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Everything posted by skyspectrum

  1. I think is HDB ba ... but cant remember his name. But are you sure that after changing to the new dual flush system, it got worse and now u have to flush 3x? How about the rest? Any feedback/comment on the new flush system? If not good, I rather dont change rite? Glad that the whistling sound is gone. But it will be good to observed ..... if the sound comes at certain time of the day, or at special occasions, e.g. heavy rain.
  2. I think so too ... shd be on the same floor ... the washing of our corridors shd be today or tmr. Btw, is there a rule or guideline on when to keep the NDP flag? Saw some residents still hanging them outside. Dont tell me your unit is the one with XXX door hor ... hahaha ... Yes, the smoke smell usually appears at the late hours of the night. Just now looked out at one of the external ledges at the 17th floor, many cigarette butts .... the one facing the jogging track ... stand at 17th flr and the butts are on your left ledge (next to unit 310). Think need to ask the cleaner to sweep them away ... very unsight ly. Hi Jule, any updates on the whistling sound? Gone or still ard? Just now received a call from Town Council that they will be replacing my 2 toilets flushing systems. They claimed that they will take 45mins to 1hr to replace 2 of them. Hope after replacing, the "motion" will leave evidence in the clear pool of water in the closet. Anyone here has already have theirs replaced? Feedback?
  3. My neigbhour has a big fish tank facing the main door .... unit 1x-300. How about yours? In fact, the malay couple staying below me also smoke. At certain hours of the night, can literally smell the cigarette smoke ... super sian!!! And lately, i realised one of my neighbours like to wash their laundry (this is fine) but created loud "bang and thungs" while hanging out their bamboo sticks. Can wake you up from your beauty sleep. It would be fine if he or she is to use some strength to carry the bamboo stick and lay it silently on the stick holder. SIGH >>>> .... anyway, we need to get use to all these lor .... SPACE ... let me guess ... are you staying at BLK 91, 16-19 flr? Hehehe ....
  4. Agreed totally. The young chinese men (cleaners) seem to sweep/mop the floor very fast. Bottomline is to make the floors look wet ... but NOT clean at all once dry. As for the corridor, I believe they sweep only once a week, cos one of my neighbours smoke and always throw the butt at the rubbish chute area. The butts are cleared weekly, cos sometimes I dont see any trails of the butts, i.e. swept by the cleaners lor. A bit displeased with the lifts recently. This morning one of the lifts at Blk 91 serving 1-21st flr doesnt seem tro function well ... both my wife and I went in to that lift and pressed 1st floor. Then it stopped at level 14 and the door never manage to close .... open & close for several times before we decide to take another lift. Not sure how often is our lifts being serviced .... need more effort to improve things here. A good thing is that they are finally erecting a shelter at the lobby area to fence off (may not be 100% foolproof though) the heavy rain ... and preventing a wet dangerous floor ... esp so for kids and elderly. Hope it will be completed soon. Have a good Tuesday Haltians.
  5. No wonder. The number looks so familiar. Yes, for external defects or problems, can call Steven ... can see his face at level 1 lift lobby ... cheers .... Good to share information here ... so good to be a spokesman ... hehe Btw, there are some households who have yet to keep their NDP flags. I rem that all flags must be kept after X days from the actual NDP. It's been more than a month ... some families still displaying the flags ....
  6. Doesnt this number look like the lift emergency number? Or its a different one? But good to have one emergency number, in case something unexpected happens, e.g. pipe burst? Touchwood ... choy!!
  7. How can this happen? Leaking in the duct internal? Looks to me that the pipes are leaking internally. Cant be the recent rainfall. If not, ask the #300 to open and check before the worse comes. *Digusted*
  8. Hey, maybe you can record the noise and share it with us .... hehe ... how often is the noise? Only aty night? Countrylover and Jule staying in same block but different units ... hence, cant be that the neigbhours doing something at the same time .... unless ... something amiss in the pipes in both the units ... i.e. 30x. I am staying in 31x ... not so much of the noise ... Maybe other couples staying in blk 91 ... can comment on this?
  9. Hi Junie, I am using the storage heater. But was not affected. Maybe you shd get your vendor to come and take a look. Loud whistling sound from the pipes? Which pipes are you referring to? Those in the toilets? I will keep a lookout ... and feedback again. Cheers.
  10. Thanks for the clarification. Now finally understand what COP stands for. hehe. My earlier suggestion came from the notion that we as Singaporeans, definitely will have consumed packaged or bottled products. Dumping them in rubbish chute is one option, but more filtering work when the rubbish reaches Tuas incineration plant. By separating them into paper, glass or plastics, I believe it would not only help the Tuas workers, but also play an impt role in saving our environment. This is one suggestion cos I do collate my unwanted things that are recycleable and bring to the bins. If there are more bins located conveniently, I strongly sense that more residents in our estate will be willing to contribute to save the earth. My wife used to say at Hougang and one of their RCs actually encourage their residents to bring their unwanted plastics, glass, papers and newspaper and others to the recycling centre (once a week in operation). The residents will be given stickers based on the weight of the "donations". The stickers can be collated and accumulate to exchange for a $10 NTUC Fairprice voucher, which I think it is a very good idea, which we can implement it too. For your dedicated team to consider. Cheers.
  11. Hmm .... I believe your message is meant for the police guys? I am totally lost when I read this ... is it something related to the recycling isse just before your post? Or is it something totally new? hehehe ... please enlighten me ....
  12. Recycling Bins at Tanglin Halt: There are three recycling bins next to the CW mrt entrance, located just before the taxi stand, opposite the Kodak shop. But I realised that the bins are often full, cos the shop owners and residents desposit their unwanted things there. End up poeple just throw the rubbish/bags at the base of the bins .... quite a unsightly scene. Then last weekend, I went jogging at the Strathmore/Queenstown area. They have more recycling bins located at the void deck of some blocks. I snapped some photos of the bins (bigger than ours). Din manage to upload here. But can see the similar kind at this website: http://www.sulo.com.sg/business/prb.html (the ones located at Strathmore/Queenstown area) http://www.sulo.com.sg/business/recycle.html (the current ones we have) If there are more recycling bins located at each void deck of 89, 90 & 91, then we can actively help tosave the environment ... e.g. can recycle jam containers, plastic bottles (bath, shampoo, sauce), papers and many others). Any one to support this idea?
  13. Ic ... its true that nowadays youngsters dont have the altar table at home, esp so when our flats are so small .... 85-100sqm. Better to use the space for other things .... unless this owner is very into religion. Perhaps you can try eBay or some other chinese religion websites (not sure which one though). Cheers.
  14. Think the number of people responding are limited to this estate, and not many residents would login renotalk after they have completed their renovation and shifting. Would suggest using eBay or other B2B sites (e.g. st701 or mocca) to advertise your used products. If not deals, you can donate the things to Salavation Army. Cheers.
  15. Thanks for the number. Just thinking if there would be any difference to order from Mano or from SPH online or through those promotion booths at fairs/roadshows. Am thinking to subscribe in Oct. Now still walk down and buy my own copy every day. Hahaha ... good exercise. And it's true that they start distributing from the highest floor down ... so by the time it reaches at the mid-level, it shd be ard 730am liao. Hmm ... slightly late for me ... may check with them on the timing before subscribing. hehehe .... Thanks and have a great weekend. Cheers!
  16. Thanks for the kind thoughts. We dont have regular trips overseas, hence would be quite safe if the delivery man would deliver the papers before we leave our house for work. I usually wake up at 6plus and would be good if the papers are already delivered by then, so that I can enjoy my breakfast while reading the headlines. No point subscribing to their services if the papers reach my house after we leave home. By the time we reach after work, it would be come "stale" news. I have written an email to SPH circulations for more details. Cheers. Have a great weekend ahead.
  17. Btw, are there any residents here in blk 89/90/91 who have subscibed to The Straits Times? I am currently buying my ST from the aunties at the back market. Sometimes when it rains, its quite troublesome. Hence, am keen to subscribe to the delivery. Want to check for the current subscribers, what time (roughly) does the papers are delivered? So far, any non-deliveries? Beside online, where did you sign up? Too bad .... the promo just ended ... now no free gifts .... Hear from The Residents soon.
  18. Maybe its already their style to do so liao ... but if they can place them nicely at the chute ... then shd be ok ... if not, better still, bring all of them down to the central rubbish chute at lvl 1. yes, the cleaners need to be hyper to maintain 3 blocks of 40 storeys, not easy ... but do-able. KIU (Keep it up!)
  19. Agreed totally. So many advertisements at the letterbox area and lifts, esp the rental specialist and tuition people. Sigh .... perhaps there shd be an advertisement board at each block for them ... hehehe ... As for the disposal of bulky furniture or items, they shd contact the TC. The contact is availabe at the notice board at the lift lobby. I must give compliments to the "cleaning team" every morning and month. They sweep and mop the lift lobby as early as 7am (I witnessed that). Not too sure how often, but occasionally I can see a guy (cleaner) sweeping the corridor and chute areas. Well done! Also praised for the washing team, at least they are timely, and not bad a job .... less dust and marks. Keep it up! Good to further improve the rubbish bins areas and walls ... for a start .... jia you!
  20. I totally agreed with you, TYM. I was at home doing the laundry over the weekend (30-31 Aug). Hang out the washed and spinned dry clothes out on Sat morning. At around 1plus, someone from above hang out dripping-water clothes .... and my 90% dried clothes got wet again .... sigh ..... I look upwards and saw this unit ... actually was quite angry and wanted to go up and "chit-chat" with them. But after a while, I decided not to .... cos I believe they will have their tons of "reasons and excuses". That is for Saturday. On Sunday, I decided to tidy and clean the ledges outside our toilets and aircon unit. Used a broom and mop to ensure nothing flew off and now its looks much better than before. But once you look down from the kitchen windows ... disgusting ... as what TYM said, got plastic bags, tissues, tins and cans, cigarettes, and once I saw paps. Sigh sigh ... really hope our neighbhours can make use of rubbish bags and bins. And just this morning (Monday) at ard 7plus, I looked out from the kitchen windown and guess what I saw .... my neighbour staying one floor diagonally down ..... splashed (not sure incidental or by purpose) coffee out from the kitchen window and guessed most of it would have landed and now staining their external toilet walls ... and dripping to the neighbours' ledges staying below them. I will try to snap some photos to share with all of you here ... stay tuned ya! Yes agreed with zirhk3355. SNBB dedicated BB line would be better off than SH cable, for one good reason, you have your own line!!! During peak hours, assuming 50% of our 40 floors use SH cable, your internet connection will be slowed for the obvious shared bandwidth reason (logic same as expressway during peak hours). If you are just an occasional surfer and emailer, suggest you take up the 3MB SNBB, they are having attractive offer, think $26.90 for a 2-yr plan, and comes with wireless modem and $30 taka vouchers. I am subscribed to SNBB 1MB when I shifted in last year, at $30+ per month. This month will be the 1st yr anniversary. The then 3MB plan was slightly more ex at $40+, hence decided to go for 1MB as I am the occasional surfer and emailer. AND the next good thing is that if you have a singtel fixed residential line and a singtel mobile plan, and now together with SNBB, you can request for a combined monthly bill ..... easy to track and pay, and of cos, environmental friendly with less paper used, can also opt for online invoicing. Cheers. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  21. Think nowadays ..... for the high price we paid .... we dont get the quality .... sian ... must be the lowest quote from the china subcontractors .... anyway, glad that we got a new unit here. Take care guys.
  22. So wait for the relevant authorities lar. As for the bins, yes, they have been ard for years, but are there any in our blocks or nearby? If yes, please let me know. I am willing to bring our used bottles, cans, tins and papers to those bins. Cheers.
  23. There is an article in today Straits Times forum, narrating about recycling bins in estates. Some of the other estates I been to, already have some bins, differentiated by colour for different products. I ready vote for one to be placed at the common shelter area (where ppl hold their ceremonies). Also, can the relevant authorities look into building one or two exercise stations for working adults like us? E.g. sit up facilities, chin-up bars, etc. Good for us who want to train for IPPT. Thanks.