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Everything posted by lemoncandy

  1. first coats of paint were done earlier this week too! MBR Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 chose three consecutive shades of warm neutrals from the Nippon paint book cos we got a bit sick of choosing colours...... the rest of the house is painted in Sail White fan, heater and gas installation this saturday! things are moving along pretty quick now. so happyyyy.
  2. LED ceiling light for the kitchen And a smaller version of the same LED light for the balcony Tracklights for the living room brick wall :) the electrician had some feedback for these... said the clip/attachment for the individual holders isn't very sturdy, but if we don't mess around with them they will be fine. Tracklights for the passage way as well the electricians also did some other bits of electrical work, like putting on face plates for the switches, and helping to wire up the 13A point in the MBR bathroom. they didn't have stock for the protective cover today, so the points in the service yard and MRB bathroom will have to be finished another day. they also very kindly helped me silicon up the gap in my aircon trunking!
  3. electricians came today to fix up the lights. appreciate that mr k got his people to come by even though it's a public holiday! :) all the lights we bought off taobao worked fine. lucky us! Philips downlights' boxes All prepped by the electrician for installation Downlights in the living room Downlights in the bedroom Bathroom light
  4. almost no updates this week. visited the new home yesterday and saw that the fixed panel part of the glass shower screens were up in both bathrooms didn't manage to spot anything else that was done hahah. anyway, still quite a busy week! chose paints, laminates and doors. mr k says painting should be done these few days. service yard windows coming up soon as well. then the next step will hopefully be carpentry! can't wait!
  5. bathrooms' shower kerbs and built in tile shelves are also up! common bathroom: MBR bathroom: In not so good news.... the end bit of trunking in the MBR bathroom popped open... shall see if my contractor can help me with this, if not i'll need to go back to the aircon installation company.
  6. just a few updates this week! brick wall is completed concrete support for kitchen sink is done too. the bottom is tiled, and we opted for the insides to be just screeded smooth (no tiles). looks nicely done! washer base is done too
  7. hi tootiepanda (and for anyone else interested), my contactor is Mr K (H2O Interior Renovation, 9022 2321). his contact is no secret so i've decided to just make it known as I didn't expect this many PM requests more updates this weekend! i've started work after a long break and can't go visit the new house as and when i feel like it anymore haha.
  8. welcome to RT! looking forward to seeing the progress of your reno. love the scandi look!
  9. a few more things done today. cement works done too brick wall is almost done, missing a few bricks at the top right corner sink cast in cement kitchen cabinet base at the dry side of the kitchen kitchen cabinet base at the wet side of the kitchen washing machine base washing machine base's drainage
  10. nice! are the floors and walls going to be cement screed?
  11. dropped by in the morning not expecting anyone to be there but surprise! the tiler was working on my brick wall :) brick wall partially done and sink support halfway up
  12. living / dining area - 4 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - 1.5m track + 4 x 7W LED track lights warm white (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12611507766&spm=2014.12193480.0.0) walkway - 1.5m track + 4 x 7W LED track lights warm white foyer - 2 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 - 2 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - ceiling fan with normal cool white energy saving bulb (not sure what's the wattage for this) master bedroom - 3 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - ceiling fan with normal cool white energy saving bulb (not sure what's the wattage for this) bathrooms / household shelter / service yard- 1 x 22W Philips round ceiling light cool white kitchen- 1 x 22W LED Philips round ceiling light cool white balcony- 1 x 17W LED Philips round ceiling light cool white
  13. they look authentic, but to be honest, i don't know how to verify. I got them from TMall though, so the chances of it being authentic is somewhat higher? they do cost less than SG. the whole lot of lights + shipping + agent fees + delivery fees etc etc i bought on taobao cost about half of what i would have paid in sg (i got a quote from lightings.com.sg for the same items). i've PMed you
  14. living room false ceiling and L box are up. bomb shelter vents sealed. the one along the walkway will be modified by my contractor somehow so that there will be holes for ventilation... i don't really understand but i'll just trust him to do whatever he said he will do with it... partition also done for the 'sunken in' bit in the MBR. daigou delivered my lights today too! the philips loot from taobao. also bought brandless tracks and LED track lights. view from my current favourite corner in the house
  15. with the pipe there, the floor trap can't open fully (90 deg). if i let go of it, it will snap shut. i also can't push the pipe any further back. if the pipe is moved just a couple of cm to the left i won't have this issue!
  16. wow agree that the dining area placement is a good test. looking forward to seeing the layouts! all the best for reno
  17. yup 12ft full brick wall. the quote is $2k+. we checked out the lights at the physical shops first and bought the same on taobao length of the tracks was recommended by my contractor.
  18. hey alfredt, I'll try taking a picture when I go over tomorrow night.
  19. our aircon is up! installation yesterday went smoothly. a team of three guys arrived at the door at 1.30pm. appointment was between 1-3pm and i wasn't expecting them to be this early so was pleasantly surprised. the guys were professional and did a nice, clean job with the trunking. minor complaint is that the drainage pipe exit is placed too close to the hinge on my floor trap so now I can't open my floor trap fully... only realised after they left. may need to get my contractor's plumber to help cut the pipe a bit shorter. but it's not a big problem. whole installation was done in under 3.5 hours. fast! craftbricks for my living room brick wall, false ceiling materials, cement, and hollow blocks for kitchen sink support also arrived yesterday
  20. hi wrxkev, can i find out how many feet is your divider/shoe cabinet? Thanks!