors and windows, I prefer things which are not religious. I think cos the FSM is more of a taoist side which I didn't know when my friend recommended him to us. Sigh. Anyone has any advice to do otherwise? The reason y I went for FS is to have a peace of mind in terms of correct placing of the bed and all end up... (btw, I'm a noob in FS to know about what stars and all) TIA
  3. I think i saw some on squarerooms magazine.. not bad but abit strange to not have anything online leh... even in this forum nothing at all yet so many likes on their FB. Kind of like their designs i saw online and on magazines... different from the rest but if I were to engage them it will be at own risk. haha
  4. Hmm there don't seem to be anything online to find out about the workmanship too... care to share your quote?
  5. Hihi, I'm new here. I am looking for an ID and came across Euphoric Designs online. Searched high and low for reviews but cannot even find a single one... they seem to have many fans on their FB page but a little strange that I cannot find a single review anywhere... Their designer look abit beng leh. does anyone have experience with this ID? Appreciate if can share here!