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About KimNaNa

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  1. Hi KayKay.. let me buy the LeGrand switches from you since I need them anyway.. u are so so talented i must say! All the best for your DIY projects! PM me so i can pay you accordingly :-) Cheers!
  2. Hi Caveman.. not that its a huge diff but i was looking to replace my rubbish chute and got it done for $160.. Your demolition costs are very reasonable as I am doing very similar works too.. Overall, your quote Seems pretty reasonable to me.. All the best in your reno!
  3. Hi Sforshor.. Congratulations on your lovely new home..! its really nice with all those lightings put together.. I am in the process of getting my reno done as well.. Can you please be so kind and pm me your contact for the LEDs and carpenters please? I have a little different layout for my kitchen and its giving me a headache.. hehe.. Perhaps will share my reno journey once its ongoing.. Looking forward to hear from you.. Thank you..
  4. Hi KayKay! Wow .. wow.. Wow.. such great developments in your reno project.. and your mosaic tiles are so pretty.. All the best in the DIY project.. I can't wait to see your successful results!
  5. Hi Kay.. ! Wow.. Your purchases make me want to roll on that website.. Looking forward to more pictures of your Reno.. Cheers!
  6. Gd morning all! Yes Vic.. such a joy reading a blog like yours and so many others.. ( I read a few past couple of weeks already.. so addictive.. Hehe.. ) If all go as planned, I will be getting my keys some time in May after signing an OTP last wk.. pretty excited myself.. Hopefully, I get to share the experience too in time to come..
  7. How is it going Kay..? I hope all is well with your Reno... It's been a while...
  8. Gorgeous place u have there Lion.. Such a huge space all to yourself.. ! can't wait to see the rest of your furnishings to complete your home.. Happy Reno n happy cleaning in future ;-)
  9. Hi Vic..! Took a couple of days to read your blog but couldn't wait to see the end results of your beautiful Reno.. Congratulations to both u n mrs on such a beautiful home.. And thank you so much for sharing so many ideas and knowledge .. they sure will come in handy when I start to do up my mini Crib.. Ps : i simply love your Mbr n study doors, the shelf in your kitchen and your lights.. N so many more la..
  10. What a pretty and bright kitchen u have there Strawberrycake..! Super like
  11. Hi KayKay.. ! Hello everyone ..! how is your reno coming along? with regards to your space planning on kitchen cabinets, I am sure it will be enough and since u mentioned its based on ur previous cabinets.. i cant wait to see the end result.. for sure it's gonna look so spacious and neat! keep the updates coming..
  12. Oops..! Saw ur cabinet for dry pantry and condiments.. My apologies.. But i doubt it's enough for me.. Haha.. Are u using Blum n stuff? I just love their products..
  13. Good morning All! Waa.. U can really draw..! I like the idea of your sockets.. But u have to be careful abt spills etc on the kitchen top if its that height.. Love the open idea concept kitchen too... However, I still believe u can do with a little more cabinet space to place your cooking condiments ie oil sauces rack spices etc... Perhaps also to store medication, additional non consumables like paper towels or hand towels.. What abt kitchen appliances like mixer ( I assumed u or wifey bakes.. hehe..) or blender or steamer? Or toaster? Ouh.. Don't forget ur WonderPot..! Rice cooker will prob take up a permanent spot on the kitchen top.. ( it does for my current kitchen )
  14. now that is really a WonderPot..! i contemplate in buying when it first came out.. perhaps i can place that in my wishlist.. back to your doors.. yeah initially i did think of Songz's suggestion abt placing doors on the outside.. but come to think of it, it may seem a little awkward if your daughter's door faces the main door.. you may not even be aware she is home already if she chooses to walk straight it.. hahaha.. nevertheless, i am sure the final layout will be just . and i hope i am not too late to say hello Songz ! and.. good luck Mike.. may the bargaining force be with you
  15. oh.. by the way.. i noticed frm the floor plan, your daughter's room door lead to his brother's door or is that your door?.. or did i interpret wrongly ..