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Everything posted by mama01

  1. Hi Jasmine, Thank you for Nick mobile. Is it possible to tell us more the rough breakdown of your quote of 24k?
  2. Hi Contractor Price, Do contact me if you are able to provide a quote for me. Thanks.
  3. Hi, im thinking to do the ceiling mounted rack as u have for ur dry kitchen. May I know is it customised or off de shelf? How much roughly it will cost? Thanks.
  4. Learn from Supermama that you are with Renzz too and doing toy display. Good to know as I need to house hubby toy too.
  5. Supermama, Sadly to say my house will only be ready ard Q3-Q4 2014. Not too sure if it is a gd idea to look for Gil so soon. Maybe in Jul to Aug'14 ba. Cross finger that HDB will give me fast enough. Franc Franc is closing in May thus I will be there to scout for some item first. Have to learn how to use taobao soon for more savings.
  6. Seems like your house is going full speed in reno. Good to hear Gil is a responsive person to work with!
  7. Great toy idea. I'm still having s bigg headache over my hubby toy display.
  8. Hi Leon n Jenna, Can send me ur quote n Calvin contact? Planning to head down to discuss with him. Thanks.
  9. Hi Cynthiazen, Love ur house! Can send me ur quote? Thanks!
  10. Hi supermama, Can me ur contractor details. Thanks.
  11. It's a nice house after all the hardwork. Your wife is so fortunate to have you to plan all out for her. Great work! Is it possible to pm me the rough breakdown of your reno cost? Me n my ah lao are very excited after reading all the 9 pages of your wonderful house. Hope to get a reply soon!
  12. Hi, Can pm the contractor detail? Thanks.
  13. Hi Dan, Would appreciate if you could pm me. Thanks.
  14. Hi Dan, Would appreciate if you could pm me. Thanks.
  15. Hi Mikey, Can you pm me? Thanks.