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Everything posted by midasls

  1. One Ying One Yang is the way (一阴一阳之谓道) The Way (道) should be link and not be block, is a way to peaceful and meaningful life (通则太平). For both qi to communicate, one have to be ying and the other have to be yang. How do we differentiate Ying and Yang ? Brightness, example colour or lighting. Thats how each Gua is separated into its own ying or yang state, by shapes, brightness, movement, height, etc. 巽阴就离。。。49纯阴之象,风吹火熄灭,为有待阳而得风调雨顺。
  2. FUXI and WEN WANG 伏羲和文王 Fuxi 伏羲 observe the weather changes and landscape changes and uses 8 GUA to symbolise them, Wen Wang 文王 act out the 8 GUA . 伏羲观天文查地理而画八卦,文王演绎八卦。 Observe 观察(先天), Act out 演绎 (后天) 。 先明白“体”,然后才有“用”。14组合,可以是时间的关系而发生,毕竟在地理用事位是避免用4(巽卦)的卦象,因为不当旺,除了某些情况,这是地理之用。时间好坏在于顺时或逆时,顺则生,逆则亡。天时,地理的用法不同,但是也是对立统一的。坎生巽,是可以的,但是重点在于时间。贪狼在巽宫守候。。。。。。
  3. 1贪狼,is wisdom, 智慧星,而智慧星是由乾卦所生,为16共宗,坎乾两卦有劳动之象征,就是要经过一番磨练才能得才,所以贪狼原来发来迟,wisdom don't come early. 要注意的是,16为纯阳卦,记得要休息和调理身体,例如给中医调理,那休息和中医调理身体是什么卦呢? Thats the missing link. 只把天医,福德装。。。。
  4. Hi, Cos the almost the whole poem is about yin and yang match. 8 gua in most iching books are describe as follow, from there we identify each object belongs to what gua and do a matching. 后天八卦 坎卦,阳,五行水,期于人为中男 坤卦,阴,五行土,期于人为老妇 震卦,阳,五行木,期于人为长男 巽卦,阴,五行木,期于人为长女 乾卦,阳,五行金,期于人为老夫 兑卦,阴,五行金,期于人为少女 艮卦,阳,五行土,期于人为少男 离卦,阴,五行火,期于人为中女 先天八卦 乾卦,数1,为天 兑卦,数2,为泽 离卦,数3,为火 震卦,数4,为雷 巽卦,数5,为风 坎卦,数6,为水 艮卦,数7,为山 坤卦,数8,为地 1357 为阳,2468为阴。 先后天关系 先后天八卦是矛盾体,可是这不是矛盾,先天和后天是因为时间不同,地点不同,形态不同,性质不同,所以阴变阳,阳变阴,万物不会一成不变的,如何分8卦象的阴阳属性?从时间,地点,形体,性质,动静,虚实,冷暖,远近。。。等等来分阴阳。 生者阳,死者阴,进者阳,退者阴。。。等等。如三元九运,艮(旺),离 (生),坎 (进) 三卦为阳气盛,其他就是死气或退气为阴。所以周易就是风水的基础。 希望大家可以从中了解堪虞(风水) 的系统。
  5. 八宮之締合,自有假真。 地天為泰,老陰之土生老陽。 若坤配兌女,庶妾難投寡母之歡心。 澤山為咸,少男之情屬少女。 8 palace match up, there will be true and fake match kun gua and qian gua match (地天泰),pure yin and pure yang match. kun gua and dui gua match (坤配兑),young concubine (庶妾为兑女) will not make widow(坤为寡母) happy,both belong to yin, dui and kun although is yin gold and yin earth, both element although compliment each other but both are yin gua yin element so will not last long. 澤山為咸, (澤为兑,山为艮)young girl (兑)and young man (艮) are perfect match. 咸卦为64卦里面的澤山,stands for man should respect the woman he love and married her, then 咸(贤)卦 can be completed and be auspicious, this is the start of a family. Cheers !
  6. No la......still slowly climbing, but thanks ! Cheers !
  7. Ah huh..... Road we choose ourselves...... Cheers !
  8. 陰陽雖云四路,宗支只有兩家 數列五行體用,恩仇始見星分。 As said already, everything is ying yang, first identify the body,ying yang and the element then we talk about use. As i have written before, the problem with FS is if we cannot identify the medicine, how we cure ?
  9. Hey bro, Hope all are good with you. Ok regarding about sleep late wake up early, that does not mean we will look like 米田共,if we sleep at 生气位, then will still be able to have energy. As the saying goes “得此一者,生者可以善期生,死者可以善期死". So what are with looking for in a house ? 清浊,冷暖,光暗.....清浊 can be as easy as dirty and clean, 冷暖 the air feel cold or stuffy, 光暗 wether the house which area is bright and which area is dark where sunlight cannot shines thru. Vibrant energy although seems like a "couple effect", infact its a tri-combination or sometimes quad, but in the end as we simplify it by calling it a "couple effect". We can say as "Nothing combine with Something".有无相生.
  10. Its all translated. Same goes to the poem u give me. How to use ? First identify all your household stuff, which element they belongs to, ying or yang. Then we talk about use. 名揚科第,貪狼星在巽宮 贪狼(1) at 巽宫 (southeast palace), but this is not 14 combination to begin with, 贪狼 is the first star in 北斗, it stand for wisdom, 贪狼原来发来迟, meaning this star will bloom late but......long lasting. 天一生水,地二成之, thats the clue to 贪狼. To deal with 贪狼 star is not as easy. 水冷金寒,坎癸不滋乎乾兌, thats what happen if we don't know how to deal with this 贪狼 star. 乾坎,秋冬,Autumn and Winter, therefore its too cold for anything, there is something missing in this combination, as in what is missing? Back to Iching study, these I will not explain further. Cheers !
  11. Energy (精神) Energy 精神 is how we interpret a place with good FS, its just like a person who like his or her job and happily working in a company, you can feel his or her vibrant energy in work, its not as simple as the person solely love his or her job, first and foremost the person must find the right place to make him or herself useful or show his or her talent. From then on we can see the person have different colour of qi (气色). Thats why in FS we seek for the colour of spring (春色). 紫气东来。。。。
  12. Trend ( 风气 ) In ZhouYi (周易), we have a He Tu (河图),Luo Shu (洛书),both although might be different but both diagram will be consider together when using them, like what are the trend in the society we examine on the 河图运 (甲子水运,丙子火运,戊子木运,庚子金运,壬子土运) together with the 洛书运 (星运),when we talk about 河图运, we will talk about the 5 element luck each lasting 12 years total of 60 years (六十甲子), when we talk about 洛书运, we talk about the stars 1 to 9 with each star luck lasting for 20 years, Both 河图运 and 星运 combine together can actually forecast a society trend (社会风气). FS have to take both 河图洛书 into consideration.
  13. 算生算死算子平 一周有易世难明 何日何时何年生 兜兜转转又一生 观天观地观人事 不明其理尽费时 万事万物有模样 万时万地任君赏 一切有貌不用想 三才之道通于象
  14. It just make me laugh to see u guys arguing and debating. If FS is good, why are u guys throwing knifes, fork, spoon, daggers at each other? I would like to see it as a discussion until murphy's law happen, but its all for a good cause. FengShui is supposed to help to bring 'smoothness' in our life. Be it family, career, health, etc. But have we taken into consideration the 'Shen chen ba zhi'? Some ppl are born in a wrong time, such that at times FS cannot help them in life. Do u guys study about that? Are we talking about limitations here ? If yes, then of cos we cannot compare from time to time and places to places. FS is like everyday we go out of our house and decides which route we wanna travel, left or right ? If we usually make a right turn and decide to make a left turn this time round our whole life will be different. if FS is so good, why are there divorces rate so high, unemployment, etc etc etc? So many families are listening to all the fengshui, in the end, what happen? confirmed i am very sure they don't face the stove and the sink wih each other. So what? Depends on which area we are, things can be worst, also if you have notice the trend there are more couples separated by distance, this in FS we call trend, trend are also what we call signs, 卦象,or we like to call 社会风气. People like to say 一命,二运,三风水,四积阴德,五读书, In actual fact, is 一读书,二积阴德,三风水,五运,六命. Everyone have his or her own talent, 天生我才必有用, if everything is 命 first, it will be more miserable then we debating about FS here. If I cannot study, I go do something else, simple as that. My friend put a kerb in front of his house main door, his reason - to prevent the good luck from flowing out. So i ask him- at the same time, are u preventing good luck from coming in? he shut his mouth after that. ​You make a good call on your friend's decision, qi flows in and out,do not block the entrance, as in how to trap....... now thats another story all together. The more difficult we make our pathway to the door and so on, the qi will get thinner and eventually we will come to a situation where we call it "TRAP DRAGON" 困龙, thats pathway get stuck at the door. A high number of Ang Mo don't believe in Fengshui. So are they always having bad luck? Like any human they are also affected by landscape changes and time changes. And how come there are different school of thoughts? or rather... whose thoughts? In China, the people will have 1 school of thoughts, also influenced with their way of life. In Korea, the people also will have their school of thoughts, also influenced by their way of life and culture. So who is right in calculating the FS? Yes,there's only one school of thought, and that's Zhou Yi (周易), thats the basic fundamental, be it TCM to FS. So what is FS actually? Its a study to know how to pick the best time and best space to do what we plan to do. If we have time and space as our upper hand, its just like a ship sailing to its destination with the help of the correct wind direction (TIME,天) and pick the correct sea route thats not rough (SPACE,地), all these are chosen by us, the human being,人 (天地人三才). Thats why ancient saying state that " If true practice of FS landed on the wrong hand, it will be a disaster. " All these used to be studies only for the emperor, including how to use people (用人之术),meaning putting the right people to the right job to fully optimise his or her talent. 择时,择地,择人. I am not against FS. But why make your life so miserable just bcas of FS?! To me no, life is wonderful with 周易. 乾山乾向水乾流,富贵永无忧。。。。。。 Cheers !
  15. You might as well said the TV inside got alot of copper wire, soldering, metal chips, resistor metal wires and for that you want to call it "metal" At times.........
  16. KC, This one i seriously have to agree with you "BASIN OVER LAPS INTO STOVE" really seriously cannot be use. Must find a renovation company ASAP.
  17. Its ok, well great to balance up space and furniture, too small a place too big furniture will create a clutter living space, just like big house but only few people stay will create a cold atmosphere, or small house too many people stay will create a claustrophobic living environment. Your body will feel it, too hot or too cold. Cheers !
  18. I think better PM ha ha ha
  19. This poem specially dedicated to a friend of mine, 方圆尖秀,必要明, 因为体用,夺功名, 若是休息,必是静, 这是土星,求方正, 千山万水,辨星体, 不论玄空,寻方位, 凡有次序,不能乱, 堪动虞静,以知此, 星体动静,也要明, 一弯一曲,水龙神, 层层次次,山法隐, 入形入格,星有相, 卦中错杂,祸必显, 先天为体,后天用 先明体用,后玄空, 阴阳聚散,两依依。
  20. Laozi 老子 Some old saying from Laozi is actually some practices in Feng Shui, in a modern city full of colours we might lost ourselves and be blinded. 五色令人目盲;五音令人耳聋;五味令人口爽;驰骋畋猎,令人心发狂;难得之货,令人行妨。是以圣人为腹不为目,故去彼取此。