sorry u mean re-skinning is reskin ur interiors of the board and shelf into new one? cos i have a built cabinet in the study rm. thinking of dun dismantle jus re-skin.
haha reiko seem like patrick quite responsive... the wardrobe reskinning so exp... i was think of doing a wardrobe for my case. ur dining set look quite solid hor... abt to meet patrick for reno discussion... next monday. is he quite prompt with all the response on the reno problems?Workmanship ok? saw ur wardrobe... very big and how much does patrick charging u? thanks in advance. i am buying similar dining table as u... how much did u get urs and from where? I have a liking on Zen tradition one... cost abt $1.6k
try not to shorten, as once u shorten u are unable to extend anymore. jus make lump sum payment once ur CPF have like 10k, HDB will revised ur outstanding amt again. hope it helps.