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Everything posted by enci
not that bad either =) ... we just have to get our hands working for everything .. =) 君子爱财取之有道 。。。2‚
that is when the confusion starts ... =)
啊 。。。忘了问你 。。 你老是说佛经说 。。请问是那一部佛经 我也想增广见闻 。。不过要是佛说的唷 感恩
hi, 既然你自称修密那么你应该知道密教的根本是法身佛大日如来传金刚萨跺有由龙猛开南天铁塔等传说 。。。在佛教基本的人间传承已经离开了释迦牟尼佛而自成一派。虽然挂着佛教的名义然而截然与释迦牟尼佛的经教不算扯上很大的关系。相反的密教吸取了婆罗门教里的诸多思想以及行为譬如火供双修法等 。。 我不否认佛教的五乘共法的人天乘所以身为佛教徒的我也不能否定诸天护法善神的殊胜之处不过你却忘了归依三宝既是要从基本的人天共法进入三乘共法最终步入大乘不共法。。想您这样的一味崇拜鬼神要这么样迈入佛道呢 诸天的誓愿本来就是要护持学佛办道的人所以我们虽然尊敬它们却不能归依崇拜它们因为真正的功德是回向它们。 佛教里的净土地真言是表达对佛陀说法布萨之处的区分而不是土地神的崇奉。请您不要混淆佛教和道教哟 。。。帮帮忙 至于密教诸多渊源我不愿至评除非你能谈佛教历史从客观的角度研究密教的产生演变与发展。。。 然而召请佛菩萨的“灵光”降临。。谁又有本事呢 所谓奉请诸佛菩萨缘觉声闻是表示对它们的崇敬观察觉照自性。。。你不能把无所不在的佛陀菩萨们当成一种灵体呼能则来唤则送去你说话的与其不仅让我把你跟“真佛宗”扯上关系您对佛教的思想及信仰参杂了许多非佛教的信念有把方便当成究竟把鬼神当成金刚护法把佛陀说法地当成福德正神或土地公公来相提并论。 道教的土地公公又何时见上佛陀啊 难道大伯公庙香火不够跑来佛教讨饭吃 乱把道教的神氐硬扯来佛教难道是尊重他人的宗教人物吗 执着 佛说求正法欲不是执着而是进精 四弘誓愿你一定会背诵吧 祈愿您回归释迦牟尼佛的本怀 。。。顺祝2551卫塞快乐 。。。 南无本师释迦牟尼佛 S
the pricky question here is " are u a Buddhist or Taoist ? " If u r a buddhist, then anytime that u feel good is good enuff .. if Taoist then better get a date ... it all depends which u r .. and i would assume most plp r not sure of their faith and the normal answer is "a mix of both bah" heheee
haha ... linda .. imagine yr home 10 years from now ? heehee ... sometimes, i just hate trends .. cos so easily outdated ... reno one time have to spend so much money .. but then since we all live only once, so mst also live the best of myself loh ... xingyi n applefreak .. thanks for yr welcome ... yeps .. i got one big dog . infact i got three !! 2 mongrels and 1 snouzer ... all adopted one, cos if i dun give them a chance .. they sure kenna put to sleep by SPCA ... so try my best loh ... aha ... dun ask me if i got dog tag or not !!!! I dun have and neither will HDB approve .... so the only thing i can do is to bribe my neighbours with more smiles and cakes ... hehe well .. hope that i will "enjoy" the reno process ... So paiseh .. everyone's here is lovenest, mine so odd out .. bachelor's den ... LOl !!!! Meanwhile ....pray that all our reno couples here enjoy love n blessings for their love nest Bachelor alone @ messy n ugly den ...
Badger, I think u have seriously forgotten your refuge vows 弟子XX尽形寿唯当归依佛法僧三宝不侍诸天鬼神等众 。。。。 大梵天也好功德天也罢帝释天。。佛教里的28诸天是接受了婆罗门教的思想而建立所以佛教从来不否定诸天善神的存在而是要把佛教信仰的中心点建立在于三宝。 佛说人生有八难其中之一就是生于长寿天为什么呢因为一个佛教徒如果远离了三宝而开始把鬼神都变成佛教的供养对象就是堕入六趣的开始。 佛陀在祝福经里劝导善信要礼敬诸天因为天人有福报。可是佛陀却郑重的提醒佛教徒不应该归依诸天乃至侍奉及供养诸天而应该广种三宝福田将此功德回向诸天得闻佛法得解脱乐。 天人五衰你懂吧 Well, it is up to indiviual if one wanna apply fengshui or not ... BUT the impt thing i as a Buddhist need to make it clear is that fengshui is not something associated with Buddhism, neither fengshui beliefs or practises are taught by the Buddha. The Buddha taught that no external power is greater than the power of self ! 再来佛说八万四千法门是比喻方法众多(佛的三说 <现量比量圣言量) 。。可是你必须认清什么才是法门不是路边的土地神印度教的象身乃至任何鬼神都放进佛教的香炉里佛法接受它教的存在与价值不过从来不混淆佛法的真谛 开光 谁能为大觉的佛陀开光 是开佛的光明还是自性的光明呢 The Buddha never taught any auspicious date or auspicious hour to honour statues ! and worst of all, statues of Buddha only appeared 500 years after Buddha's Nibbana ... b4 that were all symbols being in memory of the buddha !! And PLEASE !! who says that buddhas and Boddhisattvas are to be summoned ??? 佛是尽虚空遍法界 。。。无处不在 PLS do not mix taoist or chinese folks beleifs into Buddhism ... I wun stop anyone from makin any kind of offerings ... it is a good issue to make sincere offerings to Buddha ... my concern here is that MANY COUPLES choose not to put a Buddhist altar becos it makes the house looks odd, I am provding a alternative for our modern couples here to continue the practise and uphold the Buddhist faith into yr new modern homes without much traditional packages... esp when Buddhists has often been mixed with folks chinese beliefs .. And let me clarify, i am not promoting high end crystal cups offering here ... ANY forms of sincere ofering, even a paper cup will gain vast merits !!! The story of the woman who made a lamp as compared to the king's thousand lamp and yet, her lamp grew brighter and longer than the king's thousand lamp .. WHY ? its becos the Faith that keeps the single lamp burning while the King's thousand lamp are burnt using oil. Homage to Lord Buddha ! if u r honouring a Buddhist statue ... no problem ... if taoist one .. must seek professional advise then ...
Haha ... Well, I am trying my best to throw everything away ... as much as i can ... Lol.. "famous" arches ?? haha .. i call it Orbit ones ... well, my home is overly spacious ... duno why old houese seems to be so big .. haiZz ... which means more money to renovate ... meeting both IDs today ... I also noticed that most people when they move in after some time, they dun tend to remake their home, i walk thru my whole block and found tat all houses look like mine .. how come ah ?? maybe same era houses ???? lol
I myself rear 3 dogs at home ... As a dog lover as well as a Buddhist, I canot stay silent over this issue. Death is a common point in all loving beings, no matter human or animals. It is very wrong to think that death only occurs to old dogs or old man, the Buddha taught impermance a important part of life that we ought to accept and view it with an open heart ... Impermance strike anytime, anyplace on anyone of any age group ... It is such that impermance is so scary that no can can foresee, not even our Mr Chong here as well as me and you, that we have to be even more altruistic and active in living in our everydaylife, cause we wun know WHEN WILL DEATH KNOCK on our doors ! Death being a common point for all beings cannot be viewed as "dying for the owner, blocking away bad things or even taking death as in-auspicious" Death should be treated with open heartness, without fear and most importantly, death is a celebration of life well lived ... Would you like to see yr neighbours or frens regard the wake of yr loved one as inauspicious ? Certianly, nobody does ... Death of a dog should also be a celebration of life that he passes the realm of animals for a better rebirth. No myths, no taboos ... kind thoughts is the most powerful "charm" to ward all things away.
Altenatively, If u r a Buddhist, u can ignore all the rituals as mentioned n practised by Taoists or folks chinese, such as choosing dates, dong tu, xie tu ... In Buddhist tradition, upon moving to a new house, it is best by inviting venerables to offer dana (food and daily requsisties) to them and this merit making event, the venerbales will inturn recite scriptures to bless yr family and new home.. If u r more to the chinese buddhist or heck care buddhist, u can just invite a buddhist or monk to yr home and give him a small angpow to chant some mantras to conscrete yr new home .. But for even more modern buddhists, no need any rituals at all ... just place the Buddha statue and get yr desired offerings and this is a great blessing already !
How Buddhists View Seventh Lunar Month First, Buddhists do not exactly celebrate during the entire seventh month, as the main celebration falls on the 15th day, which marks the Ullambana Festival. Instead of being inauspicious, this is an especially auspicious month for Buddhists as it historically coincides with Pravarana Day, the end of the annual rains retreat in the Buddha's time. On this day, many monks and nuns who have attained enlightenment gather to announce to the Buddha of their spiritual attainments. It is thus also known as “The Buddha's Day of Rejoicement”. The Lord Buddha encouraged the use of this special occasion to make various offerings to the noble monastic community and the less fortunate, so as to dedicate the garnered merits for the well-being of one's deceased parents and relatives, some of whom might unfortunately have been reborn as hungry ghosts due to great craving. Prayers are also made by chanting to share Buddhist teachings with them. It is also encouraged to make offerings to create merits for one's living parents on this “Day of Filial Piety”. Secondly, in Buddhism, the gates of **** do not open during the seventh month. The realm of hungry ghosts is distinct from the realm of hells, where suffering is generally without much respite, though never eternal, due to the limits of negative karma. However, **** beings can also benefit from merits dedicated to them to alleviate their suffering. Another distinction to be made is that of wandering spirits, who are beings so attached to their previous lives that they roam our world before finally being reborn. They too can benefit from merits created to guide them to better rebirths. Thirdly, there is no concept of “soul” in Buddhism, as all beings are seen to have constantly changing consciousness or “mindstreams”, and are thus able to evolve spiritually for the better in terms of perfecting their compassion and wisdom. In the above sense, the seventh lunar month should have no bearing of ill effect for fellow Buddhists at all, since we already co-exist with mostly unseen wandering spirits and hungry ghosts in our world, while the realm of hells is another world. However, when we make a fuss out of unseen beings, who are mostly harmless, supernatural incidents naturally seem to increase.
Mr Chong, hope that u r only doing these DOB cum altar positions for folks chinese believers n taoists ... I see a need to clarify the Buddhist stand, esp when many fengshui masters get Buddhas and boddhisattvas involved in such placements, dob, positioning practises ... I have no objections if u r doing from a non buddhist view and does not get buddhist icons into it , cos Buddha and boddhisattva statues are not "lucky charms or figurines that will affect one's health, success etc etc ... "
The Buddha's guide from the Singalovada Sutta to a blessed n happy relationship and building a harmonious family without using dates .... Five Kinds of Duty of a Husband 1. A husband must be kind to and adore his wife. 2. He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner. 3 He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women. 4. He must give her control and authority ever domestic matters. 5. He must provide his wife with clothing and ornaments. Five Kinds of Duty of a Wife 1. A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly. 2. She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husband's relatives. 3. She must not engage in sexual misconduct with other men. 4. She must keep and maintain in an orderly manner all things that are handed over by her husband. 5. She must be skillful and diligent in all her housework. Five Kinds of Duty for Sons and Daughters 1. Sons and daughters must attend closely to their parents in order to provide them with all the requisites in life. 2. They must carry out the social affairs of the business matters of their parents. 3. They must maintain their parents' properties, their parents' nationality, their parents' religious duties, and try to straighten their parents' religious view if they have a wrong view. They must also maintain the good name of their parents and their lineage. 4. They must obey their parents and make themselves worthy of the parents' heritage. 5. On their parents' death they should do good deeds in dedication to them and share the merits with them. Five Kinds of Duty for Parents 1. Parents must prevent their Sons and daughters from misconduct. 2. They must show their sons and daughters the way to good conduct. 3. They must make their sons and daughters learn arts and sciences. 4. They must give them in marriage to suitable persons. 5. They must give them their inheritance at the proper time.
戒香定香智慧香 心香一瓣真供养 }
The Buddha says "To overcome miserliness and develop generosity. Generosity is a cause of wealth. To think that practicing generosity is only for one's own benefit is a very limited thought. Like other practices, the best and most powerful motivation is to think of benefiting all beings."
No fengshui positions will win over a person with posotive thoughts and determination ... Wang Lei sang the song .. 30 percent destined, 70 percent determination n hard work... for me, 100 percent hard work n determination ... no outside factors to aid nor help or enahance me ... The Buddha said "By oneself evil is done, By oneself evil is subdued, By oneself Pain is endure, By oneself Salvation is gained, By oneself's effort is what all Buddhas taught " True blessings r own efforts...
Everyday is a good day .... Any timing is a good time ... 天天是好日时时是好时 。。。 That is the best timing and most auspicious date ... no need think so much le ... is yr heart auspicious ? 祈愿佛陀加持您 。。。 南无本师释迦牟尼佛 �"
My own bedroom ( feels so raw and untouched ... must ask ID to touch up for me ... really cannot depend on my IKEA diy, no feel at all !! haiZzz ) My kitchen (look like from the 70s) My MBR ( pls bear with the mess, i promise i will throw everything away! ) My MBR Toilet (yeah .. i noe it's ugly n old) My guest room (ya .. still messy as usual, future will be just empty) My Common toilet ( those shirts .. so paiseh ...) My ugly broken marble flooring ( still thinking to or not to hack away) First Post: 20th May 2007 ... Cai's bachelor Den Location: Jurong West St 75 4 Room A Model 120 Sqm
Hi guys, Finally my turn to document the before & after as well as the process to remake my old and ugly cum out-dated house which I have been living in it for the past 14 years ... Arghz ! It's very messy and ugly ... so please bear with it ... Although I have not decided to use Kelvin from Gplan or Kenny from Spacious, but I have quite definate to remake my house into the theme of "modern, simplistic & high end" Any comments and suggestions are welcomed as the process starts ..... First ... Sharing with you guys the Buddha statue which i got from Japan and placed in my room ... Taking this chance to give praise and adoration to my Lord Buddha who gave me strength and blessings for the past 25 years of my life, guiding me in turbulent times, blessing me in times which I may not know and giving me shield in times of spiritual retrogression. My living room ( overly empty .... with the ugly kopitiam dinner table !)
enci replied to admin's topic in Renovation Contractors, Interior Designers & Suppliers Reviews
wah ... so totally no bargain or freebies ah ???? wah seh .. -
Altenatively, If u r a Buddhist, u can ignore all the rituals as mentioned n practised by Taoists or folks chinese, such as choosing dates, dong tu, xie tu ... In Buddhist tradition, upon moving to a new house, it is best by inviting venerables to offer dana (food and daily requsisties) to them and this merit making event, the venerbales will inturn recite scriptures to bless yr family and new home.. If u r more to the chinese buddhist or heck care buddhist, u can just invite a buddhist or monk to yr home and give him a small angpow to chant some mantras to conscrete yr new home .. But for even more modern buddhists, no need any rituals at all ... just place the Buddha statue and get yr desired offerings and this is a great blessing already !
oH ... let me intro the Buddhist "fengshui mirror" ... which is in our heart =) constently reflect upon ourselves, loving kindness and auspicious will "auto" shine away all the negative forces ... Din u guys noe that Positive thoughts is better than any fengshui items to ward off negative forces ? 福居福人地福地福人居 自己的心就是最好的风水镜犹如一盏智慧灯能破千年暗 Om·0®OP®Oðj·¯O0¯O°o·°¯OЯO€k·P¡Op¡O
To be exact, the four faced deity is not a Buddha but a Brahma, a hindu cosmic deity which many folkslore Buddhists honours n revers. True Buddhist respect deities (devas) but do not take refuge nor worship them, a Buddhist should honour the Triple Gems "Buddha, Dharma and Sangha" not chinese, thai, bon, hindu deities. And in Buddhist concept, there is No fengshui or position that will offend the Buddha, becos Buddhists honour the statue of the Buddha in remembrance of the enlightended qualities of the Buddha as well as seeing the Buddha image will bring peace, serenity and happiness to the family and anyone who enters the house. Pls note tat Taoist statues needs to go thru very proper procedures and positioning wheras Buddhas and Boddhisattvvas statues are not bonded by any taboos. For Buddhists, it is highly adviseable that you clean yr Buddha statue and altar (incense urner if u have one) very regularly, becos it is a "chore" that brings about ouf respect n faith in the Buddha. And also, in Buddhism, there is no such beleifs that we cannot move the Buddha statue up and down to clean and leaving all the dust n dirt on the statue untill the end of the year or 1st n 15th then to clean it, these are more inclined to taoist and folks religion beliefs. Many Buddhists are afraid to honour the Buddha statue at home becos they r afraid that an altar will make their house look odd or the incence, oil lamps etc will make the house stain and dirty.. So let me break this myth, to honour the Buddha, u can forgo the incense urner, oils lamps, fruits or watever u dislike ... for me, my Buddha statue will be incoprated into my design and there r no urners or oils lamps ... only a simple cup of water (oh pls .. mine is a crystal cup not those chinese prayer teacups) and sometimes, i will buy some nic flowers n offer a few tealight candles during my personal prayers ... its really no myth and no taboo and no restrctions Buddha does not get angry over such things ... its a respectful heart of Faith n Joy that we honour and recieve the blessings from Him ...
enci replied to admin's topic in Renovation Contractors, Interior Designers & Suppliers Reviews
I just spoke to Kelvin 2 hours ago on the phone, wow ... a very sincere and straight forward guy ... esp when i lament to him that it is stupid to spend 7 thousand dollars on 2 toilet which he exlpained to me nicely... He roughly told me about ideas that i can save cost and yet create a modern minimalist home without hacking the exsiting marble flooring i have which he claims that I can save abit of money and instead put more effort in creating a feature wall that will divert the attention away from the floor, he also advise me on lightings and false ceilings ... definetly a very very sincere guy who left me very good impression over the phone and will be asking him over to my home this Sunday evening ... really looking forward to see him ... Can anyone here advise me if i use him, how can i bargain for cheaper prices ? or ask for freebies ??? or i should not bargain at all ? ??? esp, ex gplan-kelvin customers ... pls msg me ... btw .. he told me that IMM Gplan is closed for renovation works by IMM and will only be back in August but even IMM new opened shop in August, he will no longer be stationed there ... He will be pethe new permaently stationed at new gplan at Beach road (dun ask me where ... i duno) Overall, Both Kelvin from Gplan and Kenny from Spacious gives me very very very good impression, suggestions in all aspects ... Now is only cmparing the price btw both ... I would like to award to Spacious if I can afford their services, esp to this ID Kenny ! He also works day n night in the office at IMM, he's there almost everytime i pass by ... Meanwhile need the advise on bargain for prices and freebies etc etc ... thanks alot !!! -
Gosh ,,, yr house is so beautiful ! gives me a high end modern n condo feel ... how much u spent ?