The 清风水 thingy, ever heard of but think from some tv movie during the 90s. Anyway can always google see got any docs about such tactics. I think influence by government's greed driven policies, many being unethical in their professions and businesses just to make more $. FSM too... Hard to find a trustworthy FSM, its like tikam tikam when seeking one to help you~~~~ ... Before I get to renovate my new flat which will come soon, I need to find the right master to advise me to renovate to the positive designs that benefits me and my family towards smooth sailing. Reading in this forum give many doubts as there are honest comments and there are some who disguise just to make some fortune... I spent much time digging into old posts back dated to 2007 and even saw some one say her's very big, ask if the one who she replied to wants? hahaha, Don't mind hoh, its interesting so I just joke a little of that cheap, good and big thingy. Well I will be contacting this guy who even have a thread talking about him stick on the top of this topic. Hope he is the real deal and are 慈悲为怀, 乐意主人 and 正义. As a person been through much, I certainly hope he would help me and my family towards smooth future.