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Everything posted by OceanEleven

  1. Some folks swear by irobot, the Roomba and Scooba. But ****....it is costly....
  2. 16 inches! Is the water pressure enough to supply such a big rain shower? The size is there but I find it a tad too close to the wall, not user friendly for bigger size folks .
  3. Guess have to live with the scratching issues, like any white coated items, though prone to scratches, undeniable it does look good. Like white grilles, look good but a chore to maintain. Maybe may suit the MBR washroom better.
  4. Brass and coated. Swings left right too.
  5. Think this is something a little new in the Chinese market. The flow mouth can be rotated 180 deg or 360 deg. I believe the tap can swivel as well, unlike the conventional "fixed" type.
  6. How about a white one for a change?
  7. 160cm size VS 160cm space. Even give acrylic, it would not have fitted in. No point to file it down to fit and filing may spoil the look of the tub. Perhaps you may share the link of the tub so we all can have a better idea how the tub look like, BTW, your inbox is full.
  8. Nope, it is charge either by bank or Alipay.
  9. Hi Alisa, in case you have not buy the aircon, you may want to try another vendor which I used. I sourced around and found his price is ok. Offered on site vist prior to installation as well as 2 times installation.
  10. Payment to Taobao or Tmall Paying to TB and Tmall has always been a pain in the xxx. The more direct approach is buying thru agent but then agent charged a fee that sometimes makes the item no longer attractive. Eg. Peeka charges a 5% or min $5. If the item is low value, it is more contemptible to use such service. Not to forget, Peeka allow only up to 3 orders consolidation. So another way is to use Credit Cards, which personally I avoid at all cost. This, firstly due to the unfavorable exchange rate and the 3% additional surcharge as well. So what can we do then? We can use Alipay. All you have to do is to register an Alipay account, now Alipay can even accept Singapore mobile. This is a safety security function, when paying, Alipay will send a 6 digit pin SMS to you r mobile for payment. To top up to Alipay, we can use AXS machine, to purchase Alipay Purchase Card, choosing from RMB200, 500 and 1000 to. You will have to enter your email and contact. Receipt will be issued and email sent. The email as follow: Please find your Alipay Purchase Card transaction details below. Transaction Date/Time : 2014-02-09 10:51:29 Amount Paid : SGD $218.70 Card Value : RMB 1000 Card Serial No. : 800300xxxxxxxxxx Card PIN : 2xxxxx Email address : abc123@gmail.com Contact No : 9xxxxxxx Also included are the instructions to top up in Alipay. Sounds easy right? But there are dome shortcomings as well too. 1) Unfavourable exchange rate charged. On this part, one has to do your own math, whether to buy thru agent and pay the fees/surcharge or thru this method. 2) Money top up cannot be refunded. So there will always be balance in the account. So it is better to plan and count how much you need before you top up. Personally, I will still use this method. At least I get to control what I spend, know how much I have; TB account will have record what I had bought. If received a super big lemon, I can deal direct with seller. Thru agent, there is no record unless agent able to retrieve for you but this will involve agent details such as payment, accounts etc. Any refund is also back to payee and not you. Long and tedious I feel. Wishing all “Happy Shopping!”.
  11. Taobao & Tmall The interest and and enthusiastic in Taobao and Tmall has always been high among folks. Most can spend hours and days searching for the ideal item to purchase. Then again, some pre-requisite are required before one can venture further. Able to read Chinese, is half the job then. The rest, there is always Google Translate. Just to pen down some thoughts and journey went thru. Searching for the dream item is not the hard part. There some many items to of various design, pattern and colours to choose from. Choosing to buy from who is the tricky part. First there is Taobao and Tmall. So what is the difference? From what I understand, Tmall are more of a premium sellers. Chances of getting fake stuffs from there are lesser the sellers are more reputable, quality assurance is there as well. Then again, this does not means Taobao has no good stuffs or mainly fakes. Practice some due diligence, if an offer looks too good to be true, then mostly it is. For me I will look for those with 1) sales transaction 2) comments 3) higher diamonds seller. Read thru the comments, make sure the comments are coming from different names and also are frequents buyers and not some bogus buyers. Takes a little time but normally shall pay off well. Next, the interesting part, all vendors has a MSN like chat 阿里旺旺, if you are able to type Chinese, download it. You can chat directly with the seller, asking questions of your concern and clarify some doubts such as colour & dimensions (esp for wood grain furniture). And seriously, you can bargain a little as well if you are buying a few items or more, or request free delivery to an address in China. With chatting, the seller can "custom" a link for you to meet your requirement be it the pricing or dimensions. Troublesome you may say but to me, it is part of the fun of online shopping. I always chat when buying big ticket items and kinda get a little discount here and there. I was looking for some rain shower head, found this vendor, chat with him and found out that he is selling bidet spray as well but not listed on his site. So he sent me some pics, ask him about the material so end up buying 2 shower head and 2 bidet from him. He gave me a discount and I got some savings. Now he is offering me with more of his products for my consideration, send me mails with pics of some faucets and taps, will seriously consider if the price is right. Actually there is a small hiccup when buying from him, we both calculated the wrong amount to pay, I paid RMB60 more and the same evening, he refunded me straight away. If you ask me, do I trust them? Yes and no. Yes because the Chinese are slowly moving into the phase understanding the importance of customer service, word of mouth. Passed were the days where they do guerrilla warfare, whack & run. No due to the lack of monitoring in QC and sometimes one may get a lemon item once in a blue moon. Still it wont deters me from continuing to buy from there for some items are pretty enticing. Like a study table, local prices are like $500 up to $1k or more, carpentry is like $120 per foot run, while in TB/Tmall, you can get easily for approx. $300. Makes it more appealing if you are buying 2. Later I will post abit on how and who I used to ship the items.
  12. MBR Washroom. The lady opted for a dark outlook, pairing with light colour floor. Pardon the poor quality pictures, will update more in the later stage.
  13. If you have the Tumbler, can consider custom make an see thru acrylic with base light up as the big coffee table in the living room. Sure will be one nice center piece.
  14. Cheapest but not easiest is to have a China bank account and tag to Alipay. Then you can pay direct and no exchange rates issue. Else if you have friends or folks working in China, you can "borrow" their bank account but it will be messy, esp if one is calculative (xchange rates, privacy etc) Next will be the Alipay shopping card. Fixed amount, once bought and no refund. Exchange rate not that enticing but better than Credit cards payment. Lastly will be paying by Credit Cards direct. Provided saving on purchase is substantial, else not recommended. One can try when placing order, to compare paying by credit cards and shopping card. The additional amount is quite significant.
  15. Yup, it is. Start a account and use. Easy to maintain. Cons: Once you top up the amount, you have to use it up and no refund of balance.
  16. Nice fan! Can share price, brand and model? Still, it is a nice piece of furniture. Are they from Ikea?
  17. I love the look of this and wanted one but experience tells me it also a dust collector, despite it is in a room and windows close all the time.
  18. Tell the Missus, TV too small, need a bigger one. Ok I'll take this as an invitation.