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About LordVader

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  1. i think there's another thread from another renovation done by Voila in Yishun BTO... saw this thread postes by the owner.... http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/63069-go-big-or-go-home-yishun-edition/?hl=%2Bvoila+%2Bdesign
  2. Hi Pandasea007 sorry for late reply... i have PM u my ids Loy and Peter's contact no. Voila's website: www.voila.com.sg
  3. Hey all! Its been so long since I log in... haf been busy wif my moving in... Just some updates... My reno works took exactly 9 weeks.... I was able to move in on the 8th week, after we moved in, there was some minor touchup here and there.... I must really give credits to my ids, Peter and Loy, and the team of Voila's workers. I really see that they put in the efforts to rush my house reno works so I can move-in in time. ( if not I will be sleeping in the streets cos my buyer wasn't willing to extend my handover date!!) Many days I see the workers working til late and even works on sundays. My verdict: Time schedule: on time *true to my ids' promise Workmanship: not perfect but has got showroom quality.... Cost: on budget... Design: Lovely! * see my 3Ds... http://s1315.photobucket.com/user/lordvader0088/library/ Will take some actual photos when my family have finished unpacking....
  4. Hi Hanafi. Thanks for your advise. I ultimately confirmed my reno wif Voila. initially Voila's quotation was $2k more than the other contractor, but my ID Peter went through the list of works with me in details and upon comparison, we found out the other contractor has left out many items which Peter highlighted to me are necessary reno costings which are hidden. Examples my ID quoted are: - missing haulage and debris clearance $500 - short of tall kitchen cabinet ( for built in oven cabinet unit) $ 700 - paper protection for flooring $200 - new stainless chute $200 - upgrade to iQuartz kitchen top from solid surface $800 So actually if I compare apple to apple & orange to orange, the other contractor is more expensive!! And he seems not confident in completion with 8 weeks! Now, I am waiting for my ID to show me my 3D drawings, hope it will be beautiful and as what i always imagine my dream home to be...
  5. Hi BearZ Alvin. They completed on time? Cos my home reno works is on very tight schedule. Need the works to be completed in 8 weeks if can't complete in time, I will have no place to stay as my current house buyer will have to take over in 8 weeks. I am undecided to sign my reno package with either Voila or SL design. Voila is $2k more expensive... but explanation and quotation more detailed. My id firmly says my reno will take 6-7 weeks. SL is cheaper by $2k.... but the uncle is totally ' contractor' style, just quote what i ask for and without any input of design ideas. Moreover, i am worried about time, cos when I ask the uncle if he can complete in 8 weeks, he just hemm.... never give straight answer. ( Scary leh....) By the way, BearZ, which Voila's ID did your reno works?