Hi all. Guess this is an old thread. Just writing up for the sake of the ppl who want to know more about Love Home. I am waiting for my 4rm bto this year and right now sourcing for home reno ID. I have asked and met up with few ID companies already such as Unimax, Image, Le Posh, Absolook and Love Home. We initially wanted to engage Unimax already since we had already paid a booking fee but decided to look around for more. Sad to say that we began to think Unimax is not to our liking. Image (James) was nice and told us about materials and such. Le Posh (Chris) seems not bad and lastly Love Home (Justin Low). I know Love Home sounds chessy right? But my fiance and I like Justin. He is frank with us and maybe we are of similar age, we got along well. We met him again last night to discuss and look through our quote and we both think his service is good. And since it is his family business and not those big ID firms like Weiken, Rest&Relax so we think he is reliable and trustworthy. Even though we will need to foot GST, (unlike Le Posh), if he is good and workmanship is good plus good service, we won't mind paying GST for that. And after speaking and meeting up with a number of IDs, I think the pricing is more or less the same (except Unimax who quoted us $45k!), the most important thing is their service and of cos the workmanship. I think workmanship shld be more or less the same so it comes to their attitude towards your project and their service towards you. Our quotation is about $33k. So most likely, we will engage Justin Low from Love Home.