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Everything posted by OceanEleven

  1. Hi, please PM me the granite top, window and curtains contact. Thank you.
  2. All those are also bought from Taobao? If only using white, no need the above?
  3. Thanks for your reply. This connector can be bought locally?
  4. Hi there, 3 things in your place interest me a lot. Cat 7 cable, your electrician is able to run all cable for you? All connection and termination he can settle for you? Livolo switches, my concern is that electrician is unable to install properly. Your instruction of installing the "6/7" wires is really useful. Is yours with remote? If yes, as of now, still working? LEDs: I know nuts about the LEDs, how to start, join, drivers needed etc. Electrician able to settle as well? Please advise. Thank you.
  5. What I meant was the total cost involved for false ceiling plus down lights. Estimated LED down light plus wiring & installation, approx. $100 each. If there are 5 down lights in the rooms, throw in cost of false ceiling, easily crosses the 1k mark. By the way, how do you group the switches for the down lights? Eg. 6 down lights, 2 lights per switch or???
  6. Hahahaha.... this is my favourite part.
  7. No problem, you gotta give what a man's wants right? If you walk from the 99 bus stop, you will pass the coffee shop (opp OCBC bank), further down where there is confectionery shop. It is along this row of shops where this shop is located. Their price is generally cheaper than the bigger chains but COD. With model num, a phone call is all you need to know the price. Else there is another neighbour shop in West Coast you can compare with as well. You can consider LG, mine is 10 years old and running strong except for the water dispenser. I rem mine is a made in Korea model.
  8. Personal preference, feel the fridge is too small. Should go for those 500L up. You have a growing family and likely mum is doing the cooking? Personal experience, if that is a water dispenser, once spoil will take like $200 to repair, Transport is like avg $50 a trip. Mine deem redundant already as cant bear to pay like 15% the cost of a 2 year old fridge just to repair it. Also if you have the model num and ready to pay cash, perhaps you can check with the neighbour shop in JW Blk 500+ opp the hawker, they offer pretty competitive price as well. Pardon me, I forgot the name.
  9. I still feel sore and enrage from reading about the carpentry saga and sorry to stir up foul memories but can you pm me the name of the company?
  10. One thing you can consider is to "laminate" to fit the theme of the house. How much is the damage?
  11. This Toto is priced at SGD500++ after discount. 2 piece WC. Sometimes something got to give, no doubt one pc looks more sleek but after all we are not hugging it to sleep. I will rather sacrifice aesthetic and minimise the hole in my pocket.
  12. Hi Grace, the way you does your reno is quick, sleek and sharp. Cant wait to see when your carpentry is up.
  13. So, have the arcade been ordered? If ordering see if can get the mahjong game as well.
  14. Look very nice. Damage? Your storage look clean, reno finishing soon?
  15. Get the arcade and the pool table, this will keep him at home. If he drink, install a tap for him as well.
  16. Trust me, it's better dealing with a 5 years boy than a 50 years old tart.
  17. Wow!! I love the spirit!! You hubby has my utmost admiration for the never give up spirit. Nevertheless, it is indeed a good find, bringing back the good old days.
  18. Saniton seems fine as well. HDB uses this in some houses as well. Where to get Johnson? Any price reference?
  19. Useful input. Was contemplating with Clayton, now totally " flush" away. Guess have to settle with a ToTo.