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About bert7332

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  1. Nice find vic! getting me tempted as well....hope you are enjoying daddy's time
  2. very interesting and exciting concept, eager to see how it all shape up eventually
  3. Try Choo Chiang , I got mine for less than $10, but only one standard tone http://www.guanlite.com/supplier/images/1/img194731.jpg Hager brand
  4. Hi Lynn, love how your house has turned out, can I ask where did u get your short retro chairs?
  5. Hi neighbor For your track light what did you opt for? Because I bought 暧白 and it turns out to be white and I wanted those like yours which are yellow..
  6. Interestingly, my plumbing was also listed as "FOC" in my quote, but i guess that would be packaged into other components of the quote..but $2250 does sound pretty high to me for the scope that you have listed. For City Gas connection, my ID arranged it for me, and i had a $120 sum charged to me in my utilities bill. This connection is only to my hood, not using gas heater
  7. I think for the quality u have gotten, and the price u paid.. U got a very good deal!
  8. Looking very good and sticking very closely to the industrial theme..excellent work!
  9. I guess thats the bane of reading too many blogs...i ended up not remembering any
  10. Sean-$200 to reroute , whew... Not ex but unnecessary expense Ocean - make it a hood and hob
  11. Hello neighbour, looks like quite a number of renotalkers are from AI, good to see your works progressing well.
  12. On a happier note, we were pleased to get our hands on the laminates from Krono-O..their sales support is superb ..no complaint so far. Our ID suggested white skirting and so we went with his idea and will see how it will turn out in the overall scheme of things. Laminate with skirting by Anchoring Down, on Flickr Completed room Laminate br3 by Anchoring Down, on Flickr
  13. Hi myzticalz, i am not sure if my installer went ahead to punch through the beam, but my new layout of trunking is all on the outside..see pic...my ID will then box it up. aircon new by Anchoring Down, on Flickr And thanks for the heads up on the height clearance!
  14. Hello AI neighbour! Hope you are able to get the defects settled soon and start the exciting process of renovating