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Everything posted by violac

  1. heheh ya.. agreed. actually back in uni days, i always come across campaigns where uni students protest against John Howard. he's not exactly well-liked by his people either hahaha. cheers!
  2. hi hi all, i'm a newbie!! our house at punggol has already finished reno and i hope to start a t-blog chat of my own too! mind if i intrude your conversation a bit? actually, i felt strongly about what applefreak said above, 'cos i used to study in perth for 2 years. it's really a beautiful place, 2 weeks as a tourist is definitely boring!! but when you develop a lifestyle, driving to the vineyard with on sundays for afternoon tea, buying cheap beautiful fruits at suburb markets, go to the beach 10 mins from uni.. it's really a beautiful place to be in! anywayz, i just hope what i say below will change your perspective below on the nation being built upon criminal settlers.. "transportation" to Australia was a form of capital punishment meted out by the English in the 18th century. during that time, the gap between the rich and the poor was becoming a big problem in England. There were not enough jobs in the society, children had to start labouring from 6 years old, and the poor had no choice but to steal in order to survive! these menial crimes were punished in the form of transportation. in short, to transport these people to Australia and leaving them there was the English' solution to getting rid of the increasing poverty rate. almost any offence could get you transported. these so-called convicts include men who steal in order to survive, women deemed as prostitutes because they couldn't afford to dress properly, and even homeless children. true, it's not wrong to say the nation is descendent of convicts. but it must not be meant in an insinuating manner ya? hope this will help change the perspective. true lah, i also had my fair share of middle fingers and vulgarity while i was there.. but these people are mostly drunk to begin with. now let's see if i could get a t-blog chat started....