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Wei Ting

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About Wei Ting

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  1. Yes, we supervise during the major reno works (e.g. carpentry, painting, partitions and false ceiling etc) and was at the hse almost every day to check on the progress and defects. Anyway, the renovation was completed a week or 2 before CNY and things been ok so far. Its the progress that is frustrating. If we are not so ge gao, the quality will not be as good. I've received a few PMs about Posh Home and these home owners got similar plight as well. I still think the firm is ok, might be the ID, but it seems like there are other IDs that are also like mine. A friend's brother unknowingly engaged Posh Home as well, and we didnt know until he was complaining to us. So a piece of advice to those engaging PH - REALLY need to monitor.
  2. I previously bought stuff from gaincity (Marina Sq) and the sales person told me the same thing. I made the sales person write it under "remarks" section when i paid my deposit and he did it willingly. So i guess they really meant it. He even wrote down his full name + contact number. Hes quite good btw, even for after sales service when we found out that the delivery man "took" some of our freebies.
  3. I prefer not to disclose my ID openly. Maybe you can let me knoe yours and I'll tell you if he/she is the one. But then, I personally feel that the firm is ok, just need to get the correct ID. Our issues were resolved eventually; though not 100% to our satisfaction, but we accepted because we afraid that things might get worst if we insist on.
  4. im from AC too, ask around the facebook group! There are heaps of ppl with extra who are willing to let go at a low price/free. I got mine from one of the neighbours in feb and i think some are still selling/giving away now
  5. Been sooo long since i last posted. Just wanna say that... Choosing Posh home is one of our biggest mistake ever. Initially didn't want to make it public, but we cant take it anymore. Will elaborate it once the house is done with renovations. But then again, it might not be Posh Home's fault, might just be the ID.
  6. Thanks And, im also resident of AC , but no news on my keys yet. hopefully soon. hehe
  7. Hello! Wanna check with you what size did u get for the service yard light? And is the replacement bulb easy to get in singapore? Thanks ☺
  8. Hi Leonjennawong! Love how your house turns out! I engaged Poshhome too but not the famous calvin tan (but unfortunately, keys nowhere in sight yet. boo). Anyway, mind sharing the brand of the rainshower you got and the price, roughly? (Apologize if its been shared earlier on ><) Thanks!
  9. Hi, mind sharing the contact for the windows for the kitchen? Thanks!
  10. Im getting kompactop too! @myzticalz - Kompactop is slightly cheaper than Quartz
  11. Hello! I don't really understand your question mine is a premium HTB unit, floorings included
  12. Heyhey! Mine for the moment is about $30k. But Im hacking wall and doing up a glass cabinet, so if w/o that, i think it will be cheaper
  13. Updates.. And so, we officially engaged posh home as our ID yesterday ^^ The preliminary fee is about $31k, but might +/- a little as there are some changes. Can't wait for the 3D! should be out in 2 weeks? We are not in the rush though. Will post again once I've received the 3Ds! *cross fingers* that everything will be ok.
  14. Start off by a typical 5room floor plan