Hi ucypmasMrs Mac here.. I disagree re his quote. In fact I think it is pretty good considering that he is not that good with English. I personally feel that "IDs" enjoy giving detailed (ie more than 2 pages) to justify the crazy prices that they charge. We approached quite a couple of IDs and it seems that the more detailed a quote, the more ex it is. I actually compared mr k's quote to those of IDs and everything that we required was in and all the important things had been captured. I was super impressed! To me, the quote shows that Mr K is a big picture kind of person who can't be bothered with specifics like no of drawers etc (which is good). Bet if it were IDs, they would charge based on the number of drawers. The more drawers you have, the more ex it will be. Though the important points have been captured, i guess the brief narration may still worry certain people. However, like what my hubby said, he works based on mutual trust. We trust him and he trusts us, as simple as that.