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  1. Chemical washing is for your floor tiles, wall tiles. ( clear off the stubborn stains, cements stuck to the tiles, marbles ) Not suitable for the cabintry items and ironmongories , especially if yours is those high gloss type. General washing is when job scope is complete and ready for handing over and defects checking by owner _____________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  2. The 3 common LED lights for kitcehn wal cabinet are [A] led long ( cut to desired length ) strip light, round cased light [C] LEd tube light with in-built led driver Option [ A ] is mostly placed at the rear , underside of the owall cabinet , against the wall Optrion is normally at the center, underside of the wall cabinet Option [ C ] is normall placed at the front , underside of the wall cabinet , but requires a wood pelmet strip in front conceal the slight bulky tube light Yes, all requires power souce. Thouse without in- built LED driver are normally placed in the false ceiling of the top of the wall cabinet ( assuming the power source is around that area. ______________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  3. They will need to open a big hole at your partition wall, add plywood stifferners panels inside ( from floor upwards) and patch up the partition wall. They will then mount your TV bracket to the plywood using anchor bolts. ______________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  4. They should ensure that the wardrobe is straight using a level guage lazer. even is wall or floor not level they should highlight to house owner and make adjustment accordingly . From the photo, maybe they want to avoid hitting the room light switch ? they should at least highlight... ______________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  5. For bulky item like furniture, altough the listed item price is cheaper, the other factors like logistic cost, lead time, warranty ( international ?) is an issue. The colour shown in the photo might not turn out to be intended. Different units have different height, corners, pillars & beams. For layman without experience in doing measurement , the arrived products might not fit. Defective, damged or missing parts will have a long waiting time or fall on deaf ears ( you can't bang table if they dont have any branches in Singapore ) _____________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  6. Is yor bathroom more towards the darker shades ( red, brown etc ) or lighter ones ( white, light blue etc ), If your batroom walls, floors are in ight shades, you will feel that the bathroom is more spacious and more ideas ( plants, storage ideas etc ) can come in , Darker shades will look smaller but can add matching colour cabinets, or small potted plants to upZ the looks , avoid too many loosely items ( stickers, small storage around ) as it will look more crammed _____________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  7. Yes, Nowadays units regardless whether condo, EC or HDB, floor area are shrinking to the extend to the size of a matchbox With the gov initatives for couples to have more babies = more area for babies, kids to run around in the house = less furnitures, Its no surprise that more innovative ideas to save space are wanted. I suppose that doing it in moderation would be fine as too much of these are not cheap and cheap things dont come good ( wear n tear warranty blah blah blah ) _____________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  8. Yes, for stone top, unlike solid surface...there will be obvious joint lines for long kitchen or L- corner where u need marble glue to join. therefore it will be the workmanship issue here if it looks nice or not , Secondly, if if there are strong liquid or dark colour stain and left for a period of thim, porous stone will absorb the stain and it will be permanent. _____________________________________ Vist my Artbuilt Blog @ http://artbuilt.blogspot.sg/
  9. For stone worktop, the price range varies For starters , can try 'iquartz ' and ' caesarstone ' cheerz
  10. Condo will be much easier due to lesser restriction but you must check with your MSCT ( mgt ) office the details
  11. HI, We can arrange for a FOC assessment of your bathroom and provide you the quote thereafter Do email us at admin@artbuilt.com.sg to provide us the photos and the preferred site assessment date/ time.
  12. You can move your floor trap if your HDB unit is more than 3 years HDB ( due to waterproofing warranty etc ) Floor need to be hacked. The original floor trap concealed by a ' removable ' tile ( for future service issue ) and the new floor trap is connected to the orginal floor trap by a narrower PVC pipe ( cannot hack too deep ) Workmanship of plumber important cos of the gradient of the PVC pipe so that water can flow smoothly.
  13. Have seen friends & had customers who had their 20~ 30 odd years unit done that. Everyone ( ID, contractor, experienced friends etc ) can say this ar , that ar, but the procedure is thsi 1) your contractor submit the floor plan and form to HDB 2) they will reply can or cannot ( need to wait for a week+ ?) 3) iF cannot , can appeal ( wait another week + ) and a survyer may/ may not come down to do assessment tp verify or check if got illegally do hacking ** beware ** unauthoirized hacking will cause structural damage to building, HDB will do emergency repair to building and the owner / contractor etc will be charged !
  14. U have to have your floor plan ready , ( can also be bought from HDB online for $5 ) U need to check if the wall in the plan is sold black colour or a outine only , if only outline then congrats, else u need to see if its the wall or ' beam' that is weight bearing..... ( let your contractor or ID ) check for you. He will need to submit a form to HDB to see if the hacking works is approved or not
  15. The darken ( shaded ) block is a load bearing wall. We need the front photo as the plan may be misleading , It may be the case where there is a load bearing ' beam ' , the wall below the bean can be hacked. You will need ypour Contractor/ ID to take photos and submit plan to HDB to ask for approval