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Everything posted by midasls

  1. Spray WD 40 need a master ? Tidy house need a FSM ? How simple ppl want things to be ? Or ppl wanna just make simple things more complicated like 玄机赋?
  2. He ask me i answer some liao lehh, answer all i will not. Then u come out pin point at me, of cos he will ask u explain also mahh, since u always have a point after my point, its only natural ppl ask u explain too lor. But.....still you uses 天地,座向,动静。。。。。ma equals to yin yang lor. I say yin yang to make things simple, and you use all the 阴阳代名词? Answer my 酸梅汤 if you have the time.
  3. Rupiah or SGD is up to them la. 正面或负面,its in our own hand to change it, 卦象不是死物.
  4. But 5cs also ask u to explain also leh, once u said before if the thread got mention you, you will pop up and answer, till now my 酸梅汤 also no answer. As for 玄机赋 i already explain some.
  5. All the while I strictly keep to my own thread la, hardly i go kachau other thread, cos i scare got ppl do business here too wait disturb ppl business then no good. Furthermore i am just a 冬瓜, I think will not have the power to disturb ppl business also.
  6. I always straight to the point, but if ppl ask me why squeaky door or untidiness got problem, its like handsome man pretty woman who don't like ? But why can tahan untidiness or squeaky door ?
  7. KC, I ma say the actual meaning liao lorrr....if cannot pick whats yin and yang in our environment, what 玄机赋, also no use one.
  8. i this 冬瓜, hope people go explore FS themselves.
  9. Ahh thats what I call 正面 and 负面. 卦无好坏,如果带煞,当然出负面. Dirty already clean it up, squeaking door spray WD 40, messy cable tidy it, as simple as that, becos 世间万物无一不是卦象。
  10. 天地,座向,动静,吉凶 Gua no matter how many, will still be related to the stroke (爻), its either yin stroke or yang stroke (阴爻或阳爻), so no matter how many family in the end still only got 2 types. As in when to use what stroke, we have to observe first. Fuxi one stroke open sky (一划开天). 天地.....天气,地形,有形求气, 《诗经·周南·关雎》 关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕素女,君子好逑。
  11. Sorry but i am the 画冬瓜指葫芦 type ......
  12. KC ahhh, 天地,座向,动静,吉凶乃阴阳也。。。。。
  13. 张三丰著,无根树 无根树,花正孤,借问阴阳得类无。 雌鸡卵,难抱雏,背了阴阳造化炉。 女子无夫为恕女,男子无妻是旷夫。 叹迷途,太模糊;静坐孤修气转枯、 无根树,花正偏,离了阴阳道不全。 金隔木,汞隔铅,阳寡阴孤各一边。 世上阴阳配男女,生子生孙代代传。 顺为凡,逆为仙,只在中间颠倒颠
  14. My basic is time and space, yin and yang, 顺 与 逆。 王者“尊贵”,一门独出最为贵。杂非成事,难能可贵。这是阴阳代言,九星,山水之名也是代名词而已。不要看人底,落在高处最为贵,不要看人贱,处在多贵,贱发威,不要看人丑,出在多俊,丑为善。阴变阳,阳变阴,天地定位是原理。择地先明阴阳理,不犯差错是王者。王者何也?王者为盛,客来生扶我也。观天地之机,后定位。众看生机,吾寻死,因为生气在吾手,善用阴阳妙化机。山水分明吾不用,用则立即失权威,这局两路都难行!
  15. I hope we do not mix up wisdom with intelligence. 14同宫 and 木火通明 is 2 different thing, although both can be use for kids studies but outcome can be very different, some difference can be seen using 14, the person are very good 口才. if 木火通明, can be seen as the person have alot of clever idea. 14 we can say that the person uses a wise method to study, where 木火通明, the person can understand things pretty fast. We can say that one is more academical and the other is more technical. But still all these above are only 2 variables, we still need a 3rd one, which decide who is the king among the 3 variables. Once the king decided then that shall be the STAR (GUA) thats being used. 地理之用,无非“难能可贵”四字. 高山如万马,穴在底处寻,这是阴阳无别理,阴阳差错祸不轻!
  16. Books to read, 1)堪虞道 2)星运布局 3)不可!为什么!? 4)天机妙诀 5)风水平谈 6)时事玄机 7)用易经旺家宅 8)高岛断易 9)周易象数例解 10)沈氏玄空(上/下 - Do not buy this 2 books with translations) 读书改运 ! I know its hard to read chinese books, but its worth the effort.
  17. I can recommend you a book......堪虞道.
  18. All i know man+man or woman+woman cannot make baby. So if like that I also dunno how to 成事 or 成人。。。or....成龙 Alll i can say is if everybody wanna go high, i choose low, everybody run, i sit.
  19. 巽阴就离。。。。风吹则火易熄。巽为风扇,风车。。。。
  20. The End is The Beginning (终始) We all know that any matter will have a beginning and the end, actually the end is another beginning. Like a flower, life of a flower starts when it bloom (开花), ending it wither (掉零),beginning (开始) , the end (终止), thru out this process from start till the end a flower goes thru 9 stages including the beginning. One will always wonder whats the beginning stage of a fruit ? Its not ripe and green just like a kid. 一生一成,相为经纬。一阴一阳,相为交媾。九畴从此生,九宫从此配、九星从此挨,而治国经野之道备焉。
  21. Been to china? Why guang chou so many pick pockets? Been to Yunnan, why people must drink until death before sealing a deal? Been to shanghai? Why all follow ang mo style........been to other parts of china......why their mandarin so poor?.......what 1 thought? You need exposure man....... This is a really good point here, but if one must go thru improper way of closing a deal meaning this deal better not close. 如果利用酒色场所而得财,必失财于酒色问题。一步错,满盘皆落索。
  22. Parents and kids 父母与子女 When both yin yang qi combine together we can see there is a male and female counterpart (雌雄), but yin yang combine with no outcome then there will be no chances (机), until we see a family form up meaning parents and kids (父母与子女). Yin and yang together there is a chance (生机), what we are looking for is a family (化机化育). One can say its a triangular relationship, but its better said as a family. 乾坤得生机,待贪狼现形或得气为化育。有生机但是无化育既是有机会但是不能发挥。