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Everything posted by koori

  1. this is the biggest one. Good for hugging. CNY 37.05 each. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5625853067
  2. Thanks for the pointer! Confirmed, it is real silk! Burned right away to black ashes...too small to take pictures too.....wind blow all fly off liao. haha
  3. some other odds and ends purchased. Bedsheet & quilt cover set, SS utensils, chopping board (didn't take out the bubble wrap....planning to just pack this when moving. Looks good at the moment, solid feel too.) Even got a couple of soft toys. Hahahah..... The only thing I am not too happy with is the bedsheet set. I didn't read properly, didn't realise that this set has a flat sheet instead of a fitted sheet for the mattress....so now dunno how to use this set. Flat sheet is just one piece of cloth, I think you need to tuck in the edges under the mattress like in hotels...me faintz.... The material feels ok to me, as in feels quite soft to the touch, not scratchy and stiff. Might have to go taobao hunt for a fitted sheet in same pattern, or maybe get some other fitted sheet in white or some neutral shade to match
  4. CNY 35.60 each. A lot more colors available actually. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23181132983
  5. I didn't get the time to write about this earlier, but saw so many people getting stuff from Taobao in the blogs that I decided to buy some small stuff. I 'chicken', didn't dare to buy downlights, sink,etc that I see being purchased...I got all the taps/sink/lights locally instead. Always had the impression that sea shipping will take very long, like close to a month.....but ordering via Peeka it took just slightly more than 2 weeks to arrive. So now I've got even more stuff to move from parent's house to new house later. Stuff I bought : 蚕丝被 [quilt? comforter? I dunno the english name for this leh.] The blanket is made of silk strands and is supposed to be warm and good for aircon rooms, or so I was told. I dunno how to differentiate if it's real silk, but it looks great at the moment. There's a inner zipper holding the silk stuffings and another outer cover. The outer cover turned out to be more pink then I expected though. I thought it is a light pale pink...else might have considered the beige cover instead. This thing cannot be washed with water, can only sun it... so must protect it! edit : confirmed real silk based on the 'burn' test suggested by Ocean below. Cushions. Got 2 of these. These are nice too, covers are also quite sturdy material. Liking these as well. Laundry bag. Material feels sturdy, the inside has this waterproof looking layer. Happy with these too. Pardon, me big foot in the picture and I didn't realise.
  6. O_O Hot pink cabinets! On another note, I thought you mentioned you are plastering the kitchen walls but I see tiles on the 3D. Or is one side tiled, one side 'normal' wall arh?
  7. Any idea how much if just for main door?
  8. Agree, it depends on personal preference. Prior owner loved bronze color, they had bronze grilles and gate. I like silver more, I asked for grilles and gate both in silvery colors. Another consideration is me lazy to wipe frequently lah. White color must be hardworking in maintenance......
  9. Ya lor. Mine is a 4 room resale at Woodlands. alamak, who got so big living room to place such a big TV. Unless your living room is as big as a cinema hall. I even got an 'unSMART' TV when everyone else's is SMART these days.
  10. glad to have been of help. Some more information if anyone interested : http://www.songcho.com/FAQs/faqlist.aspx Apparently their stainless steel is by electrolysis to finish their stainless steel hence the rust resistance. By the way, in case your ID/contractor can't install for you, Song-cho also provides installation services on a per trip basis $50. [i was told no limits on number of items installed. I didn't take this up though as my contractor was helping.] thank you, thank you.
  11. Will wait till later this week to take wider views. At the moment, mess of dismantled old lights/fans/misc debris like empty boxes sitting in the living room so any wider angle view photos is going to look horrible at this particular moment. Marble floor polishing coming up this Thursday, so these debris should be cleared out before then. Thinking reno is going to end pretty soon leh...shouldn't take another month. I remember was told marble floor polishing is one of the very last things to do.
  12. If you are good with a paintbrush you can get a new color, maybe once a year before CNY?
  13. Your bathroom tiles look pretty dark to me. If it were me, would go for white countertop for the contrast
  14. BTO is brand new flat....resale even newest will be about 5 years old liao.... Resale sure have to spend more. Besides that, the 'treasures' the previous owners think were so nice probably not nice to us. hahaha....The previous owners got a 'so sayang' face when I mentioned I dismantling all the built in wardrobes. They think is treasure, I think is eyesore. congrats on the upcoming key collection. Looking forward to pictures ~
  15. think got option - just paint over if it gets too 'dirty'.
  16. no expensive clothes. maybe that's the problem. all the 'pasar malam' clothing kenna holes. I think it's called washing net? Not sure either. We use 1 for only underwear. hahahha.....other big items no net. Songz~ If going for washer + dryer, you might want to consider front load and stackable ones to save space. There are also machines in the market that is washer-cum-dryer....I didn't consider this though as I prefer to have them separate.
  17. Haha....sofa and bed must pay a bit more get something you like lah.....so big piece and likely permanent fixture. I'm still looking for cheapo TV console...LOL....walked around Courts, those I like close to $1k. The ones more within my budget around $500 dun look nice...ended up didn't buy. Need to go try neighbourhood furniture shop see see liao.
  18. Agree on the TV. Or maybe we went to the same retailer - aka Courts. The salesguy actually told me no point getting super high end coz you are paying a premium for the latest technology, yet it goes outdated within 6 months. LOL. For me personally, not fond of LG washing machine. Mom's place had a top load about 3 years ago. Either the machine's spin is very powerful or our clothing is very lousy.....coz we started seeing tears at seams of clothing....and small holes appearing on thin fabrics (like t-shirts). Good point is it gave us ladies an excuse to go shopping for new clothes...haha.... Ended up we changed out the machine within a year even though it was still functioning. No idea what caused the problem though...we have no such problems with our old top load (Panasonic) and the top load purchased later (Toshiba) to replace this LG.
  19. Depending on where you are located....there are several showrooms/outlets. ~oh, i see your home is at woodlands....like me. My unit is a resale one though...no BTO for me Their showrooms located here : http://www.songcho.com/general/default.aspx?ID=3 I personally went to the showroom at IMM for the purchase. This is a bigger showroom, with more display. The closest one to Woodlands is actually at AMK, Blk 712, inside NTUC on the 2nd floor. How do I know? Coz I went there lugging a multi purpose towel rack and a glass shelf to exchange for something else. hahaha.....I didn't take into account my MBR bathroom was that small and bought stuff that ended up redundant coz there is no space. Exchanges possible within 7 days with receipt, based on date of delivery if your stuff was delivered and not hand-carried.
  20. 2 more doors on the right. My kitchen doesn't have space for me to back off enough to capture the full cabinets area. Behind these 2 doors are the stainless steel drawer racks I got from Song-Cho [mentioned in earlier posts].
  21. The kitchen cabinets. See the break on the 5th door where the counter top 'changes' color from grey to brown-beige ? The concrete sink and stove supports ends there. The balance are all made of wood. iQuartz top not up yet. Once that's up, probably can't tell where the concrete ends and the wood starts unless you open the doors. Once you open the cabinet doors, this is under the sink....you can see the tiled concrete 'legs'. My kitchen outlet pipe not fully connected yet, so no pipes yet. More tiled legs, this one is under the hob. The styrofoam covered thing is the hob. Not installed yet, it's just left there to show it belongs there? Or maybe they are double checking if the space in the concrete is correct for the hob. haha.....
  22. And the biggest piece ~ Capentry up! The tall unit on that newly erected wall.... There is a 'hole' at the side. This is for my future fridge electrical plug to go through. The power outlet will be located at the capentry area. The view where the wires are still hanging around at the moment, waiting for electrician uncle. The empty space here is for my microwave.
  23. Lights & fans were actually up since Friday. Went up to unit during the weekends and they were all up already...didn't manage to update the blog earlier. All lights are LED except for the storeroom. Same light in BR2 & BR3 & kitchen, so just showing one of them : I picked this design for both bathrooms and service balcony, just showing one of them : The fan, at rest & on medium speed. Not sure if this brand will last, but as of this moment, am happy with them. Windy and very silent even on higher speeds. If you note in the picture, this has white LED lights. I think they come in warm lights too coz the shop salesman asked me what lights I want when I placed the order. The lone small bulb in the storeroom.
  24. Wrought Iron gate up~ [i thot this would be one of the last things...haha...as it is now, they put 2-3 layers of plastic wrap around it to protect the gate. Halfway view from outside....sorry, no space to back off liao, already hit the parapet wall here....so can't get a full view picture here. From inside the unit. The piece of metal you see on the right hand corner bears my unit number.
  25. Sofa quite big 'permanent' piece of furniture in your living room, don't think you will change it often [if at all].... If you get something you don't like, you got to see it everyday leh. So sianz.