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i will be free ard tues or wed . will do it when i pass by the bank. thanks for the good suggestion otherwise i will be flamed of cheating 4 bucks. haha .. thanks alot
i dun mind paying back by cheque, this one i know. must i deduct the stamp fees ? hehee ... joking .. anyway jus pm me the address n payee's name and i open a cheque of 4 dollars and mail over. (normal post hor) have a nice day.
Creditbilty cannot be credited back since I have not lost it. I have no "temple" and I dun see a need to run either ... have i been on the run ? ? and should i run for a 4 dollars ? ermMmm... i really got to think about that .... anyway, I am just waiting for her to passby jurong point n i can pass to her ... tried to do interbank liao but i am just too idiotic for technology stuffs. So use the most traditional way, pass it to her in face. Talkin about technology, anyone knows how come i cannot access to mobtv whenever I am overseas? the option for "download" and "stream online" just did not appear but when i am in Singapore the download option is always there .. can PM me .. thanks alot ah ..
anyway // u can contact me when u r in jurong area.... i pass the four bucks it to u. anytime .... littke biko. it's not the amt issue, even it's 4 cents .. it is still a must to returned. Fact of me overcharging is a fact. just that need "cleareance" from accusations ....
I just tried transfring ,,, the machine says unable to do interbank transfer for my acc ... can u come to Boon lay stn to take it ??? I also send to u to yew tee last time ... I tried my best but jus gonna admit that I am technology idiot. i dun even noe how to use wireless. do let me know .. thanks
erm .. i came back on a thursday and friday was working again .... saturday half day ... sunday rest, but then no doubt i ought to get back to u but provided if I am free or able to or not .. u emailed me yr wishlist of curtains .. did i manage to send to u immediately ? or only after some time ? why ? becos when I am free .. i will settle all outstanding stuffs on my list. As mentioned, 4 bucks or 4 cents .. i will return . u really got to tell me how to transfer to u ... if i would have wanted to cheat 4 dollars using my integrity, I guess i would have even calculated the taxi cost or even mrt costs from u right ? But then, it does not matter ... wat matters is that u happy with the deal then can liao. Anyway, pls pls pls tell me how to transfer 4 dollars to u ? Or if u happen to come to jurong area, do call me and I can pass to u ... i will be aboard from 8th august - 15th August, incase u wanna contact during tat time. There is nothing to boast about religon or devotion here .... I am not sure if yr actions and "flammings" goes in hand with yr personal faith but we need a clear understanding and conscience b4 commenting.
i saw it only when i back in Sg and on my Hp ... u wanna see my passport ? ?? dun flame ... seek the facts ... 4 bucks is not the issue ... even 4 cents, if i over charged, i ought to return .. but dun flame. she can jus tell me how to transfer using ocbc n i will try to transfer 4 dollars to her .. tat's easy ...
u got to tell me how to transfer four dollars to u .. i really have no idea .. i told u i was out from SIngapore for the past 1 week plus .. how to recieve sms ? its not that I wanna run away a mere four dollars from u ... I am at all hands to pay u the extra four dollars i "over-charged" u. or can i send u a cheque of four dollars instead ? I have never dealed with inter bank stuffs all my life ... thanks and kindly advise. Have a nice day ....
Mi Ocbc ....
hihi ... hmmm if u pass by jurong area .. i pass u back 4 bucks ... paiseh was away from Singapore for almost a week
http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_139224.html Is Buddha tooth here the real McCoy? Some doubt authenticity of the relic housed at new Chinatown temple, with dental experts saying it could not have come from a human By Tan Dawn Wei & Mavis Toh WHEN it comes to housing a relic as sacred as a Buddha tooth, devotees spare no expense - as was the case for the new Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in Chinatown. More than 60,000 donors poured $45 million and 270kg of gold into the four-storey building, where a tooth believed to be one of Buddha's molars now resides in a 3.6m-high stupa made out of worshippers' gold donations. But now, doubts have been cast over whether this tooth belonged to Buddha - or even a human being. And they range from the historical and political to the anatomical. Mr Yap Kok Feng, a paralegal executive, wrote to Lianhe Zaobao recently claiming that the relic looks nothing like a human tooth. When contacted, he said that he had shown a picture of it to dentists who believe it to be a herbivore's. One of them, Dr Pamela Craig, a senior lecturer at the School of Dental Science at the University of Melbourne, told The Sunday Times she had examined photographs and compared the tooth with teeth from various animal skulls in her comparative dental anatomy department. 'There's absolutely no possibility that it is a human tooth,' said Dr Craig, who specialises in human and animal oral anatomy. 'I'm almost certain that it belongs to a member of the Bos species, probably a cow or a water buffalo.' Dr Craig said human teeth should be rounded with a short crown and a comparatively longer root, but the picture clearly shows a long crown and a shorter root. 'In this case, looking at a photo is clear enough because it's so obvious that it's not a human tooth. It's like comparing a pear and an apple.' The Sunday Times also showed a picture of the tooth to four other dentists, including two forensic dental experts. All said the tooth could not have come from a human. 'This is an animal 'cheek tooth', that is, a molar at the back of the mouth,' said Professor David K. Whittaker, a forensic dental specialist at Cardiff University in Britain. The seemingly uneven biting surface is indicative of grass-eating animals whose teeth have 'a very efficient grinding surface for breaking up coarse plant materials,' he said. Dr Myra Elliott, a consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon with a practice at Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, said: 'Even if human teeth have been fossilised, there's still a pattern. And what is shown in the picture doesn't look like a primate's tooth at all.' The size of the tooth - measuring 7.5cm - is also far too long for a human tooth, said Dr Anthony Goh, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 'There isn't enough space in the jaw.' The tooth relic was supposed to have been discovered by a Myanmar monk, the late Venerable Cakkapala of Bandula Monastery, in 1980 while restoring a collapsed stupa at Bagan Hill in Mrauk-U, Myanmar. He gave the relic to Venerable Shi Fazhao, the abbot of both the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple in Tampines in 2002. The public can see the tooth only twice a year - on Vesak Day and the first day of Chinese New Year. When The Sunday Times asked Venerable Shi Fazhao about the tooth, he said in Mandarin: 'To me, it has always been real and I have never questioned its authenticity.' As for the dental experts' assessment, he said: 'They can say all they want, I don't care what they say. If you believe it's real, then it's real.' The curious dental structure is not the only bone of contention here. In another Lianhe Zaobao commentary published on July 6, Chinese Buddhism studies researcher and lecturer Wan Bingyan cited religious and historical texts supporting the popular belief that only two of Buddha's teeth are left in this world. They are now believed to be at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and the Ling Guang Monastery in Beijing, China. When a third surfaced in 1998 after a Tibetan monk smuggled it out and handed it to Taiwan's Venerable Master Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan Temple, it was fingered by Chinese officials as a fake. Buddha's relics are venerated by Buddhists worldwide and held up as national treasures in Sri Lanka and China. China had allowed its Buddha tooth relic to go on tour to Thailand, Hong Kong and thrice to Myanmar at the government's invitation. Two tooth relic pagodas were later built in Yangon and Mandalay, one housing an ivory replica tooth and the other, donated religious items. Mr Kyaw Swe Tint, counsellor at the Myanmar Embassy here, said that as far as he knows, there has been no evidence of genuine tooth relics in his country. 'This (the one believed to be housed here) could very well be a fake,' he said. But Venerable Shi Fazhao said Venerable Cakkapala had given him the tooth; it was a private matter between two people and not between two countries. 'Don't politicise it,' he said. Would he let an expert examine the tooth in Singapore? He replied: 'It's mine, why should I let you examine it? Why don't you go examine what's in Sri Lanka and China first?' Venerable B. Dhammaratana, religious adviser of the Buddhist Research Society, explains that different Buddhist societies would subscribe to different versions of Buddha's legends. 'You can't say which is right or which is wrong.' dawntan@sph.com.sg mavistoh@sph.com.sg
after long planning ... renovation starting 15th August after my trip to Bangkok .... thank goodness i took this period of time to save up 6000 bucks of furnishing cost. dunno enuff or not ... if anyone got cheap lobangs .. pls intro me ... Anyone noes if there is a condo unit to rent for one month in the west (jurong area) ??? cos i wanna stay away from my house duing the 1 month reno period.
I was answering green tea his qns not spreading buddhism here. Ahh to add on to greentea. pls dun misunderstand that I am here to spread u any religon and I have not done that either ... I was telling you that fengshui n buddhism r 2 seperate entities and the religious duties as a Buddhist. Becos, outside too many plp blurr buddhism up with lots of wrong concepts. Really bo bian ... anyway, u r always free to mix anything u want may main point is to draw the line btw both entities.
yeah ... fengshui n buddhism r two different things. It6 should not compliment and not advisable for buddhists to dabble in fengshui.
hmm... Din u noe that laypeople the 4 orders of Monks/ Nuns/ Male Lay / Female Lay forms a sangha community ???? The Boddhisattva precept is meant for laypeople to observe, ehh ... i think almost every temple u go, sure got plp recieve the PUSA JIE. guang ming shan is a good place to find these people. It seems that yr understanding for buddhism is really very very wrong and still wanna mislead people Goodness ! hehee ... HERE is the time when yr own personal wisdom works .... =) we must see for anything or anyone that claims to be Buddhist goes in line with the Buddha's advise or not ... It is better if we get scripturial evidence instead of so n so also practise. Since u can dedicate a room for yr altar, u should be sincere enuff to study the Dhamma. We Buddhists do not stop at worshipping a empty statue ... generating Boddhicitta for the welfare of beings .... to learn and study the Buddha's teachings which is like a vast pool of ocean. We r just a tiny fish in this ocean ... this is why the reason we need the Buddha and his advice and also why we are Buddhists. Requoted for the benefit of Mace n others: The Forty-eight Secondary Precepts set by the Lord Budda Precept 33: On Watching Improper Activities A disciple of the Buddha must not, with evil intentions, watch people fighting, or the battling of armies, rebels, gangs, and the like. (84) He should not listen to the sounds of conch shells, drums, horns, guitars, flutes, lutes, songs or other music, nor should he be party to any form of gambling, whether dice, checkers, or the like. (85) Furthermore, he should not practice fortune telling or divination nor should he be an accomplice to thieves and bandits. He must not participate in any of these activities. If instead, he intentionally does so, he commits a secondary offense. (note stanza 85) Sutra of the Master of Healing also states: The Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation said: "The nine violent deaths are; (1) There are beings who become sick. Though the sickness is not serious but there is neither medicine nor a doctor for the treatment. In case they take the wrong medicine, they may meet violent death which can very well be avoided. Some trust in Maras and Heretics, or masters of magical and bewitching powers. From a frivolous prediction of good or bad luck, fear and uneasiness arises. Those people whose own heart cannot clearly discern, question fortune-tellers whether misfortunes awaits them. Some kill living beings for a sacrifice in order to propitiate the spirits. Some call out to the evil spirits and ask for protection, they wish to prolong their lives, but all to no avail. They are ignorant of the right way. They believe in heterodox views, not recognising the doctrine of moral karma. This leads in the end to a violent death. They enter into **** and can never get out of it. This is the first violent death. The Buddha's final advise b4 PariNibbana: Bequeathed Teaching Sutra 1. Exhortation on keeping the Precepts ... After my Parinibbana you should reverence and honor the Precepts of the Patimokkha. Treat them as a light which you have discovered in the dark, or as a poor man would treat a treasure found by him. You should know that they are your chief guide and there should be no difference (in your observance of them) from when I yet remained in the world. If you would maintain in purity the Precepts, you should not give yourselves over to buying, selling or barter. You should not covet fields or buildings, nor accumulate servants, attendants or animals. You should flee from all sorts of property and wealth as you would avoid a fire or a pit. You should not cut down grass or trees, neither break new soil nor plough the earth. Nor may you compound medicines, practice divination or sorcery according to the position of the stars, cast horoscopes by the waxing and waning of the moon, nor reckon days of good fortune. All these are things which are improper forurmmers r always free to check the sources quoted and do a study.
Ohh ... Ok .. can when i reach home ... i give u the chinese coding... dun anyhow shake head b4 u reach a comprehension. will mislead alot of plp ... we have to be responsible for our thoughts n actions. btw, u also give me the quote from any sutra, english or chinese also can ... where did the Buddha teach and allow divination. If the Buddha really did, its gonna be interesting topic for me to research on .. thanks alot
Hmm ..... U ask for quote wat .,.. i quote u wat the Buddha said regarding divinations ... so now u shake head .... tsk .. after i quote for u so many ... can i now ask u to quote to me since when n where did the Buddha allow divination or treach OM divination in which sutra ? vinaya ??? be fair right ? i quote u the Buddha's words ... constructive man ... ENd up Buddha forgive me machiam those words that i quoted not Buddha say one ... very misleading. i really pray that Buddha will open yr eye of wisdom to see the truth that Lord Buddha himself taught. Precepts set by the Buddha are golden guidelines for Buddhists not to be disregarded.
Then u should ask yrself if that person is a BUDDHIST or not loh ... When we call oursleves Buddhists, we heed the Buddha's words and advise. For peopole who wanna misuse Buddhism .. we cannot do anything other than correcting people's concepts. It is all up to the person if he/she wanna heed the Buddha's advise or the person who practises divinations such as yr OM divination mentioned. I am a Buddhist, so i follow the Buddha's advise, simply buddhist, uniquely buddhist - Oppss do i sound like Tourism Board ???? n haha
The Buddha's final advise b4 PariNibbana: Bequeathed Teaching Sutra 1. Exhortation on keeping the Precepts ... After my Parinibbana you should reverence and honor the Precepts of the Patimokkha. Treat them as a light which you have discovered in the dark, or as a poor man would treat a treasure found by him. You should know that they are your chief guide and there should be no difference (in your observance of them) from when I yet remained in the world. If you would maintain in purity the Precepts, you should not give yourselves over to buying, selling or barter. You should not covet fields or buildings, nor accumulate servants, attendants or animals. You should flee from all sorts of property and wealth as you would avoid a fire or a pit. You should not cut down grass or trees, neither break new soil nor plough the earth. Nor may you compound medicines, practice divination or sorcery according to the position of the stars, cast horoscopes by the waxing and waning of the moon, nor reckon days of good fortune. All these are things which are improper
The Forty-eight Secondary Precepts set by the Lord Budda Precept 33: On Watching Improper Activities A disciple of the Buddha must not, with evil intentions, watch people fighting, or the battling of armies, rebels, gangs, and the like. (84) He should not listen to the sounds of conch shells, drums, horns, guitars, flutes, lutes, songs or other music, nor should he be party to any form of gambling, whether dice, checkers, or the like. (85) Furthermore, he should not practice fortune telling or divination nor should he be an accomplice to thieves and bandits. He must not participate in any of these activities. If instead, he intentionally does so, he commits a secondary offense. Of cos, there r many many other precepts that the Buddha disallowed such. this is just one source. Sutra of the Master of Healing also states: The Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation said: "The nine violent deaths are; (1) There are beings who become sick. Though the sickness is not serious but there is neither medicine nor a doctor for the treatment. In case they take the wrong medicine, they may meet violent death which can very well be avoided. Some trust in Maras and Heretics, or masters of magical and bewitching powers. From a frivolous prediction of good or bad luck, fear and uneasiness arises. Those people whose own heart cannot clearly discern, question fortune-tellers whether misfortunes awaits them. Some kill living beings for a sacrifice in order to propitiate the spirits. Some call out to the evil spirits and ask for protection, they wish to prolong their lives, but all to no avail. They are ignorant of the right way. They believe in heterodox views, not recognising the doctrine of moral karma. This leads in the end to a violent death. They enter into **** and can never get out of it. This is the first violent death. its abit scary ... heheee .... Moderator, this is the 3rd attack from MAce a day. personal attack plus slandering ...
By thye way, Kai Guang CAN also be used as a Buddhist Term. Why not ? just the the concept of Kai Guang btw Buddhists n taoists r of different concept. If we wanna use Kia Guang as a Buddhist term, we need to make clear to whomever engaging in this ceremony that Kai Guang (open eye/ open brighteness) in the Buddhist aspect is Opening the brightness of self or the eye of wisdom within ourselves. Buddhists do not worship statues as idols but reagrd the statue of the Buddha as a perfect example of enlightenment and magnificent qualities and thus we make offerings towards the Buddha in order to let such qualities inspire n arise within us. Taoist asepct of Kai Guang is much more diff from Buddhists, they believe that it is to invite the Ling or spirit of the deity to reside within the statue, thus the statue is a place for deities to reside within. In Taoist usage of kai guang, they believe that without proper ceremony of dotting the eyes of the statue, it deity would not be able to see or hear ot respond to prayers. Thus i used the word dedicate or some buddhists use conscrete becos Kai Guang maybe misleading term to use in Buddhism is not properly explained. Kai Guang is always a alternative to use ..why not ? I am not a lawyer nor working in court ... =) need not play this kind of childish word games. It's just a preference of words usage. eRMM... Dun tell me that according to mace, it is a MUST to use kai guang again ???
My answer to Mace is: 1) I invite everyone to go check and verify what i mentioned. My basic point, dun believe in me, check n verify for yrsself. I wonder how come mace is so anxious to ask plp to believe in him/her? 2) I consider calling me short ciruit as a slander and personal attack, and I will report to the moderator regarding this. 3) Fengshui is not a Buddhist School, neither is True Buddha School. Do a checkup on True Buddha School, again. Since u r so close to Thekchencholing, u can ask felix about the issue of true buddha school. My basic point here again, do take what I say for granted, go and verify. =) b4ecos ultimately, u only u can convince yrself, all yr 6 senses belongs to yrself. 4) Ermm... money making chances here ?????? again, i consider that as a personal attac k, ask those whom have seek me b4, an try asking if I have asked for any angpow ? even they give i also reject. Come on .. i dun depend on Buddhism for a living ! 5) Regarding the placement of Buddha statues in anywhere, I have answered u in many threads from the Buddhist perspective. pls scroll to see past explanations. If u wanna use a Taoist / chinese method to view a Buddha statue, then that is yr biz. I always tell plp, where u feel good.... so ahead. have a respectful heart ... bless macer for spouting so much nonsence... other issues regarding personal attack, i would hand to the moderator. thanks
Hi ...just incase if u r a Buddhist, there is no taboos and no need to consult fengshui. door face anywhere in Buddhism also nevermind. Sharing with u the three "doors" of Buddhism. 1) Compassion 2) Wisdom 3) Expident so place these 3 "doors" in yr heart... yr family should always enjoy the most wonderful moments, no need calculate or worry about positions. Of cos, if u r not a Buddhist, just take it that i am sharing with u...... no means to convert u to buddhism.
it is so obvious that mace is so overly self confident that he or she has spoke without brains now: 1st. Thekchencholing is hosted by a so called Lay rinphoche, since WHEN was thekchencholing hosted by tibetean MONK ? Namodrol aka felix is a lay cleric of the tibetean order as for internal struggles i dun wanna comment. 2nd Ju Shi Lin aka the Buddhist Lodge is again a "temple" hosted by Lay persons the name of the temple tells u so. JU SHI. The temple does not provide Kai Guang services, u can jst place yr statue on the main hal''s altar for a peorid of time and when u wana take home, then just take as u like. Rememeber there is no taboo in buddhism ! 3rd. Guang Ming Shan also do not provide Kai Guang Services, u should approach their service counter n they will send a monk for a fee to recite n dedicate the buddhist statue. (do not approach the china monks directly, for they r "employed" by the temple's abbot and paid a salary. So the temple's management pays them, they r not supposed to solicit for businesse without temple's approval. 4th. Shuang Lin Temple is divided into the Buddhist side and the Taoist Cheng Huang Temple. Again, for the Taoist side, they will follow the taoist way to Kai Guang while Buddhist side will dedicate the Buddha statue in the Buddhist way. HOWEVER, mace did u a very good intro. becos Sheng Hong Temple is Paya Lebar is one of the 2 taoist temples in Sg that has a resident taoist priest using proper taoist kai guang procedures. The other temple with a resident priest is the CHong Yee Temple at Stirling road. Visit them anytime, they will be at yr service. Be careful of FSM or ignorant people who anyhow suggests and recommends and end up making yr house in a mess. And in the first place, since u have chosen Fengshui, an tu, xie tu,.... i supposed u r not a Buddhist cos Buddhists DO NOT practise the above. The Buddha forbade all forms of divinations. Btw, i not so sure if Mace is a cleric or not but definetly, I am one... but not self proclaimed. Being a lay cleric is not about making money but about sharing responsibilities is upholding the Dhamma for the welfare of sentient beings. Do not take ordained or lay clerics are Cleaners or chanters just to act a show infront of u. Our job is a lifetime commitmement of dealing with all kinds of people and ultimately, money is forever NOT the main issue. We do not treat people as customers but as people who does not know about their own religion and pass on to them the correct knowledge and practises. Just as mace who took monks for cleaners, chanting to clean dirty things away... such a concept should not be used upon any form of religious clerics. I do not deny the presence of such commercial monks or priests, so this is why it is all up to personal wisdom. Do not believe in what i say, do a read up and consult ard.. it will enhance yr understanding and faith for a better family and wonderful future. rem: Buddhist need not an tu and xie tu or see fengshui. WHY ? cos the Buddha said ... the most magical and powerful thing in the world is none than OURSELVES. well... maybe it is or it is not ... but for sure Buddhists should not practise divination. Some says fengshui is not religion but a scientific theory of this n that ..i din noe that science got to throw salt n rice and make prayers to earth .... it is so obvious ! The best fengshui is within ourselves...